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Newsletter No. 122 June 2004

Routine Orders     |    From the Editor

Routine Orders


It is with a heavy heart that I have to inform you of the passing of our Secretary John Rout on Monday 24 May. The Funeral was held on Thu 27 May. Messages can be sent to 39 Milson Drive, Papakura.

John has been our Secretary for about 4 years and in that time displayed his normal attitude to any task set to him with above average ability. He treated Reunions as if it were his personal responsibility to ensure that the weekends went without the slightest hitch and that all personnel who attended went home truly satisfied.

He was my very close friend for nigh on 45 years where we served together, courted our wives together, lived beside each other and our daughters were the best of friends. In later years we were to continue our relationship again on the Committee of the Old Comrades. For me this loss was very personal.

I have been officially appointed as Secretary/Treasurer and will do everything in my power to continue the very high standard of work that you have been enjoying from John. Believe me it will be a hard act to follow. The double hat of Secretary/Treasurer was brought about by John Barrett not being in a position to give the task his best shot due to work and personal commitments, so it was decided to combine the appointments.

John's Funeral

Roger Newth writes that the Military Funeral was carried with the normal professionalism and dignity of 16th Field Regiment. There were at least 300 there and the service was conducted by an LDS Pastor who I had great difficulty in hearing. The speakers were very good, Johns brother David and his two sisters were first and they spoke of his early days before joining Regular Force Cadets. Then came Denis Dwane speaking on behalf of the Army and Johns brothers-in-arms, then Woody Barrett on behalf of WOSL and finally Johns son (whose name I didn't catch but is a SSgt in RNZ Sigs) who was quite emotional, and then Jan spoke thanking everyone for their messages of condolence etc.

After that it was on to the Gun Carriage and off to the cemetery where John was placed with due respect and ceremony. The Gunners doing the bearers' job and the firing party were very good and the bugler did a fine rendition of the Last Post and long Reveille.

I couldn't put names to everyone there but I was able to see and talk to the following Old Comrades: (In no real order) Brigadier Warren Whiting, Bob Blankley, Barry Cook, Geoff Hitchings, Dave Collins, Bob Kerslake, Don Potter, Scratch Millyn, Dave Roberts, Bill Giles, Teach Macown, Bill Powrie, Ted Lile, Alan Taylor, Denis Dwane, Woody Barrett, John Ross, Jeff Waters, Graham Henderson, Fred Biggwither, Allan Boyd, Yogi Young and Bill Morland. Barry Dreyer and Grant Box were also to the fore as well as a lot of other Gunners from the past. There may well have been others that I didn't see.

Appointment to Colonel Commandant

It is my very great pleasure to advise the appointment of Brigadier Graham Birch MBE to Colonel Commandant of the Royal Regiment of New Zealand Artillery.

Bob Blankley and I visited Brigadier Birch to congratulate him on behalf of out Association and to brief him about our feelings for the future of this and other Gunner Associations. Discussed was the fact that we have two choices, one, let the Association quietly die away or, two, pack down and give it our very best shot to reignite interest. Graham has pledged his support and will provide what ever help he can in the position of Colonel Commandant.

Last Post

Eddie Forbes  in Lower Hutt on the 9th of February 2004.
John McMeiken   in Devonport on the 28th of April 2004.
John Rout   in Papakura on the 24th of May 2004.

New Members

None this time. Return to top

From the Editor

Reunion and Annual General Meeting 2004

The Reunion this year will be the weekend Friday 5 to Sunday 7 November. The format will be much the same as previous years with the expected costs as follows:
Spa Chalets per 2 people $100. Each extra person $10
Spa Studio per 2 people $70. Each extra person $10
Breakfasts $10 per person. Bowling Club dinner $35 per person
Spa bistro meals on Friday night as per the menu board.


As with previous years where you can provide some small prize for the raffle, that would be greatly appreciated. Remember the proceeds of the raffle help to defray the weekend's cost e.g. Taxis, Port etc.

Old Comrades Memorabilia

Currently I have a number of items of memorabilia at home that really should be housed in the Artillery Museum in Linton for any visitors to view. Items such as The In Memoriam Book, historical badges, Wally Ruffell's gun etc. It is my intention to deliver those item to the Regiment in the next week or so.


'The darkest hour � is only sixty minutes'.
'The gates of hell are never locked � they are always open to all men.'

That's it I have run out of steam and paper. Until August or when those 'on-line' hear from me. In the August Newsletter I will bring you up to date with discussions I am having with other Gunner Associations throughout New Zealand and in fact the world. Once a Gunner always a Gunner

Graeme (Jack) Black Return to top

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