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Royal New Zealand Artillery Old Comrades Association

Eligibility and Joining


Members of the Association are mainly retired or serving RNZA Gunners. Other serving or retired officers and soldiers may join as associate members if during their service they have been attached to the RNZA, or have been closely connected with them over a reasonable period. Members of similar overseas organisations, eg the RA Association, may also qualify as associate members if they have been associated with the RNZA. In addition, widows and widowers of members may join as associate members. View the application form for full details.


Annual subscriptions are NZ$20 for all Members and Associate Members. To join, contact the Secretary by email - [email protected] - or write to 34 Tennyson Ave, Takapuna, Auckland 0622, New Zealand). Or you can download and complete an application form, then either:

  • Post it with your subscription, or
  • Direct credit RNZAA and send your application attached to an email:
    • ASB Bank
    • Account - RNZA Association, 123042 0229763 00
    • Use the 'Appears on their account' boxes for [your name ]-[New ]-[1st Sub ]

Download application form.

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