'Lectures Pour Tous'
a Popular Litterary Magazine
'Lectures Pour Tous' was a French litterary magazine in the style of a Reader's Digest. The magazine not only published short stories and serialized novels but also general interest articles as well as pieces on current litteray, artistic and political events. During the war years the latter meant extensive coverage of military actvity. Being French, the magazine was intensely and unreservedly patriotic. The layout was graced with an abundance of photographic and illustrative material, often by leading artists such as Lucien Jonas, Fortunino Matania, Ricardo Flores and others.
The same publishers also edited 'Je Sais Tout' a monthly scientific and technological magazine of similar size and look.
- see also
- Les Trains de Permissionaires
- Impressions dun Blessé
- Impressions dun Humoriste Combattant
- Sur le Chemin des Dames
- Le Tunnel de Tavannes
- Cinq Semaines en Argonne en Aout 1914
- Souvenirs d'une Infirmière-Major
- l'Ame de Nos Soldats
- Nos Diables Bleu en Alsace
- Le Théâtre au Front
- Carnet d'un Prisonnier en Allemagne
- Les Bons Chiens de Nos Poilus