Shipping and the Sea Index

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DOVER-DUNKIRK TRAIN FERRY Railway communications between Great Britain and the continent of Europe have been much facilitated by the train ferry across the English Channel between Dover and Dunkirk. For the first time, passengers are able to travel to or from the Continent without changing trains.

FASCINATION OF THE CARIBBEAN Separated from the Atlantic by a chain of islands of great variety and beauty, the Caribbean Sea, though sometimes swept by terrible hurricanes, has many attractions. It has been restored to the trade routes of the world by the opening of the Panama Canal.

GREAT PORTS - SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA The Golden Gate, which is the entrance to the wonderful landlocked San Francisco Bay, is one of the most romantic and historic waterways of the North American continent. Famous in the days of sail, San Francisco is now a magnificent harbour for merchant and naval vessels.

HOW THE MODERN SHIP IS TESTED On the Thames at Teddington, Middlesex, is the William Froude Laboratory, where wax models of ships are tested so that a designer can tell how his vessel is likely to behave in all conditions.

NAVY GOES TO WORK, THE In peace or war, by day or by night, the Navy works unceasingly. As the guardian of the world's most widespread Empire, its diverse activities and responsibilities are unique.

R.M.S. QUEEN MARY - SUPER-LINER Beginning merely as a number—No. 534—this vessel has grown into Britain's super-liner, a masterpiece of craftsmanship, a thing of beauty, and a crowning testimony to the brains and fingers of 300,000 people.

ROMANCE OF THE RACING CLIPPERS A graphic account of the romantic clipper ships whose mighty deeds have added such an immortal chapter to the story of the Seven Seas.

SAGA OF THE SEA, THE Man has written his story upon the waters ever since he first went down to the sea in ships. Adventure has succeeded adventure, conquest has followed on conquest, and the wonders of the world have become known.

SENTINELS OF THE SEA Extraordinary ingenuity, courage and determination are shown by the engineers who build, in dangerous and difficult conditions, the lighthouses which guide and safeguard ships at sea.


"THERE SHE BLOWS !" This is the traditional cry of the whaling men, who are among the hardiest of those who go down to the sea in ships. Margarine, perfume, leather and glycerine are important by-products of whales, which are thus a link with modern civilization.

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