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Newsletter No. 127 September 2005

Last Post

Phillip George Monk 17 Oct 1994, Christchurch
William BF McAllum27 April 2005, Christchurch
Neville M Fisher11 August 2005, Papakura

New Members

Clarence Ormsby, Ian Beker, Ronald Apiti, Charles Purcell, Alexander MacKintosh, Graeme Wilson, Abe Swanson, Harry Haitana, Te Upokopakari Rangitoheriri, John Webster, Dave Harrison, Bob Wilson, Russell Gregory, Paddy Ryan, Forbes Greenfield.


    The NZ Army Assn Taranaki Branch has advised that Cambridge's marking of Armistice Day will be bigger and better than before. Watch for news of the weekend 12 - 13 November in your local newspaper. Militaria markets, warbirds flyovers, bands, military vehicles the lot. Sunday is the big day with a grand military parade.
  2. Reunion 2005 will be in Palmerston North weekend 18, 19, 20 November.

That's all for now keep your powder dry. Ubique. God Bless you all.
Graeme (Jack) Black Return to top

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