ACROSS AFRICA BY RAIL Developing the Mineral Resources of the Congo ACROSS AUSTRALIA BY TRAIN Pioneers of an Unparalleled Wilderness ACROSS THE ANDES In the face of unparalleled difficulties, aggravated by the climate, engineers in South America have succeeded in building railways across the world's second highest mountain range. These include the Peruvian Central Railway, in Peru, and the Transandine Railway, between the Argentine and Chile. AERIAL MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS By F. A. Talbot The Method of Alpine Viewing which is Safe, Luxurious, Rapid and Popular AERIAL RAILWAYS A Novel Form of Transport for Conveying Goods and Passengers in Mountainous Districts AMERICAN "COMET" A Diesel-Electric Express of Remarkable Design AMERICA'S FIRST TRAINS Their Origins and Early Developments ACROSS THE GREAT SALT LAKE For twelve miles across the storm-swept Great Salt Lake in Utah the world's longest trestle bridge was built by railway engineers to shorten by forty-three miles the route of the Central Pacific Railway. ALPINE TUNNELS Piercing the immense barriers of the Alps are four long tunnels—the Mont Cenis, St. Gotthard, Simplon and Lötschberg—which were, at the time of their building, unprecedented triumphs of engineering skill. ARTICULATED LOCOMOTIVES Their Evolution and Advantages ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY An Attempt to Drive Trains by Air Pressure AUSTRIA'S RAIL TRANSPORT Progressive Development in a Mountainous Country AUTOMATIC SAFETY Systems of Automatic Train Control AVOIDING THE AVALANCHESome Ingenious Protective Measures Adopted by Swiss Engineers BELGIUM'S STEEL NETWORKThe Most Concentrated System in the World BRIGHTON'S ELECTRIC RAILWAY The First Electric Line in Great Britain
BRITISH DIESEL RAIL COACHES A Challenge to the Competition of the Road BRITISH ENTERPRISE IN SOUTH AMERICA The Activities of Two Important Systems BRITISH RAILPLANE Overhead Streamlined Trains BUILDING THE WORLD’S LOFTIEST BRIDGE By F. A. Talbot The Central Span of the Fades Viaduct is Higher than the Topmost Point of the Forth Bridge BURMA'S METRE-GAUGE SYSTEM Developing the Resources of a Rich Territory CAPE TOWN-JOHANNESBURG EXPRESS Through Africa's Gateway into the World's Largest Goldfields CHANNEL TUNNEL, THE Ambitious Schemes for a Non-Stop journey from London to Paris "CHELTENHAM FLYER" Great Britian's Fastest Start-to-Stop Schedule CHICAGO'S UNIQUE UNDERGROUND A Remarkable Urban Transport System COACHES FOR ROAD OR RAIL Experimental Services Designed to Speed-up Travel "COCK O' THE NORTH" Secrets of One of Britain's Most Famous Locomotives CONQUEST OF CANADA How Pioneers thrust the Railway across a Vast Continent CONQUEST OF THE CLOUDS How Courageous Engineers fought Snow, Ice and Avalanche CONTINENTAL LOCOMOTIVES Evolution of some Powerful European Types "CORNISH RIVIERA EXPRESS" A Non-Stop Journey of Over 225 Miles in Four Hours CROSS-COUNTRY ROUTES Fast Services that Link Important Centres CRUISING BY TRAIN Novel Holiday Fashions have been Introduced by the Railways DEFYING DEATH VALLEYThe Stupendous Drama of the Men who Drove a Railway Across Fiery Desert Sands DETECTING RAIL DEFECTS Remarkable Safety Apparatus that Discovers Invisible Flaws DEVELOPMENT OF MALAYA, THE A Line that Brought Prosperity to the Jungle DIESEL LOCOMOTIVES The Construction of and Performance Obtained from the Oil Engine DIESEL SHUNTING LOCOMOTIVES Economical Traction for Special Services DOORWAY TO CANADA Developing a Dominion Along the Steel Highway DRIVERLESS SUBWAY TRAINS Carrying Mails Eighty Feet Below London Streets DRIVING A LOCOMOTIVE A Trip on The Footplate at Seventy Miles an Hour DURING THE RUSH HOURS How the Railways Serve their Regular Passengers ELECTRIC POWER ON THE GRAND SCALE The Greatest Suburban Electrification Scheme in the World ELECTRIC TRACTION A Vital Developmen in the History of The Railway ELECTRIFICATION OVERSEAS Development of Power Schemes in the Dominions ELEVATED AND MONO-RAILWAYS Lines that Run Above City Streets ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT Speeding Up Modern Railroad Construction ENGINEERING IN NEW ZEALAND - NORTH ISLAND The conquest of nature in the Antipodes ENGINEERING IN NEW ZEALAND - SOUTH ISLAND Outstanding Achievements in the South Island EVOLUTION OF COMPOUND LOCOMOTIVES Improvements in Applied Steam Expansion FAMOUS RAILWAY CENTRES : YORK The Working of an Important Northern Junction FAMOUS VIADUCTS How the Railway is Carried Across River and Valley FESTINIOG RAILWAY A Remarkable Narrow Gauge Line in North Wales FLOODS, FIRE AND EARTHQUAKE The Railway's Unceasing Battle with the Forces of Nature "FLYING HAMBURGER" Germany's Contribution to Streamline Design "FLYING SCOTSMAN" An Express that has Earned World-wide Renown for Comfort Combined with Speed FROM BRITTANY TO THE RHINE Three Great French Trunk Railways FROM IRON ORE TO STEEL RAIL The Manufacture of Modem Railway Lines GATEWAY TO BRAZIL The Trunk Line that Climbs a Precipice GERMANY AND HOLLAND The Railway Systems of Two Progressive Countries "GLACIER EXPRESS", THE A Journey Through the Heart of Switzerland GOLD COAST, THE A Railway Through the African Jungle "GOLDEN ARROW" London's Link with Europe and the Orient GREAT APENNINE TUNNEL Engineering Marvels of the Bologna-Florence "Direttissima" Route GREAT NORTH ROAD OF STEEL An Epic Story of the Courage and Endurance that built Britain's Highway to Scotland GREAT ST. GOTHARD How Switzerland's Wonder-Line Threads its Way through the Alps GROWTH OF LONDON'S TRANSPORT Transport for a Great City HOW A LOCOMOTIVE IS BUILT A Giant of the Railway Takes Shape HOW ESCALATORS WORK Speeding Up Modern Passenger Transport HOW MIGHTY ARE THE "KINGS" The Evolution and Working of the Great Western Railway's most powerful locomotive "King George V" HILL LINES OF INDIA Construction and Operation of Some Steeply Graded Routes HIMALAYAN LOOP LINE Remarkable Engineering Devices on an Indian Mountain Railway IN NORTHERN AFRICA The Railways of Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria INDUSTRIAL RAILWAYS The Operation of Two Small but Remarkable Systems INDUSTRIAL RAILWAYS 2 Important Private Lines in Great Britain IRELAND'S RAILWAY SYSTEM From small beginnings to great achievements ISLAND RAILWAYS Self-contained Systems of Unusual Interest ITALY'S CHILLED FREIGHT The Wonders of Refrigerated Railway Transport JAPANESE CABLE RAILWAY, A Climbing to the Summit of Mount Rokko San LABOUR- AND TIME-SAVING TRACK-LAYER AND ITS WORK By F. A. Talbot A Wonderful Machine for Laying Railways along Great Distances LAPLAND'S ARCTIC RAILWAY Beyond the Arctic Circle in Sweden, engineers have built a railway to open up a valuable natural deposit of iron ore, and Nature has been harnessed to supply the power for the railway. LOCOMOTIVE GIANTS - 1 By F. A. Talbot Showing the Development of the Huge American Locomotives LOCOMOTIVE SPEED RECORDS Some Famous Runs of the Past LOCOMOTIVE TYPES The Classification of Engines LOCOMOTIVE VALVE GEARS The Control of Steam in a Railway Engine LOCOMOTIVES OF THE PAST Photo Album LONDON'S FIRST RAILWAYS The Forerunners of a Vast Network MAGIC OF MODERN SIGNALS - 1 New Electrical Devices ensure Safety and Speed MAGIC OF MODERN SIGNALS - 2 Controlling Speed and Direction of Trains by Electricity MAGIC OF THE ANDES Climbing Through the Clouds in South America MAIN LINES OF BRAZIL Developing One of the World's Largest Countries MILAN CENTRAL STATION Behind the Scenes of the Largest Station in Europe MINIATURE RAILWAYS The Fascination of Lilliputian Lines at Home and Abroad MIXED TRAFFIC LOCOMOTIVES Tender and Tank Engines for Freight and General Service MODEL RAILWAYS Extensive Organizations that are Run in Miniature MODEL RAILWAYS - 2 Details of Some Miniature Lines MODERN LOCOMOTIVES Some Representative Designs from all over the World
MODERN TRANSPORT IN INDIA A System that Serves More than 350,000,000 People MOSCOW'S UNDERGROUND Russia's Capital Solves Its Transport Problem NEW AND NOVEL ARTICULATED LOCOMOTIVE By F. A. Talbot An Ingeniously Constructed Engine Which May Mark a New Era in Locomotive Design NEW ITALIAN CABLEWAYS Conquering the Heights by Aerial Transport NEW YORK'S LIFE-LINE An All-Freight Service Above City Streets NIGERIA AND SIERRA LEONE The Influence of the Railway in West Africa NORTH AMERICAN RAILROADS Vast Systems which Span a Continent "ORIENT EXPRESS" Across Europe from London to Istambul OUT TO SEA BY TRAIN How a Railway was Carried over a Hundred Miles across the Waters of the Mexican Gulf OVER RIVER AND LAKE Railways that Span the World's Waterways PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD A Giant System that Operates 30,000 Miles of Track PERMANENT WAY Construction and Maintenance of the Railroad PERTH GENERAL STATION The Hub of the Scottish Main Lines PIONEERING IN NYASALAND An Important Link with the East African Coast POLAND'S MAIN LINES A New Country Creates an Important Railway System POWER FOR LONDON'S TRANSPORT A Generating Station for the Supply of Electricity POWER PRODUCTION IN THE ALPS Supplying Electricity to the Swiss Lines PROGRESS IN RHODESIA An Important System in the Heart of Africa RACK RAIL LOCOMOTIVES Carrying Trains Over Mountainous Gradients RAIL-CARS OF FRANCE Lightweight Expresses Evolved by French Engineers RAIL-CARS ON RUBBER TYRES Modem Methods that Seek to Overcome the Noise Problem RAILROADS OF JAPAN Steel Highways in the Land of the Rising Sun RAILROADS OF NORWAY Bold Engineering in the Land of the Midnight Sun RAILWAY ARCHITECTURE Designs That Combine Elegance and Utility RAILWAY CARRIAGE, THE From Wooden Chariot to All-Steel Pullman RAILWAY CLEARING HOUSE Checking Rail Transport Revenue RAILWAY INVASION OF THE GOLD COAST By F. A. Talbot How the Sekondi-Coomassie Railway was Driven Through the Primeval Forests RAILWAY TAKES ALL Special Rolling Stock Must Carry the Strangest Loads RAILWAYS' DAILY WORK, THE Widespread Activities of Four Great Companies RAILWAYS IN THE NILE VALLEY Train Operation in Modern Egypt RAILWAYS OF CALEDONIA The Steel Highway in Beautiful Scotland RAILWAYS UNDER LONDON Driving Iron Tubes Far Below the Streets of the Metropolis ROLLING STOCK CONSTRUCTION Special Methods Adopted to Meet Modem Demands ROMANCE OF A STATION Some Sidelights on the Many Problems of Administration ROMANCE OF THE L.N.E.R. From the World's First Steam Railway to the "Flying Scotsman" ROMANCE OF THE RAILWAY TICKET The Story Behind the Slip of Pasteboard "ROYAL SCOT" ROUTE The Northward Journey of a Famous British Express ROYAL TRAINS The Historical Interest of Special Transport Provided for Royalty RUSSIA AND SIBERIA A Century of Progress in Rail Transport SANTA FE "CHIEF" A Journey of 2,228 Miles across the United States SCALING THE RAMPARTS OF BRAZIL The Sao Paulo Railway, which climbs the Serra do Mar and rises to a height of 2,625 feet in five miles, links the great plateau of Brazil with the South Atlantic Ocean. The cliffs are scaled by one of the most spectacular cable railway systems in the world. SCOTTISH DISTRICT SUBWAY Glasgow's Unique Underground Railways SCOTTISH MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS Fascinating Routes Through the Lovely Highlands SEEN FROM THE TRAIN The Meaning of Familiar Objects along the Track SEVERN TUNNEL One of the Longest Underwater Tunnels in the World SLIP COACHES Dividing Express Trains at Speed SOLVING THE SMOKE PROBLEM A Novel Aspect of Railway Engine Designing SOME ELECTRIC GIANTS OF EUROPE by F. A. Talbot The Development of Electric Power has led to the Production off some Wonderful Electrically Driven Locomotives. SOME GERMAN ACHIEVEMENTS Outstanding Developments in Railway Transport SORTING GOODS WAGONS The Fascinating Story of Whitemoor Marshalling Yards, where Goods Wagons are Swiftly and Automatically made up into New Trains SOUTH AFRICAN ELECTRIFICATION Progress of Big Power Schemes SPECIAL PASSENGER TRAFFIC How the Railways Handle Emergencies and Seasonal Crowds SPEED TRAINS OF BRITAIN Main Line Stretches Where the Fastest Runs are Made SPEED TRAINS OF EUROPE Routes and Records of Some Prominent Continental Expresses SPEED TRAINS OF JAVA The World's Fastest Narrow-Gauge Trains SPEED TRAINS OF NORTH AMERICA Fifteen Thousand Miles a Day Scheduled at Sixty Miles an Hour SPENDING MILLIONS TO SAVE MINUTES by F. A. Talbot Many Great Railways in Different Parts of the World have had to be reconstructed to meet Modern Requirements STATE LINES OF LATVIA Growth of a Modem European System STATIONS AND THEIR STORY Stopping Places of Unusual Interest STOPPING THE TRAIN The Working of the Westinghouse Automatic Air-Brake STORY OF THE G.W.R. Over 9,000 Miles of Track Developed in a Century STORY OF THE L.M.S. Nation-Wide Ramifications of Britain's Largest System STORY OF THE LOCOMOTIVE - 1 A Fascinating Record of Railway Engine Progress over a Century STORY OF THE LOCOMOTIVE - 2 The Development of the Railway Engine after the Rainhill Trials STORY OF THE LOCOMOTIVE - 3 Developments During the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century STORY OF THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY London's Link with the South Coast TANK ENGINES Design and Development of the Railway "Maids-of-all-Work" "TAURUS EXPRESS" A Romantic Journey through Asia Minor TESTING A LOCOMOTIVE How the Efficiency of a Modern Railway Engine is Proved TELESCOPIC DOUBLE-LIFT BRIDGE By F. A. Talbot An Ingenious Engineering Development to Cope with Railway, Shipping and Vehicular Traffic THREE JOINT RAILWAYS Combined Enterprises in the East, North-West, and South of England THROUGH DESERT AND JUNGLE From the Nile to Mombasa THROUGH THE OLD YORK MUSEUM A Fascinating Record of More than a Century of Railway Progress TICKET AND CHANGE MACHINES Mechanical Aids that Speed-up Travel TIME TABLES Early and Modern Guides to Link the Railway Services TRACK'S HEAVY ARTILLERY, THE Necessity has Forced Invention to Overcome Forbidding Obstacles of Nature "TRAIN FERRIES" Some Remarkable Examples of Trans-ocean Transport "TRANS-CANADA LIMITED" Across Prairie and Mountain Ranges—from Montreal to Vancouver "TRANS SIBERIAN EXPRESS" From Europe to the Far East by the World's most Cosmopolitan Train TRAVEL IN AUSTRALIA Southern Systems of a Vast Continent TRAVELLING BY TRAIN IN CHINA Notable Rail Developments in the Far East TRAVELLING POST OFFICES Handling His Majesty's Mails at Seventy Miles an Hour TUNNELLING AGAINST TIME The Wonderful Story of America's Eight-Mile Tunnel through the Cascade Mountains "ULSTER EXPRESS" Royal Mail Service between London and Northern Ireland UNCONVENTIONAL LOCOMOTIVES Some Notable Examples of Unorthodox Construction UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD LINES Important Railways which Serve Foreign Cities UNION PACIFIC STREAMLINED EXPRESS Flying on land from the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Coast VACUUM AUTOMATIC BRAKE, THE Stopping Trains by Atmospheric Pressure WHEN RAILWAYS WERE NEW The Struggle Against Prejudice and Superstition WORLD’S MOST FAMOUS RAILWAY By F. A. Talbot How the London and North Western Line Was Founded and has Developed ![]() |