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Newsletter No. 118 June 2003

Routine Orders     |    From the Editor     |     Gunners Day 2003

Routine Orders

Last Post

WO1 WL Ruffell (life member)   in Auckland 22 April 2003.
Tony Pilcher (life member)  three or four years ago.

New Members

BA (Barry) Hardy, DA (Boof) Richardson, M (Mark) Hewson.

Life Members

Len Roberts. Return to top

From the Editor


We have had a reasonable response for this years subscriptions. There are still about 60 of you out there that have not yet paid. Members who have arrears that have built up to $40 or more will receive notices for pay up or be struck off the roll, with this Newsletter. The painting of the Moor Gun Picket that was offered as an incentive for prompt payment of subscriptions was won by Rod Baldwin.

Reunion 2003

Remember this year the reunion and AGM is to be held in Taupo over the period 31 Oct � 2 Nov. Planning is now underway and we are hoping for a huge attendance. I often hear talk about the lack of gunner reunions and for individual units this may be true. We hold one every year that is open to all gunner units so come along.

Life Membership Award

At the March Committee Meeting we decided to issue our Life members with an award certificate. This has now been completed and has been very well received. Future Life Members will now be issued with the award when they turn 80. Remember, you must let me know when you reach that age.

Can You Help?

Gone Address Unknown
Can anyone help with the present whereabouts of the following life members? LT I.A. Doak last known address the Raglan area and R.G. (Robert) Forbes last known address in Blenheim.

Ian Uffindell (email [email protected] ) is seeking information on the Artillery Positions in Westport that were established around 1902.

SSgt Tim Rowe (email [email protected] ) is researching a paper on Maj Gen Steve Weir. He has arranged interviews with our Maj Gen Ron Hassett and Capt T. Nolan. He would like information from anyone who can comment on; Weirs personal leadership qualities, his performance 6th Field Regiment CO, CRA and Corp Artillery Commander in the Western Desert, and the impact his appointment to CRA had on the tactics, employment and effectiveness of the NZ Artillery. Return to top

Gunners Day 2003

Once again the dinner in Papakura was a huge success. 131 attended. Jeff Waters and his small gang of helpers had again excelled themselves. The dinner was ably controlled by the Dining President John (Woody) Barrett. Willy Walker RNZAC, a member of Morrie Stanley's OP Party during the Battle of Long Tan in Vietnam, proposed the toast to the Regiment and the CO of 16 Field Regiment Lt Col Mike Baker replied. Our Patron and the Colonel Commandant RNZA, Brig Ray Andrews wished the gathering a happy 287th Birthday and told the gathering that he would be standing down from his two appointments within the next 12 months. He also reminded us that the Queen was our Captain General and when we Toast her we gunners must recite "The Queen, our Captain General". This was unique and something we should be very proud of. Brig Andrews mentioned that, after a short period away from the fold, the RNZA Band (the oldest unit in the RNZA) was back under RNZA control. During the evening another copy of The Moor Picket painting was raffled, this time Major Denis Dwane was the lucky recipient. Do you have to be a major to win a raffle? Apologies were received from Maj Gen Ron Hassett, Eric Bickerton and Dave Roberts.

Roger Newth sent the following report from Wellington: We had a successful commemoration service in the Lady Chapel at the Wellington Cathedral of St Paul, conducted by the Principal Defence Chaplain Fr. Julian Wagg. Afterwards we repaired to the Back-Bencher Pub for Chats, Drinks and food. Although�the day was cool the service was very good and Brigadier Warren Whiting gave a short brief on the state of the RNZA, Ron Turner read a passage from scripture and I recited the Ode.

Those attending were: Old Comrades; Shirley Burns, John Bellamy, Chris Brown, Kerry Lee and wife, Wally Fraser, Rob Munro, Lindsay Skinner, Robbie Robinson, Ron Turner and Roger Newth. TF Gunners; Bob Burns, Fred Goodall, John Boot, Pat Helm and Warwick Wright. Apologies were received from David Hughes, Maurie Urquhart, Con Flinkenberg, Roger & Jean Wylde and Brian Bethel.

Gunners Day activities in Tauranga were cancelled for some reason there were not enough interested. We hope you can all get together again next year. Return to top

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