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New Zealand Permanent Force Old Comrades' Association

Newsletter No. 104 December 1999


Routine Orders

Last Post

31042 A.C. Kilmore 26 Aug 99 at Auckland.
33726 R.J. Jacques 4 Sep 99 at Papakura.
464557 Maj E.G. (Ted) Willbond MBE 25 Sep 99 at Hastings.
1756 A.J. (Alf) Smith 28 Sep 99 at Auckland.
Mr Neil McMahon 17 Jun 99 at Taupo.

Life Members

The following are elected life members on reaching the age of 80:
Capt WH Russell, RJ Crawley, RO Robinson, RJ Gunn.

Next Committee Meeting

Saturday 26 February 2000 at 1000hrs at the Birkenhead RSA. All members are welcome to attend.


State of the Service

Brig Ray Andrews, Patron of the Association, supplies the following summary on his return from a visit to Wellington. "There are 4300 RF soldiers now serving, and they are backed by 3000 TF. There are 15 missions overseas (UN and multi force organisations) currently involving over 900 soldiers - the Army is the major supplier of manpower. The major contribution Army makes is East Timor and this number is in excess of 700 troops, a commitment which could last for three tours each of 6 months. However nothing is finalised yet. The situation at present is relatively quiet but militia are still present and do have the potential to intimidate the local population. On the Gunner scene there are no artillery elements deployed apart from a few individuals filling staff appointments. 16 Fd Regt has had a busy time in meeting its training commitments, involvement in APEC, and acting as mounting unit for 1RNZIR (in Timor). The Air Defence live firing at Kaipara was very succcessful (Barney Harrop was there). Last week I was in Waiouru watching the gunners complete their ARTEPS (I still don't know what this stands for! - read training tests).
Happy St Barbara's Day!"

History of the Royal New Zealand Artillery

Alan Henderson, contract historian commissioned to produce "a full-scale history of the New Zealand artillery in its various manifestations from the 1840s to the present day" attended the Reunion Dinner, and briefed the gathering on this pproject. As R. Burns, famous Scottish poet would have said - "A chiels among you takin' notes, And, faith, he'll prent it!" He made enough contacts to keep him busy for some time. Anyone with particular views or material on this subject can contact Alan at the Historical Branch, Dept of Internal Affairs, PO Box 805, Wellington. Return to top

The Taupo Weekend: 12-14 November 99

Part 1:AGM     |     Part II: Reunion Dinner     |     Part III:Church and Disperse

Part 1:Annual General Meeting

President's Report: by Des O'Connor
Ladies and Gentlemen of the NZPFOC I am pleased to present my report for the past year.
Roll of Member - 1999: The current membership figures are Associate 45; Life 59; Honorary 5; Ordinary 216. The numbers of honorary and associate members have remained constant during the past year. Life members have increased by four and now represent slightly over 18.1% of total membership (27.3% of ordinary members). We recorded a net loss of 22 members. Of that number 20 died during the year, including one of New Zealand's most distinguished soldiers, Lieutenant General Sir Leonard Thornton - a long time member and former Patron of this Association.
Looking to the Future: Your committee is grateful for the support of the 21 serving artillerymen (including one officer seconded to the Royal Artillery) who are listed among the 216 ordinary members. However, that figure of 21 is a very small percentage of the total number of serving soldiers, both men and women, who are eligible to join. I believe we need to attract many more of these people if our Association is to survive in its present form well into the future.
The Internet: Our Association now has an extensive presence on the internet, thanks to the enthusiasm and dedication of Angus and Catherine Rivers. We are indebted to those two professionals for having donated such an extraordinary amount of time, energy and expertise in creating and servicing a website that has attracted much favourable comment at home and abroad. And Catherine has acted gratuitously, as our Webmaster. Angus has agreed to address the AGM on 'matters internet'.
Committee Members & District Representatives: I wish to thank the members of your committee for their support and loyalty throughout the year and in particular your hardworking Hon. Secretary, Jim Ross, and Hon. Treasurer, Barney Harrop. Thanks also to the District Representatives for fostering the interests of oour Association nationwide.
The Office of President: Finally, Ladies and Gentlemen, in keeping with last year's undertaking that my second term of office would be a brief one, I am standing down this year. And without any thought of pre-empting the election of officers, I am pleased to report that a well qualified, much younger person, currently serving on your committee, has agreed to accept nomination for the position.
District Representatives:
Reports were received from Jim Gilberd (Bay of Plenty, Hawkes Bay), Angus Rivers (Wanganui, Manawatu), Roger Newth (Wellington, Marlborough), Matt Crawley (Tauranga) and Joe Hanvey (Auckland North) in person, and by letter from Harry Honnor (Northland) and John Masters (Canterbury).
The following resolutions were passed.
  1. Treasurer's report and balance sheet were approved.
  2. Annual subscriptions would be unchanged.
  3. Secretary's honorarium would be $300 for 98-99.
  4. Officers: 98-99 all officers and Executive Committee members were reappointed, with the following amendments.
    President: Mr RG Blankley MBE will replace Mr DP O'Connor.
    District Reps: Mr RJ Crawley is appointed District Rep for Tauranga.
    Executive Committee: Mr RH Mitchell is appointed a member.
  5. Web Site: The trial period specified at the 98 AGM being now concluded, the site is to continue on the present basis as the official website of the Association.
  6. Vote of Thanks:
    1. To Rivers Partners for success in establishing the NZPFOCA website.
    2. To Des O'Connor for his long service to the Association in office, particularly as President 98-99.
  7. Next Reunion: This will be held at Taupo on the weekend 10, 11 and 12 Nov 2000.

Part II: Reunion Dinner

Equipment Demonstration: 163 Fd Bty
At the Yacht Club, from 1700hrs, members were able to eaxmine some up-to-date equipment, including a 105mm Light Gun and a Mistral Air Defence missile, manned by Lt Warren Koia and men from 163 Bty, Waiouru. We have to thank Major Shay Bassett for this exceedingly welcome display. Attendance:
As the Guests of Honour, Col and Mrs Tom O'Reilly, were unable to attend, Maj and Mrs Shay Bassett stood in. Also taking part were: Ray and Laurie Andrews, Doug Adams, John Bellamy, Bill and Jasmine Beveridge, Graham Black, Iris Boytor, Blackie and Shirley Burns, Matt Crawley and Rita, Bill and Betty Davidson, Mike and Elva Dakin, Leroy Forrester, Ian Foster, Bill and Emma Giles, Jim Gilberd, Joe and Grace Hanvey, Barney Harrop, Ron and Mike Hassett, Alan Henderson, David Hughes, Jack Kearney, Don and Noeleen Kenning, Bob and Betty Kerslake, Ted and Nes Lile, Frank and Denise Lupo, George and Patti Miln, Bill and Tui McLeay, Helen McMahon, Brian Meyer and Linda, Vic and Audrey Meyle, Bill and Estelle Morland, Roger, Lois and Catherine Newth, Des and Bunty O'Connor, Bill and Joyce Powrie, Dave and Marie Roberts, Jim and Ruby Ross, John and Jan Rout, Wally Ruffell, Lin Smith, Tony Tustin, Gordon and Norah Weaver, and Roger and Jean Wylde. Angus and Catherine Rivers, who were at the AGM, were unable to come to the dinner. This attendance continued the increase noted last year, being approx 20% greater again.
Toast to Her Majesty:
The Loyal Toast to our Captain GEneral was conducted by Des O'Connor, Dining President, and Ian Foster as Vice President.
The Regiment:
Leroy Forrester, who had spent some time in Ireland, delivered some good new Irish jokes particularly appreciated by Desmond Patrick O'Connor, Dining President. Leroy then waxed more serious on the subject of the Royal Regiment.
Shay Bassett replied in masterly fashion, with accounts of the activities and future outlook for the Corps. We hope to be able to provide the text of both these addressses in the March Newsletter.
Absent Comrades:
Dave Roberts had us laughing at some superbly acted humorous memories, then administered an antidote - "On a more serious note, we have all had friends and mates who were casualties in distanct places in times now long gone. I recently read a poem written by an anonymous 4th Century Chinese poet. And although I do not believe that there is any glory in death, particularly an early death, I thought the last few lines convey some thoughts that I am trying to express:
They thay fought so well - in death are warriors still;
Stubborn and steadfast to the end, they could not be dishonoured.
Their bodies perished in the fight; but the magic of their souls is strong -
Captains among the ghosts, heroes among the Dead!
Ladies and Gentlemen I ask you to charge your glasses, be upstanding and drink the toast to Absent Comrades."
Gun Raffle:
As in previous years, Wally Ruffell had made a brass model of a SBML 24-pr piece and carriage to be raffled. The proceeds were used to provide refreshments for the "One for the Road" gathering on Sunday morning. Neil Rhynd, who had probably travelled farthest, from Amberley Beach, to attend the reunion was the popular winner.

Part III: Church and Disperse

Church Parade:
We were fortunate to be able to use once more the historic meeting house, Te Tiki o Te Tamamutu. Padre Bill McLeay's excellent sermon, full of modern instances brought the parable of the talents right up to the present day. We were also grateful for Tui's singing and Helen McMahon's organ accompaniment.
One for the Road:
At the Spa Hotel's Suite "A" whistles were wetted before leaving. Our last sight was of the rearguard (post of honour in a retreating army) Boytor, O'Connor and Ruffell, smiling among the bottles.

Events & Reunions


  1. A lunchtime gathering at the Birkenhead RSA on 2 Dec was attended by Bob Blankley, Alan and Elsie Boyd, Iris Boytor, Joe and Grace Hanvey, Barney Harrop, Bill Morland and Estelle Spence-Morland, Des and Bunty O'Connor, Jim Ross, Wally Ruffell and Joan Transom. Yet again Lady Luck and Justitia, the blindfold goddess, conspired to award J. Ross first prize in the raffle.
  2. At Papakura RSA gunners past and present gathered on 4 Dec from 1600hrs onwards. Jeff Waters reports that about a dozen were there, including Graeme Williams back from Croatia.


Jeff Waters Issues a Warning Order for the Ladies' Dining in at Papakura RSA on Friday 26 May 2000. Mark calendars NOW.


The Rangiriri Battle Site Heritage Centre is for sale. This complex is situated immediately North of the Rangiriri Hotel on the old main road, opposite the graveyard, and comprises a flourishing cafeteria and souvenir shop business, plus a unique collection of memorabilia - weapons, artifacts, documents and pictures connected with the battle of Rangiriri and the Waikato War. An audio-visual show (3 projectors - automatic operation) on this subject is shown in the attached theatre. Internet buffs can catch it on The centre is the concept and creation of Mr Pat Gaitley, who can be contacted on (07) 826 3663, Fax (07) 826 3744, and who wishes to sell it only to a buyer who will maintain the unique historical magic of the place. He has developed links with 94 (New Zealand) Battery Royal Artillery, which won that honour title at the battle, where Capt Mercer RA was killed.

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