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New Zealand Permanent Force Old Comrades' Association

Newsletter No. 103 September 1999


Routine Orders

Last Post

30011 Lt Gen Sir Leonard W Thomton, KBE, CBE 10 Jun 99 at Wellington.
1817 F.B. (Zig) Schroder 20 Jun 99 at Coff's Harbour, NSW.
37027 L.J. (Leo) Brady 25 Jul 99 at Devonport.
1645 W.E. (Emil) Jennings 16 Jul 99 at Christchurch.
1573 Maj A.J. (Dutch) Holland 14 Aug 99 at Papakura.

Life Members

The following are elected life members on reaching the age of 80:
Mr A Boyd, Maj RS Wait ED, Mr RA Harris, Capt JJ Hanvey.

Next Committee Meeting

Saturday 9 October 1999 at 1000hrs at the Birkenhead RSA. All members are welcome to attend.


We did not realise that the Army is to suffer the infestation of consultants common in other Government activities. An advertisement in the daily paper was headed "Request for Proposal For The Provision of Management and Consultancy Services For The Implementation of Change To The Current New Zealand Army Structure and Operating Methodology... Proposals are sought from appropriately qualified consulting agencies..." etc. Details are available from the Army General Staff. We are not making this up, and will provide the full turgid prose on request. This invitation is obviously for more sophisticated outfits than our Association: much money will be involved, no doubt attracting the circling fin of a failed Territorial.

Coincidentally, the NZ Defence Quarterly explains "Future War: the Army Gets Ready". The central idea is high-tech wide-ranging recce, intelligence, surveillance and so forth, backed by mechanised infantry, and designed for very low-intensity warfare. The supporting philosophy is dug from Capt Liddell Hart, whose works we devoured in the 1930's. It disregards the subsequent lessons of WW2, particularly the "blitz krieg", which established the deadly effect of the tracked armoured vehicle, and the battle-winning power of artillery, of which the El Alamein fire-plan was only one example. Both these elements were crucial in saving an Australian infantry company in Viet Nam, facing fearful odds at Long Tan in Aug 66, when two RNZA officers, the FOO and his BC, were responsible for the life-saving application of fire. The Defence Quarterly journalist, with unconscious honesty, states that in future "conflict enters the realms of philosophy, and force will no longer be the only solution". Just as well, when one hasn't got any firepower. Tested by the Principles of War, this concept fails under the headings of Offensive Action and Security, and, in particular, disregards Concentration of Forces. The principle of Mobility is emphasized, and there will be a lot of Surprise - with our chaps on the receiving end.

Stand by for more dismay and despondency, troops. When consultants meet Army Headquarters, a terrible bullshit is born. Return to top

Events & Reunions


(a) A lunchtime gathering will be held at the Birkenhead RSA at 1100hrs on Thursday 2 Dec 99. Let the Secretary know if you are coming. (Phone: 416 8662)
(b) The day will be marked on or about 4 Dec at Papakura RSA at a time to be advised by Jeff Waters. (and see above)


1600hrs     Gather at TAUPO RSA - Horomatangi Street
1000hrs     Annual General Meeting at TAUPO YACHT CLUB - Redoubt Street
Afternoon     FREE
1800hrs     Pre-dinner Drinks at TAUPO YACHT CLUB
Gentlemen informal: Jacket & tie, lounge suit or appropriate uniform. Medals and Decorations to be worn.
Ladies:     Semi-formal.

Wine:     The Yacht Club does not permit guests to bring their own wine, but have a good stock at club rates. Port for toasts will be supplied by the Association.
1000hrs     Church Parade in SPA HOTEL LOUNGE which is the historic meeting house, "Tiki o te Tamamutu". Medals etc., to be worn.
After Church Parade:     "One for the Road" in suite A.
Afternoon:     FREE
Please complete and return to Secretary by llth October 1999
NAME: __________________________________________________________________ will/will not be attending.
I will be accompanied by ______________________________________________________ (include first name)
I require/ do not require accommodation at the SPA for nights _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________(state Chalet or Studio Unit).
I enclose $______________ for ___________ persons at $25 per head for Dinner.
DO NOT enclose payment for accommodation - settle direct with hotel.
I will notify those requiring accommodation at the Spa, whether or not they are successful.
Transport will be arranged from the Spa Hotel for evening functions and return.
Please tick if applicable: I require transport from Spa Hotel ______ (tick).
If you are unable to drive you may bring a driver/ companion who is welcome to take part in reunion activities, except the AGM.


We make Spa our HQ because the site was, in 1867, occupied by the NZ Armed Constabulary from which sprang both the NZ Permanent Force and the NZ Police. It is therefore part of our historical heritage. The present hotel, which developed from the AC wet canteen, is one of the few licensed houses left which possesses character. The following accommodation is available: Book through the Secretary.
CHALETS: Tariff $80 double, $60 single, additional adults $10, children $10. Each has a double bed on ground floor, two singles on mezzanine floor, plus a convertible couch. Full kitchen, toilet and shower facilities plus private spa pool, TV, radio and phone. Ideal for sharing with another couple. We have booked all fifteen.
SUITE 'A': Tariff $80 for two, $10 each additional adult. Same facilities as Chalets except no spa pool - but public hot pool handy. Has four single and one double bed but as in the past we have reserved for unattached males.
STUDIO UNITS: Tariff $50 double, $35 single. There are ten, each with a double bed, and one single. Each room has own shower, toilet, TV, refrigerator, tea and toast-making facilities. Last year, all these were booked early.
(Make your own bookings)
(a) See RSA review for other motels which offer discounts to RSA members.
(b) The Visitor Information Centre, phone: (07) 378 9000, is a good source.
(c) Acapulco Motor Inn and Army Motel units, Acacia Bay are booked out. Army units may be booked 6 months in advance; this must be done promptly.

Looking forward to seeing you.
Jim Ross
Hon Secretary.

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