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Newsletter No. 128 December 2005

Last Post

Jim Fitzgerald 29 August 2005, Invercargill
David Roberts7 October 2005, Rotorua
Len 'Spud' Murphy21 October 2005, Papakura

New Members

Vic Colson, Colin Jansen, Greg Allan, 'Paddy' Paddison, Eric Mengelberg, Willy Parker.

Reflections of the Association

Until the 1998 Reunion I knew very little about the Association, then I received the Newsletter that reflected on that Reunion also there were some pictures on the website. People, Gunners, I had not seen for many years enjoying each other's company. I then realised the person missing out was myself so decided to attend the 1999 Reunion. This was a real eye-opener, people who I had had no contact with for so many years, Gen Hassett, Brig Burns and Smith, John Rout, Bill Beveridge, Joe Hanvey, Jim Gilberd, Dave Roberts, Wally Ruffell, Frank Lupo, Gordon Weaver, all there but now sadly, gone. Many more were there and are still with us and I had the pleasure, privilege and honour of renewing my memories with these people so I decided I would attend every Reunion in the future because there was going to be a time when they had passed on and I would not be able to enjoy their company again. So it happened more have gone, but at least I have very pleasant memories of at least one last opportunity to share their company.

On Friday 25 November I took Ian (Eyetie) Johnstone to the Auckland Artillery Officer's Club luncheon and who turned up RO (Jerry) and Mrs Meyer. I have not seen Jerry since Dec 1957 when he told me I was posted to the School of Guns, had I not attended the luncheon maybe I would never have seen him again.

I think if you all just reflect on the past and consider when you last saw this one or that one you may come to the conclusion that you are missing out badly. Memories are great but just think of the shear delight of the face to face sharing of tales tall and true, remember this, remember that. Think about it when we offer the next reunion.

Reunion 2005

Our Patron Col Don Kenning MBE was unable to attend with Noeline and sent us his very best wishes for a successful reunion.

This year as you know the Reunion was held in Palmerston North as a change from Taupo. Our Base was the Palmerston North RSA who did a superb job of looking after our every need. The Alpha Motel and the Kingsgate Hotel were the main areas of accommodation and again did a superb job of providing all our requirements. 16th Field Regiment was responsible for the museums on Saturday afternoon, RSM Solly Solomon was on hand to see that we were well looked after. Solly is a member of our Association but he went that extra mile to assist us with all the help possible and here I make my personal thanks which are echoed by all members �Thank you Solly you are a true Gunner RSM.� The presence of nine people from the South Island was greatly appreciated some have not been seen for many years, great to see you all.

The reunion was attended by President Denis and Margaret Dwane, Ray and Laurie Andrews, Peter and Josephine Baker, Robert Barker, John and Terri Bellamy, Graham and Janine Birch, Graeme Black, John and Bev Blaker, Alan Boyd, Sel Bryant, Barry and Maureen Cook, Matt Crawley and Rita Moore, Ron and Caroline Cross, Don Donaldson, Barry and Judy Dreyer, 'Skin' and Jill Frances, Frank and Joan Gibbison, Bill and Emma Giles, Fred Goodall, Graeme Henderson, Frank and Pat Hopkinson, Jim Horn, Jack Kearney, Bob and Bette Kerslake, Ted and Nes Lile, Brian Meyer and Linda Novotny, George, Patti and Clive Miln, Spencer Morrison, Roger Newth, Des O'Connor, Paddy Paddison, Don and Lorraine Potter, TeUpo and Evelyn Rangitoheriri, Paddy Ryan, RSM 16th Field Regiment WO1 Solly and Aroha Solomon, Colin and Shirley Stanbridge, Tony Tustin and Patricia Murray, Sherwood Young. Our Guests were Deputy Chief of Army Brigadier Barry and Barbara Vryenhoek, CO 16th Field Regiment Lt Col Martin Neale DC, Padre Tom Parker from Linton and Organist Clare Woodbury.

Friday evening there was the normal mix and mingle where many stories tall and true were exchanged in the pleasant atmosphere of the Palmerston North RSA. We left the RSA with the floor covered with sand, bits a jungle, cartridge cases and many broken light bulbs from the 'stonks', 'murders', creeping barrages and plain old fashion gunfire that had many repeats, not to mention the little pats of bullshit here and there. There were the remains of a Morris Commercial and an 18 pounder as well!

Saturday, AGM in the morning where the points of interest were:

  1. The acceptance of the Horowhenua Artillery Association as an Associate Member. We are trying to get as many other Gunner organisations under our umbrella, NOT to command them but to establish links so we can re-establish the family we once had.
  2. Graham Birch made a plea for gunner pictures, paintings or even cartoons. Pics of people doing Gunner things, FO parties, CP parties, AOP, anything that has a Gunner flavour. If you have anything like this please send them to Graham. If you don't want to give them up forever then please scan them and burn a disc and send that. Send it down the wire and you will wait a while for it to be completed and Graham will be up all night waiting for it to finish. There is one very important thing about pictures, please note on them what they are and who are the people in them. E-mail [email protected] , snail mail Brigadier Graham Birch MBE, 467 Omokoroa Beach Rd, RD 2, Tauranga.
  3. Fred Goodall, of umpiring and CO 3rd Field Regiment fame, spoke of how he was honoured to join the Old Comrades and continue his association with the family he loved so much, The Gunners, and congratulated those who had amended the Rules to allow this to happen. [Fred, also remember that we too loved and respected you.]
  4. Sel Bryant commented on the forming of the Association in 1934 and told us he joined in 1935. Being a Life Member Sel is not required to pay a sub, so he sends us a donation instead. Not bad for a 94 year old.
  5. Reunion 2006. The unanimous decision was to return to Taupo, even if the Spa is not in great nick we always have a damn good time there. Bob Kerslake commented that one could pick up a bottle and easily find someone else and have a party, this was not possible at the Kingsgate. Denis, Barry Dreyer and I will conduct a recon early next year but I think at this stage it is a pretty good bet that we will pitch our tents at the Spa and leave it to our caterer as to where we hold the dinner. This in no way reflects on the Palmerston North Reunion which was a great success.
  6. Petty Officer (Mrs) Emma Giles has knitted us a Gunner doll that will be centre place for the top table at all future dinners, plus Matt Crawley gave a small wooden gun carriage that will be used for the top table Artillery Port.

Saturday afternoon we were entertained at the 16th Field Regiment and 1st Battalion RNZIR museums for two hours. This was all made possible by Solly Solomon. There were many quite amusing comments about some of the photos on display, like �there's old so and so doesn't he look young!� We were all young and beautiful once, but time has taken its toll!

Saturday evening the Dinner was held in the Palmerston North RSA dining room. Denis Dwane Dining President, 'Skin' Frances Mr Vice, Padre Tom Parker said Grace, RSM Solomon toasted The Queen, Matt Crawley Absent Friends, Graeme Black Our Ladies, Sherwood Young Our Heritage, Ron Cross The Regiment, and Deputy Chief of Army Brigadier Barry Vryenhoek gave The Address based on the state of the army and soldiers today.

This was followed by the trick we had up our sleeve, a dedication to Alan Boyd, a sort of mini 'This is Your Life'. At a previous committee meeting Denis suggested that we make a dedication to a well known Gunner identity and Alan was the one chosen. This had never been tried before but it was a resounding success. Unbeknown to Alan when Barry and Judy Dreyer invited him to travel with them Judy insisted he sat in the front seat, this was so that he could be grilled by Barry whilst Judy took the notes in the back seat. Believe me they did a sterling job and it must have been no mean feat to do that from Auckland to Palmerston North. When this all came out Alan piped up �That's it I'm riding in the back on the way home!� There were a number of letters read out from people who were unable to attend, memories of Alan from days gone by.

Congratulations must be made to Denis, Barry and Judy for a job very well done and I do that on behalf of Alan, who I have known personally since 1954 and also thank them.

Sunday the RSA had set up the Functions Room for our Church Service that was conducted by the Linton Padre, The Rev Tom Parker with the accompaniment of Clare Woodbury on the organ. Tom conducted a service and his address that was well suited to the congregation. Barry Dreyer read The Lesson and Emma Giles read the Roll of Honour. Again, my sincere congratulations to Tom and Clare for a lovely service.

After the service some made a mad dash to see the replay of the footy, while many others were able to chat over a cup of coffee with Barry and Barbara Vryenhoek and each other, then is was off to home locations.

That's all for now keep your tube clean and powder dry.
The President, Major Denis Dwane MBE, and Committee wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year
God Bless you all.
Graeme (Jack) Black Return to top

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