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Newsletter No. 119 September 2003

Routine Orders     |    From the Editor

Routine Orders

Last Post

WOI Eddie Taylor   in Auckland 3 July 2003.
George Joseph (life member)  in Auckland 11 July 2003.

New Members

Geoff Morris (Associate Member) Return to top

From the Editor


Quite a good response to date however there are still over 50 members with outstanding subs. Unfortunately we have also lost several members for non payment over a period greater than 3 years.

Reunion 2003

Our annual get together is to be held in Taupo over the weekend 31 Oct 2 Nov. The programme of events is to be as follows:

Friday 31 Oct:
1600hrs. Gather at the Taupo RSA � Horomatangi Street.
Saturday 1 Nov:
1000hrs. Annual General Meeting in the Meeting House at the Spa Hotel, Spa Road.
After the AGM a small party will depart Taupo for Waiouru where a brief service will be conducted during which Wally Ruffell's Ashes will be scattered over the Waiouru Training area. For those not going to Waiouru Saturday afternoon will be free time.
1800hrs. Pre dinner drinks at the Taupo Bowling Club.
1900hrs. REUNION DINNER at the Taupo Bowling Club.
Dress: Gentlemen - Informal, Jacket and Tie, Lounge Suit or appropriate uniform. Medals and decorations to be worn. Ladies - Semi-formal.
Wine and Drinks: You will be able to purchase these at the Bowling Club but please be aware that the club does not have Eftpos or Credit card facilities. You will need to bring along enough cash to satisfy your needs. Port for the Toasts will be supplied by the association.
Guest Speaker: The guest speaker at this year's dinner is Matron Pam Terry (nee Miley). Pam was a Nursing Sister with the New Zealand Forces in Viet Nam and has had a long association with the RNZA. I am sure we are going to be well entertained.
Sunday 2 Nov:
1000hrs. Church Parade in the Spa Hotel Meeting House. The service is to be conducted by the Rev Derm Buchanan. Medals etc to be worn. After the Parade one for the road will be available in the Spa Hotel Main Bar.
Afternoon. Disperse
The following is a request, which I endorse, from Graeme Black.

With this year's reunion looming please make every effort to attend. Last year 52 sat down to dinner and the year before 72, but the same amount of work still has to be carried out in the background by people like John Rout and others. Let us hope for an increase this year, if you have not attended in the past here is a chance to come along and reminisce. Bring along old photos they are great for unlocking past memories. Don Potter brought a wonderful group photo last year of the Papakura Arty Wing during CMT days, wow some of us looked quite young and handsome then!!!!!!!

There has been a suggestion that the word Old be taken out of our name as it may tend to put the younger folk off joining or even coming along to the reunion. I think that is just an excuse, at 18 � I joined my School's Old Boys association without even thinking about the word Old. Believe it or not the Assn is for Gunners not old folk.

There is a special request for those who do attend and that is to bring along something for the raffle, that is, if you have a suitable prize that you can part with. Tony Tustin has taken over from Wally Ruffell and made a model cannon and I will bring along a selection of preservatives (Not preserves!!!!) and an RA key ring. The raffle has always been well accepted and a way of defraying the costs of the weekend also providing the 'One for the road' on Sunday after Church Parade.

Although there was a period where I was not a member of the NZPFOCA, I am now mystified why so many Gunners who were once proud to be Gunners, or still are, do not either join the Assn or attend the Reunion. For the period that I was not a member there was only one loser � ME. I thank the Lord that a few years back I made the decision to attend my first Reunion, and believe me, a decision never ever regretted.

See you in Taupo. Graeme Black. Return to top

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