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New Zealand Permanent Force Old Comrades' Association

Newsletter No. 101 March 1999


Routine Orders

Last Post

1599 Maj JD Gibb ED 15 Sep 98 at Kenepuru Hospital
1785 TJ Arnott 20 Dec 98 at Waiheke Island
36645 JG (Aussie) Moore 28 July 98 at Bulli Hospital, NSW
1743 D Jones 8 Jan 99 at Wanganui
1712 RB McIver 9 Jan 99 at Auckland

Life Members

Lt IE Rollo, HG Fantham

Next Committee Meetings

Saturday 10 April 1999 and 12 Jun 99 at 1000hrs at the Birkenhead RSA.


The New Year's first message from a member defined our attitude to the PFOCA ... "it's a wonderful organisation: I'm so proud to belong to it." It is an attitude sadly weakened by the "Interim Report into Defence Beyond 2000" published in Nov 98, after more than a year's consideration, by the Parliamentary Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee.

The report managed to repeat most of the negative attitudes which have characterised defence reviews since 1987. These are based on the assumed absence of military threat, stating that the need to defend NZ has been no more than a remote possibility for more than 50 years, then making the unwritten assumption that there will never be any such threat in the future (Logic and 4th Form history would suggest that the longer since the last threat, the closer the next will become). The committee, probably conscious of its ignorance of these subjects, says "consensus among defence analysts is that direct attacks ... are not likely in the forseeable future". It then converts this unlikelihood into a certainty as a basis for its cogitations, sublimely unconscious that NZ has had approx 15 years to evolve a class of boot-licking analysts anxious to tell them what they would like to hear, ie keep the money for catching votes.

There is a saving grace in the report: Recommendation No 9 - "that options for recombining the NZ Defence Force into one organisation be investigated..." If this were done, and combined with a mission statement now sneered at as old-fashioned, that the Defence Force be developed "as an insurance against aggression", instead of one restricting it to "dealing with small contingencies", there would still be hope for the future of this country. Then would emerge the need for firepower, which as we know, troops, means artillery. Return to top

Events & Reunions


was celebrated at Birkenhead RSA on 3 Dec at an 1100hrs gathering attended by: Estelle and Bill Morland, Wally Ruffell, Iris Boyter, Alan and Elsie Boyd, Yogi Young, Des and Bunty O'Connor, Barney Harrop, Eric and Joyce Bickerton, Bert Dyson, and Jim and Ruby Ross. Greater support for this function, particularly from the torpid members in Shore City, is requested.


The 283rd anniversary of the formation of the Royal Regiment will be marked at two functions. The usual 1100hrs meeting for lunch at Birkenhead RSA will be held on Thursday 27 May. If you intend coming, tell Jim Ross on 416 8662. There will also be a:
organised by a committee chaired by our South Auckland Rep., Jeff Waters. Its purpose is to renew old acquaintances and foster camraderie amongst gunners and those who served the guns.
Venue:Papakura RSA
Date:Wednesday 26 May
Time:1800 for 1900hrs
Cost:$37 per head (same as last year)
Dress:Formal with medals (Minimum Jacket and Tie)
Comprises:Pre-dinner sherry, dinner, table wine & port, RNZA Band, after-dinner dancing.
Attendance is limited to the first 200 applicants. The previous functions of this kind have been resoundingly successful and fully subscribed.
Enquiries to Jeff Waters. Phone 296 2457.


This rendezvous will be held on the weekend 12-13-14 November 99 at Taupo. Details later, but mark calendars NOW.


In 1997 the Royal Regiment of New Zealand Artillery Regimental Fund Committee approached the Historical Branch, Department of Internal Affairs and commissioned a project scoping report for the history of artillery.

The rationale for having an artillery history was:

Subject to adequate funding and contractual arrangements being finalised, the Regimental Funds Committee has decided to proceed with the project. We are grateful for financial and other support being provided by Defence and Army General Staff.

The aim is to produce a narrative-style, comprehensive account of the artillery throughout the history of New Zealand. It is intended to make the book readable and accessible with an appeal to a wide target audience. It will take 3 years to write and a further year for editorial and publishing processes before this volume appears on your bookshelves.

Throughout the research period, I know many of you will be approached by researchers, particularly if you possess specialised knowledge or material. The Committee will be very grateful for any support you are able to give, share or loan. We are making careful arrangements to ensure any borrowed material is safeguarded.

In the meantime we hope to conclude preparatory arrangements in the next 6 weeks. Historical Branch, Internal Affairs, have undertaken to appoint an experienced, first-class author/historian who is able to start by 1 April 99.
To facilitate a smooth and successful launch and assist in monitoring the project, an advisory group (Wellington based) has been formed. We will provide their contact details in a later edition.

For my part, I plan to be AWOL in Italy from April for 5 months. It's a long awaited holiday for which I make no apologies - however I regret being unable to share the commencement and management of this unique and stimulating project.

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