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Newsletters of the RNZA Association are published quarterly as 'The New Zealand Gunner' journal, and are posted directly to members. Selections from them are available here with the following exception: historical articles appear in the history pages; obituaries appear in the members pages; personal details of other items have been omitted for the sake of privacy. To see the full newsletter, join the Association. To contribute an article to the journal, contact the editor, Marie Roberts , PO Box 5118, Rotorua West 3044, or phone 07 348 4659, or fax 07 348 4639, or email [email protected] .

Delta gun
161 Bty
Manawatu River
May 2000
No. 131 August 2006
No. 130 June 1006
No. 129 March 2006
No. 128 December 2005
No. 127 September 2005
No. 126 June 2005
No. 125 March 2005
No. 124 December 2004
No. 123 September 2004
No. 122 June 2004
No. 120 December 2003
No. 119 September 2003
No. 118 June 2003
No. 117 March 2003
No. 116 December 2002
No. 115 September 2002
No. 114 June 2002
No. 113 March 2002
No. 112 December 2001
No. 111 September 2001
No. 110 June 2001
No. 109 March 2001
No. 108 December 2000
No. 107 September 2000
No. 106 June 2000
No. 105 March 2000
No. 104 December 1999
No. 103 September 1999
No. 102 June 1999
No. 101 March 1999
No. 100 December 1998
No. 99 September 1998
No. 98 June 1998
No. 1 July 1968
Gunner Cody Hughes, 163 Bty
Gunner Cody Hughes
163 Bty
March 1999


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