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Newsletter No. 130 June 2006

Here is a small part of the newsletter. Members receive the full 12 page newsletter, filled with news, jokes and anecdotes.

Last Post

Capt Donald C Allison 10 December 2005, Christchurch

New Members

Phil Hollingsworth from Australia. I have very pleasant memories of, Phil, he was one of my Battery Commanders at 'A' Battery NSTU Waiouru. One thing he did not like was when I marched offenders in front of him I had a bad habit of stamping my foot and in a loud voice report �Accused and Escort SIR!!� There were many times I saw him visibly wince, not my fault that he stayed too long in the Mess the night before.

Cyril Hill from Hastings. Cyril commenced his service in CMT with 10 Coast Regt eventually promoted to gun sergeant and then went on the 16th Field Regiment in Korea where he was once again a gun sergeant.

Richard 'Spike' Jones joins from Milford. Spike served in Vietnam 1965 on No 4 gun and later as a Driver. He then went to 16th Field Regiment.

Ian 'Hitch' Hitchiner joins from Papakura. 'Hitch' was a battery surveyor with 161 Battery, Vietnam, in 1969. Later he did a long spell with 1 Locating Troop where I had the pleasure of working with him for two years. Also he had a tour with 28 ANZUK in Singapore as a regimental surveyor.

Jan Rout has joined from Papakura. Jan as most of you will know is the widow of Captain John Rout our previous Secretary. The Routs and the Blacks were very close families, at one stage living next to each other in Waiouru where my four daughters were great friends with Jan's FIVE daughters. I always thought it was the smell of cordite that caused daughters, but then Ted Sweet as an Ammo Tech had seven sons!!!!!! I am personally delighted that Jan has joined and all we have to do now is coax her into attending a Reunion.

New Zealand Korean War Memorial

Douglas Callander MNZM, National Secretary NZ K Force Assn, spoke at the unveiling of the New Zealand Korean War Memorial at the UN Cemetery, Busan (formally Pusan) 19th November 2005. To remind you of the commitments that our forces made I share part of the speech with you.

On the 25th of June 1950 the Korean People's Army invaded South Korea. The United Nations Security Council responded swiftly calling on members to assist. HMNZS Tutira and Pukaki left Auckland on 3rd July. Later the Government decided to offer a ground force and throughout New Zealand volunteers stepped forward eager to serve. They were driven by the desire to represent and honour their country. A sense of adventure was among them and a determination to meet whatever challenges were in store with good New Zealand hardiness and integrity.

K Force left for Korea on 10th December. Over the next seven years 6000 New Zealanders served in Korea; 1300 with the six frigates of the Royal New Zealand Navy, 4,700 with K Force and two from the RNZAF.

As history tells us the Republic of Korea was quickly reclaimed. The subsequent invasion of North Korea by the United Nations Forces on 9th October 1951 was met by strong Chinese resistance and conflict continued until the Armistice on 27th July 1953.

My introduction to Korea and the realities of war was here in Busan. My reaction was one of utter shock at the plight of the refugees - shelters made of cardboard boxes, no fresh water or sanitary provisions. Starvation was rife. There was nowhere else for them to go.

The I passed through Seoul and the devastation was not a newspaper photograph any more, but very very real. Buildings were smashed, and of those left standing few had a roof.

I think all of us remember the severe climate. I grew up in Southland, but memories still remain of the snow and cold wind from Siberia. The frozen ground, and trucks driving over the ice on the Imgim River. In summer there was heat and dust. All the time there was still an enemy not too far away, and for the unwary, minefields, snakes and rats.

But the children still waved and smiled at us, giving an indication of the spirit which rebuilt this country. Furthermore the Korean Government and people have never forgotten us. When we see the Korea of today it makes our service here seem well worthwhile.

We had set out with high hopes, excitement, and some degree of apprehension. We returned home with a new understanding of what it means to serve one's country, and the price of knowing we had played our part to the full.

Not all of us made it. 45 New Zealand servicemen lost their lives in the Korean War. Here lie 34 of those men and here are commemorated two seamen with no known grave.

All who served gave years of their lives, their skill, their strength, their courage. But our fallen brothers gave their futures. We mourn them to this day.

Doug Callander MNZM Wally Wyatt MNZM, (Treasurer K Force) who sends us 'K Force Dispatches'

Reunion 2006

Friday 10, Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 November 2006 at Taupo.

The Weekend
Register in at your accommodation during Friday afternoon
Friday mix and mingle at the Taupo RSA 4.00pm to 6.00pm
Friday night dinner and drinks at the Spa. (Dinner menu is at the end)
Saturday Breakfast at the Spa. (Breakfast menu is at the end)
Saturday AGM at the Spa 'Old Dining Room' 10.00a.m. And 1 minute silence for the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, Armistice Day.
Saturday Formal Dinner Taupo Bowling Club 6.30pm for 7.00pm.
Sunday Breakfast at the Spa
Sunday Church Parade in the Spa Meeting House 9.30a.m.
Sunday 'One for the Road' or tea and coffee in the Spa bar after the Church Parade.

Accommodation, use your own accommodation if you wish
The Spa Hotel:
10 Studio Units, one double and 1 single bed. $65 per night for two people.
15 Chalets, two separate rooms with double and single beds $95 per night for two people.
All Spa accommodation is to be booked through me.

Meals at the Spa in the Bar Restaurant
Full breakfast Saturday and Sunday 7.30am, $10 per head, this will be charged to your room.
Friday night smorgasbord from 7.00pm, $25 per head, charged to your room.
The Spa Bar will be open on Friday and Saturday nights.

Friday, Taxis will collect members from Spa and Acacia Bay at 3.30pm and deliver them to the RSA.
Friday, Taxis will collect members from RSA and deliver back to Spa and Acacia Bay.
Saturday, Taxis will collect members from Spa and Acacia Bay at 6.00pm and deliver to Bowling Club. Saturday, Taxis will make return journey when called for, about 9.30pm

AGM Notices of Motion must be in the hands of the Secretary 14 days before the AGM.

Formal Dinner
Saturday 6.30pm for 7.00pm
Minimum dress, jacket and tie, miniatures.
There will be a Sherry Table and Port will be provided. Table wines are 'user pays'.
Our Guest this year is John and Ann Osborne. John is from the NZ Society of Gunsmiths, the Commandant of the Armed Constabulary Re-Enactment Society and an authority and collector of small arms and guns. Ann comes from a family of gun and bayonet makers.

Church Parade
We have been given permission to attend the Church Parade wearing footwear.
Full size medals and again the minimum dress is jacket and tie.

We will run our normal raffle to defray costs so if you have any items you can spare for the raffle table please bring them along. So far I have, model canon from Tony Tustin, petrol vouchers from Marie Roberts, many donations from members to spend how we wish, unfortunately I cannot divulge amounts because I have been told not to, and a selection of 'Granny's Finest Preservatives'.

Medium Gunners and interested Gunners

Hugh Vercoe, Mayor of Matamata/Piako, an ex BC of 4th Medium Battery and a member of the Old Comrades has obtained a 5.5-in gun which is currently being refurbished and is to be put on permanent display at Memorial Park, Hamilton. The Freedom of the City Parade, Dedication of the Gun and Formal Dinner will be on Saturday 2 December 2006. Any ex Medium Gunner or interested people are welcome and should contact me so that I can put you on the roll to keep you informed of progress in the planning of this event. His Excellency the Governor General will be attending the dedication.

163 Battery Reunion

The reunion will be held 07 - 09 December 2006, costing about $50 plus accommodation and some meals. For more information, contact Captain DJ Sheridan.

Take care out there.
God Bless you all.
Graeme (Jack) Black Return to top

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