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Tony Mirachi wants to know if there is a gun older than the 42mm Hotchkiss 1.65 that fired the first complete round (warhead, case, powder and primer all in one). Contact him at [email protected] .
March 2008

Selwyn Lilley, from the Wairoa RSA, would like to find some tyres for their 6lb anti-tank gun. The current tyres are in a poor state, and the gun may need to be moved in the near future. If you can help Selwyn get replacement tyres, please contact him: [email protected] . Selwyn served with 16th Fd Regt, depot Bty, in South Vietnam and with 22 (D) Bty.
February 2008

A special Joint Services concert to commemorate the 60th anniversary of VE Day concert with the RNZA Band, Glenfield College, Kaipatiki Rd, Glenfield, North Shore Auckland on Sat 7th May 2005. Doors open at 6.15pm. Tickets $15. WW2 vets wearing medals have free entry and only $10 for a companion's ticket.
May 2005

The Oranje Vrijstaat Artillerie Corps is an historical study and re-enactment group based in South Africa. They have their own authentic guns and are keen to preserve the history of the equipments and the units associated with the Anglo-Boer War. If you know the whereabouts of any equipments used in that war, or can get any information on any of those pieces (especially serial numbers), please let them know at [email protected]. They are sincere about getting their facts right and are generous in spreading the word about the pieces they find.
October 2002
The embroidered pillow Bill Godwin-Toby reports "Hello New Zealand! An expatriate Canadian, working as an international civil servant in Austria for 28 years, I frequently spend time in the Austrian countryside. Last weekend, I spend two nights in a quaint hotel south of Graz... In an upstairs lounge, a small pillow caught my eye because of a Royal Artillery insignia. The embroidery is sewn to the pillow cover made of what I think is a piece of military issue, olive drab, blanket. The owners have few clues to its origin. Either it was sewn by an Allied prisoner, or following the war, by a German or Austrian soldier incarcerated in the same camp. I have attached a photo thereof ... The hotel, the proprietor of which is named Harkamp, can be found at www.harkamp.at. They have super wines and the best fried chicken I have eaten in years!"
Thanks to Ivan Dominikovich for sending this to us. He runs the John T. Murray website which you can reach from the Links page.
October 2002

Brigadier Blackie Burns's book, "Life is a Twisted Path", has been launched in Rome with a reception for 100 people including diplomats and the families who sheltered Blackie during his time on the run from the enemy in WW2. The book will be available in three languages - English, Italian and German. It covers his escape during WW2, and should be in NZ early next year.
September 2002

Don Donaldson reports that he has given up beer! While this willl be a shock to many, rest assured that he has not forsaken his whisky.
August 2002

On 2 May about six original 5 Field Regiment members of 2 Echelon and nearly 40 others from later Reinforcements gathered at the Mt Wellington-Panmure RSA to celebrate the 62nd anniversary of their departure from NZ. Among those present were Allan Boyd (the organiser), Ken Gibson (A Tp commander), Terry Nolan, Jimmy Nichol, Bob Cox, Alan Paton, Fred Anderson, Sid Amies (from Kerikeri), Ron Hassett, and Alec Henderson. The event was so successful, they have decided to gather again next year to celebrate the 63rd anniversary. A similar function was held in Mosgiel.
May 2002

While Struan MacGibbon was serving with the New Zealand artillery in North Africa and Europe during World War 2, he took some wonderful photographs which have since been collected in a book and turned into a photographic display. The display has recently left Wellington and will be shown at The Army Memorial Museum, Waiouru, for several months.You can read about Struan and see some of his images, and find out about the book.
April 2002

Get your medals polished, re-ribboned, re-mounted and ready for Anzac Day next month. Our very own Jeff Waters does a superb job. Phone him at 09 296 2457. He's in Auckland but provides a rapid service for anywhere in NZ or overseas.
March 2002

Gunners' Day (26 May) events can be booked for now. For the big Papakura dinner, phone Jeff Waters on 09 296 2457 or contact our secretary (see the Members page for details). For the great Tauranga luncheon contact Matt Crawley on 07 577 0502. If you can't make it to these events this year, pencil the day into your diary for next year.
March 2002

MNZM medal Congratulations to our own LtCol John Masters, MC, JP, who has been made an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to returned personnel and the community in the New Year's Honours List 2002.
January 2002

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