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New Zealand Permanent Force Old Comrades' Association

Newsletter No. 99 September 1998


Routine Orders

Last Post
30139 Maj. Gen Holloway, CB, CBE 7 June 98 at Waikanae
Mrs Cora Woods, 28 Apr 98 at Wellington
Leslie Wilson, 7 Aug 98 at Devonport
Life Members
Mrs MR Stitt, Maj EW Round, Dan Foley, Maj DP Dumbleton, Maj. Gen. LA Pearce CB CBE
Next Committee Meeting
Saturday 10 October 1998 at 1000hrs at the Birkenhead RSA.


On his return from the Old Country the Editor confirms that Larkhill and Woolwich are flourishing. Enthusiam from "the serving Regiment, its old comrades, and the whole Gunner family" is supporting a new home for the RA Museum in the old Royal Arsenal on the bank of the Thames.
Through the good offices of Brig. Ray Andrews, the Editor met the Master Gunner, St James's Park, Field Marshal The Lord Vincent GBE, KCB, DSO and was treated to a summary of the state of the Regiment in all aspects: ceremonial, organisational and particularly in respect to the equipment programme. The Master Gunner is pro-Kiwi, having commanded the field battery in direct support of 1 RNZIR ("War Party Poananga") in Malaysia in 1966-67.
He was also interested in the NZ gunners in Bosnia under command of Lt. Hayley May. Enquiring about the newly issued Strategic Defence Review, the incautious colonial was presented with the two volumes, homework which will fuel several more editorials, rich as it is in examples of clarity in defence appreciation which sets an example to New Zealand. For example: "If we ask our forces to fight, we must be sure they will win", "Sound defence is sound foreign policy" and in particular reference to our Regiment, "Key requirements will be firepower with greater emphasis on precision and range." The Review was formed in "a process of consultation with the widest possible range of expertise in defence and related areas."
The Expert Panel included professional opinion on the application of firepower, viz the Master Gunner (plus an Air Marshal and an Admiral of the Fleet). Any soldier who can get hold of a copy should read this review.


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Events & Reunions

St Barbara's Day
A lunch-time gathering will be held at the Birkenhead RSA at 100hrs on Thursday 3 December 1998. Let the Secretary know if you are coming.

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