a Popular Science and Mechanics Magazine Goes to War
several colorful coverpages
'Je Sais Tout' - 'I Know Everything' - a rather grandiose title for a magazine, was normally in the habit of publishing articles having to do with popular science and mechanics. However as with so many things, the Great War disrupted publication. Needing to offer something to subscribers, the publishers decided that for the duration of the war, as good French patriots, they would suspend publication of their normal issues and instead offer a number of special issues that would be irregularly published. These special issues covered war related subjects, quite often lacking anything at all to do with scientific or mechanical matters (except for perhaps describing the process of producing ammunitions).
Issues featured themes such as 'Gallant Little Belgium', 'Our Brave British Allies', 'Aerial Warfare', 'Naval Warfare', 'Producing Munitions', "Caring for the Wounded', 'Recruiting Soldiers', 'War Refugees' and so on. The magazine contained many photographs and illustrations along with graphs, tables of figures and explanatory diagrams.
see also : Aux Avant-postes d'Alsace / Les Rats Plaie des Tranchées / Le Théâtre au Front
See this link for a collection of 30 full pages from a special issue of 'Je Sais Tout' devoted to the Belgian war experience.