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Newsletter No. 111 September 2001


Routine Orders

Last Post

Capt. TJ (Tom) Chapman Associate Life Member, at Waikanae on 1 July 2001.
Barney Harrop at Auckland on 9 August 2001.
MajGen Geoff CarterRoyal Australian Artillery, Chief Instructor at the School of Artillery Waiouru in 1975-76.

New Members

John Gatley and David Bähler. Return to top

From the Editor

2001 Reunion

The annual get together is to be held in Taupo over the weekend 9 to 11 Nov 2001. The programme of events is as follows:

1600hrsGather at the Taupo RSA - Horomatangi Street.
1000hrsAnnual General Meeting at the SPA HOTEL Spa Road.
AfternoonFree time
1800hrsPre-dinner drinks at the Bowling Club.
1900hrsREUNION D1NNER at the Bowling Club.
Dress:Gentlemen: formal Jacket & Tie, loungesuit or appropriate uniform.
Medals and Decorations to be worn.
Ladies: Semi-formal.
Wine:You will be able to purchase wine, for consumption during the dinner, from the Bowling Club bar. Port for the toasts will be supplied by the Association.
1000hrs Church Parade in the SPA HOTEL LOUNGE which is the historic meeting house 'Tiki o te Tamamutu'. This year the service will be conducted by the Rev Derm Buchanan, the Taupo RSA Padre. Medals etc to be worn. After the Church Parade 'One for the Road' in the Spa Hotel Dining Room.
Afternoon. Disperse.
  1. You will note that this year we will not be using the Taupo Yacht Club, the hire cost of the club for the day was over the top. The Bowling Club is directly across the road from The Yacht Club in Lake Terrace Road just prior to the Boat Harbour. Although the Bowling Club does not have the great views of the lake etc seen from the Yacht Club it will be a good dinner venue.
  2. Dinner will be available at the SPA HOTEL on Friday evening at 1930hrs (bar open at 1830hrs) for those that are using the SPA accommodation. Breakfasts will not be available at the Spa this year. You will need to take your own breakfast food or make other arrangements.
  3. Accommodation Costs at the SPA HOTEL are as follows:
    • Studio Units: Single $30 per night, Double $50 per night
    • Chalets: Double $80 per night and any extras $10 each a night. We normally fill the 10 Studio units, for these it will be a case of first in first served.

If you are going to attend the reunion please fill in the registration form on the last page of the newsletter and return it to "The Secretary, PO Box 72 140, PAPAKURA by Friday the 28th of September. Return to top

Government Superannuitants' Association (GSA)

The GSA is the Watch Dog for those of us who draw the Government Superannuation Benefit (Not the over 65 pension). Col Bert Dyson attended a recent meeting of the Bay of Plenty Branch and has sent to me copies of the GSA April News Letter. A large concern is the membership. About half the potential membership join and the attrition rate, mainly because of the death of older members, is a problem. To ensure the government is reminded of their obligation to honour the contract signed by each member, the assn needs to remain fully representative and this means maintaining membership numbers. If you are not a member I strongly recommend you join. For the small sum of 80 cents deducted from your benefit every 4 weeks, you can become a member and will receive the Assn News Letters and gain access to your Branch Secretary. To join please contact the Assn at PO Box 5255 Wellington. Ph 04 472 7006, fax 04 473 7431 or e-mail [email protected]. Return to top

Treasure in North Head Tunnels

(Wally Ruffell reports on the Judgement of Her Honour CJ Elias)

Much has been published in the media about lawsuits between The Ministry of Defence and Mallard Productions Ltd in association with one John Earnshaw covering the period 1987 to the present time.

The latter litigant believed historic as well as other valuable military artefacts were located in the tunnels of Fort Cautley. Mallard expected to profit from the sale of a film of the search of the tunnels and Earnshaw from 50% of the value of other material expected to be found.

The aircraft sought by the plaintiffs had been destroyed as unserviceable, they were burnt on the beach at Devonport in 1926. Confirmation of this was supplied by the late Major HG Salt MBE RNZA who witnessed the event, and by the late Mr G Bolt OBE, one-time instructor, pilot and engineer at the Walsh Brothers flying school who identified metal parts which had survived the fire. An article showing Salt and Bolt appeared in the Auckland Star of 6 Nov 1961, the latter is shown holding part of one of the Boeing aircraft sought. Apparently Earnshaw and his colleagues chose to ignore the article.

Anticipated income from the documentary film Mallard proposed to make amounted to $1,028,000, later amended to $400 000. Earnshaw claimed to have lost 50% of $9,100,000 expected to come from the sale of the aircraft and other material eg vehicles, small arms etc that he claimed was stored in the tunnels. He also claimed $44,000 loss of income caused by his participation in the fruitless searches for the equipment.

Statements from the late Major Reg Nutsford who had been closely associated with North Head since 1938, from Wally Ruffell who had been Accounting Officer 9 Coast Cadre 1962-64 when equipment was moved to Sylvia Park as well as from other defence personnel, that the tunnels were empty, the plaintiffs chose to ignore.

In her summing up the judge, while agreeing that the plaintiffs had slight justification that the Crown was in breach of its agreement to provide full assistance to the search, awarded each of them $100 damages.

At the time of the judgement, 21 May 2001, costs were still to be determined. Return to top

Deployment and Procedure for a Survey Troop R.A. (Continued from NL 110)

Appendix (3) Aspro-fix:

A. Sun Azi-Myth: The instrument is set up and the sun shot with rapid bursts of horizontal and vertical fire. The results are recorded on the inside of a cigarette packet, and the following deductions from them are made:

  1. Paralysis in Altitude.
  2. Semi-diurnal arcs.
  3. Conveyance to and fro.
  4. Magnetic varieties (not ENSA � ENSA was an entertainment organisation).

What is left is known as Azi-Myth.

B. Polaris Azi-Myth: A special set of tables � "Happy Jack's (Capt JP Arthurs) Almanac" - has been prepared by an eminent mathematician. The Sergeant instructs the gunner to look up the correct page, and there the answer is!

Appendix (4) Theodolites:

  1. 'The Crook Trough and Simple' (CTS) is provided to all Surveyor Troops for ARTY Survey. It has two verniers, three legs and one telescope. The verniers should be read with a rapid nodding motion of the head to avoid paralysis.
  2. 'The What?' or 'Builders Level' is an excellent instrument for hill country, weighing only 20ozs. It has two micrometers, three legs and one telescope. During a breeze it should be tied down to the station with the Chain and large boulders.
  3. 'The Wilde': This is a very beautiful instrument, built on modern lines and painted a delicate Survey Green. It is studded with dainty chromium bowls containing the palest pink crystals imaginable, these, on pay days will turn a most exquisite deep rose. Also inserted like lakes amid the green country side are little crystal mirrors which are placed in positions in accordance with the Higher Designs of the creator. Of course it is an officer's instrument, but Sergeants are sometimes allowed to approach it if they have an order from the GOC.
  4. 'The Zeiss': This is a similar instrument to the Wilde except its colour scheme is pearly grey. It has three telescopes looking in different directions which affords variety and scope to the surveyor.
  5. 'The CT and S Crusader': This is an armoured model mounted on a steel chassis and is for use in blitz warfare. It weighs 1000lbs fully mounted and will withstand heavy A P shells and 250lb bombs. It has an optical scale marked in 20sec intervals but this is ignored and what is not marked is read. The MK 2 model (Crusader-Tiger) has no marked scale, just a continuous space (Space-time Continuum) being provided.
  6. 'The Tavistock': This is the latest word in comfort and has a revolving seat for the observer, air conditioning, E.L. and H. and C. It also carries a complete bicycle repair outfit and the lighting set has been known to work.

THE END Return to top

Can You Help?

17 Field Regiment

Jocelyn Addison is trying to contact members of 17 Field Regiment who served in the Pacific during WW2. Her father, Bombardier William Robert Ashton was a member of 35 battery on Vella Lavella in the Solomons in l943. He and others operated a captured Japanese landing barge for a period. If you can help Jocelyn's e-mail address is [email protected] or please get in touch with the secretary.

Escape From Greece

In 1941 seven Kiwis and a 14 year old Greek boy, George Bizos, escaped from the port of Kalamata in an open boat. The boat was damaged in a storm. While drifting they managed to signal a passing convoy and were picked up by HMS Kimberley on her way to Crete. George Bizos is still alive and he has for many years tried to find the seven Kiwis. His daughter in law Mary Bizos has now taken up the problem. One of the Kiwis may have been called Fraser. If you can help Mary her E-mail address is [email protected] or please get in touch with the secretary. Return to top


The Association website continues to grow and prosper. Recently, we have had greetings sent from the NQ Sub-branch of the Royal Australian Artillery Association (Queensland), and from an American Vietnam vet, LeRoy C. Dahms Jr (USMC). We have had several requests for assistance with school projects, and have been able to assist with supplementary material. There are new articles on the site each month, and the webmaster will always be delighted to receive more articles and requests for personal pages from members. Apparently, we're in the top ten personal websites in NZ. The website address is or you can ring 06 327 8831 or mail to Catherine Rivers, RD3, MARTON.

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