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New Zealand Permanent Force Old Comrades' Association

Newsletter No. 108 December 2000


Routine Orders

Last Post

30265 LtCol AN King 26 Jul 00 at Levin.

Life Members

The following are elected life members:
LtCol AJ Rivers, RH Mitchell, RM Urquhart, Maj W Weatherhead, and CE Batchelor.

New Members

439536 KJ Avenell (Associate) and Mrs Julie Jones (Lady Associate).

Next Committee Meeting

Saturday 24 February 2001 at 1000hrs at the Birkenhead RSA. All members are welcome to attend. Return to top


As space must be found for essential material, this transmission will be short. The outstanding development of the past year has been the growth of the website, as described in the report in this newsletter, which has established the reputation of our Association as a resource of gunner knowledge and history second to none The Rivers partners deserve our gratitude for towing us into the information era of the third millenium.

"The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world" is an old quotation which is now becorning evident in all branches of our society. Though the ladies have not yet taken over the PFOCA, the reunion in Taupo showed signs of an effective wives' net.which, in the interests of domestic harmony and the future of our gatherings, is probably a good thing.

Lastly, this year's get-together seemed to us the best yet, probably because it was the Editor's last effort before hanging up his boots. Salutations and farewell. Return to top

President's Report

I was elected to the position of President at the AGM in Taupo during November 1999. With the passing of the AGM and reunion dinner of 2000 1 am now in a position to make my first annual report.


The Committee has had a number of changes in the past year, with myself as President, John Rout as Secretary and John Barrett as Treasurer, the last two replace Jim Ross and Barney Harrop, who have both served the Association well and have our sincere thanks.


The membership roll stands at 318 made up of the following categories -
Associate Members 47
Life Members 69
Honorary Members 6
Ordinary Members 196

The overall loss of members for the year was 7, of which 4 were struck off strength for various reasons. The biggest movement was the increase in Life Members, with 10 Ordinary Members moving up to the Life Members list on attaining the age of 80.

Reunion Dinner:

The Reunion Dinner, always the highlight of the Association year was held in Taupo Yacht Club on the 11 November 2000 and was a most enjoyable gathering. As in past years Wally Ruffell supplied a gun to be raffled. This year the winner was Col Tom O'Reilly who was delighted with his win. I believe the gun may be centre stage in the Commandant's office in Waiouru.

The thanks of the Committee must go to Wally for supplying this valuable source of revenue but more importantly for giving members the opportunity to gain a valuable piece of gunner memorabilia. Once again sincere thanks to Wally.


Committee meetings are held in the Birkenhead RSA every two months. Any points that members wish to raise can be sent to the Secretary, for discussion at these meetings. In closing I would like to wish all members a Merry Christmas and good health for the coming year.

R.G. Blankley, PRESIDENT

Webmaster's Report

The Association's website was launched on 5 December 1998 as a result of the ACM of 1998 and has run continuously ever since. It is updated with new material each month. The Internet address for the Association website is -

The aim of the website is to reflect the objectives of this Association and to present New Zealand artillery matters to the world. It consists of history, recollections and opinions from New Zealand's professional gunners and gives an indication of the equipment, daily life, customs and traditions, organisational structures, and images of artillery from the 19th Century to the present during war, peacekeeping and peacetime, from a New Zealand perspective. At 800 pages, it is one of the largest artillery websites in the world.

Since the 1999 AGM, the website has had over 40000 hits, with interest being shown from all over the world, from similar artillery associations, military installations, universities, schools, researchers, and individuals.

Several requests for assistance have been emailed to the Webmaster by visitors to the website. Generally, these are from people hoping to contact members of the Association, or from people wanting to find information about relatives (living and dead) who were NZ gunners. Several are from widows wanting to find men who served with their late husbands. The Webmaster has been able to answer most of these with help from members of the Association.

The overwhelming impression from web correspondence is that there is great support and respect for New Zealand's gunners around the world. It is intended that the website continue to operate along existing lines subject to the continued support of the Association.

Catherine Rivers, WEBMASTER

Taupo Weekend, 10 to 12 Nov 00 - Part 1 - Annual General Meeting 11 Nov

Reports were received from Jim Gilberd (Bay of Plenty, Hawkes Bay) Roger Newth (Wellington, Marlborough) and Matt Crawley (Tauranga) in person and by letter from Harry Honnor (Northland).


The following resolutions were passed -

  1. Approval of the Treasurer's report and financial statement
  2. Annual subscriptions to be unchanged.
  3. Secretary's honorarium for 99-00 to be $300.
  4. Election of officers: All officers and Executive Committee members were reappointed, except for the following changes:
    Secretary: Capt J.B. Rout replaces J. Ross
    Treasurer: Capt J.H. Barrett replaces Mr D. Harrop
    District Rep: Maj T.G. Roche replaces Lt Col A.J. Rivers for Wanganui - Manawatu
    Executive Committee: Mr AFW. Powrie resigns, reptaced by J. Ross
  5. Website: The report of Webmaster Catherine Rivers was received and a vote of thanks accorded.
  6. Votes of thanks to:
    1. J Ross for his service as Hon Secretary
    2. D. Harrop for his service as Treasurer
  7. Next Reunion: This will be held at Taupo on the weekend 9-10-11 Nov 01.
  8. A Christmas message is to be sent to CO and All Ranks NZBatt3 in East Timor.

Taupo Weekend, 10 to 12 Nov 00 - Part 2 - Reunion Dinner

Demonstration 16 Fd Regt:

Through the kind offices of the Acting CO, Maj Chris Bath, and under the supervision of WO1 Paul Galloway, Master Gunner at the School, members were able to see a 105mm Light Gun and a Mistral Very Low Level Air Defence missile launcher at the Yacht Club before dinner. The differences between the 25-pr and modern equiprnent, particularly in the drill of coming into action, were remarkable.

Also taking part were Maureen Alexander, Ray and Laurie Andrew, Doug Adams, Bill and Jasmine Beveridge, Bob Blankley, Graeme Black, John Blakey, Blackie and Shirley Burns, Tom Chapman, Matt Crawlew and Rita, Mike and Elva Dakin, Dennis and Maggie Dwane, Ian Foster, Paul Galloway, Jim Gilberd, Hugh and Dianne Gibson, Bill and Emma Giles, Alan Henderson, Ron and Mike Hassett, Howard and Joan Jones, Jack Kearney, Ted and Nes Lile, Bill and Tui McLeay, Helen McMahon, Vic and Audrey Meyle, Brian Meyer and Linda, George and Patti Miln, Dick Mitchell, Bill and Estelle Morland, Roger and Lois Newth, Des and Bunty O'Connor, Don and Lorraine Potter, Bill and Joyce Powrie, David and Marie Roberts, Neil and Shelagh Rhynd, Jim and Ruby Ross, John Rout, Iris Rowntree and Gordon, Wally Ruffell and Lorraine, and Gordon and Norah Weaver.

The Loyal Toast:

Bob Blankley, Dining President, and Paul Galloway, Vice President, conducted the toast to the Queen, our Captain General.

The Regiment:

Des O'Connor, apologising for being a renegade gunner (a mere 10 years RF service in the RNZA and 17 in the infantry) proposed the toast. He emphasised the strength of the 'once a gunner, always a gunner' principle which "draws us all back irresistibly to the company of gunners. Undoubtably it is the comradeship, good fellowship, loyalty, call it what you will at a level that is singular to the corps of Artillery". He gave several examples, and described the Royal Tattoo he attended at the Horse Guards Parade, London in Jul this year, where the RA had the lion's share. Its motor cycle display team, "the world's fastest" gave a breath-taking dare-devil, criss-cross manoeuvre, then later the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery carried out a similar feat with six-horse gun teams.


Col Tom O'Reilly in reply gave a wide-ranging commentary on the state of the Regiment and the Army in general. We hope to provide further detail of this in Newsletter 109.

Absent Comrades:

Maj Roger Newth listed a select group of Gunner Senior NCO's',who � taught me howw'hy and when things where as they should be "both on his enlistment and later". Their experience and wisdom was invaluable to young soldiers who could not do better than use these men as an example to look up to and to model themselves upon.

"During my almost 34 years in the service I met and served with many soldiers and Officers whom I was privileged to know and consider friends. A good number of those people are here with us tonight, and I say to them how proud I am to know you and to consider you my friends. Sadly a lot of these people along with many of the earlier Instructors whom I have mentioned have passed on to the Great Gunpark in the sky. I could mention names here, but would not like to miss any who are important both to me and to those here tonight. I would ask you all to charge your glasses and drink the toast - Absent Comrades".

Update by our Patron:

Brig Ray Andrews, Patron of NZPFOCA and Colonel Commandant, RNZA briefed us on the exchange of loyal greetings between the Regiment (and those of 12 other Commonwealth artilleries) and the Captain General (Her Majesty) and the Master Gunner St James's Park on the occasion of Gunner's Day. He referred to the contribution to peace keeping of 16 Fd Regt, a high proportion of NZBATT3, about to leave for East Timor being gunners. Brig Andrews observed that relations with the serving Regt are strengthening, and recommended that our Assoc look into methods of increasing recruiting from that source. Concluding, he thanked the outgoing Committee for their efforts, welcomed the new officeholders and bade us a Happy New Year.

Taupo Weekend, 10 to 12 Nov 00 - Part 3 - Church and Disperse

Church Parade:

Once more Padre Bill McLeay conducted the service in the impressive atmosphere of the historic meeting house Te Tiki o Te Tamamutu. Lessons were read by President Bob Blankley and long-time Secretary Wally Ruffell. Again we had four good old hymns, and were grateful to Tui McLeay and organist Helen McMahon.

One for the Road:

Support for the return home was imbibed in the Spa dining room, and paid for, as in past years, by the proceeds of the raffle of Wally Ruffell's brass model gun. Thus ended another enjoyable reunion weekend.

Our Corps History

At the Taupo dinner, Alan Henderson, our "contract historian" explained that the book, rather than being a war history, will tell of the purpose and structure of the NZ artillery from the beginning, experiences of gunners on garrison and field service, and operational matters, particularly the development of doctrine and tactics under successive commanders with changing circumstances.
If you have information or anecdotes you think will be of interest to Alan, contact him on (04) 494-0628, fax (04) 495-7212, or write to him at History Group, Ministry for Culture and Heritage, PO Box 5364, Wellington.

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