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Newsletter No. 113 March 2002

Routine Orders     |    From the Editor     |    Can you help?

Routine Orders

Last Post

H. Milne on 22 April 2001.
Helen ParkesThree or so years ago.

New Member

AB (Tony) Hollows

Life Member

LtCol HL Jones on reaching the age of 80. Return to top

From the Editor

A reminder to all members

This is your newsletter and should contain news about our members. If you have something that may be of interest please let me know. The health of members should be passed on so that others can visit or phone them. In particular we need to know when members have passed away so that we can do our bit. Sadly we were not notified of the passing of the two members in this month's last post until well after their deaths.

Tac Sign 13

During the period that 161 Battery 16 Field Regiment was on Active Service in Vietnam the Battery tac sign was 13. There was another occasion when 13 was used - 54 Anti Tank Battery tac sign was 13 in the Pacific during WW2. A copy of the 54th sign is shown below. (Webmaster's note: see their webpage on this website.)

54 Anti Tank Battery, NZA Return to top

The Museum of the Royal Artillery

After re-location to the site of the old Arsenal on the banks of the Thames, the RA Museum has been opened by the Queen. The website for the museum is and is well worth a visit by those who have access to the internet. Of interest to some of our members is a photograph of an Army Air Corps Auster Aircraft suspended from the ceiling of one of the halls. If I remember correctly a couple of our members tried, and failed, to suspend an Auster from the trees in the South Island bush. Return to top

Gunners Day Dinner, Papakura RSA

Invitations to this year's dinner, on Sunday 26 May, will shortly be sent out by Jeff Waters. If you have attended the dinner in the past you should get an invitation. If you do not get an invitation or haven't attended before and would like to, Jeff can be contacted on 09 296 2457, or you can let me know and I will pass on requests to Jeff. In the past these dinners have been a huge success, come along and lets make this one the best of the best.

Gunners Day Luncheon, Tauranga

Matt Crawley has invited all Gunners and partners along to a Gunners Day luncheon at the Tauranga RSA at midday on Sunday 26 May. Please contact Matt at 2/159 16th Avenue, Tauranga, or phone 07 577 0502. Tauranga RSA has some welfare units available at $50 per night plus $10 for each additional person. Book direct with the RSA office: phone 07 578 9654. Return to top

Target Adjustment using Two Legged Communications, by John Rout

See the 'Tales from the Trails' page (soon) for this gem.

Can you help?

The New Zealand Armed Forces Memorial Project is progressing very well. This is the project the aim of which is to record the names of every person who served in the NZ Armed Forces. Information is still required on grave sites, where they are and photos if possible. The organisers are also looking for volunteers to keep an eye on local newspapers for obituaries/news articles on service men and women. If you would like to help you can email [email protected] or write to PO Box 2284 Dunedin South. If you would like to see the work that has been accomplished to date the website is . Return to top

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