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Discussion Groups

Good | So-so to terrible

Good has an excellent "forum" area. Mercifully, the forum is moderated, and posted rules prohibit Greek/Macedonian debate, name-calling and homework requests. Top 5%

Livejournal: Megalexandros, together with, this is the beating-heart of the Alexander the Great community. It is off-growth of Reames-Zimmerman's Hephaistion - Philalexandros. Top 5%

So-so to terrible

Yahoo: Alexander of Macedon Forum. So-so group, but picking up speed quickly. Unlike Pothos or Megalexandros, you can get a digest in the mail every day.

IMDb: Message board for Oliver Stone's Alexander. Much about the actors, but also about Alexander. Will probably pick up as the movie gets closer and then appears.

soc.history.ancient (via Google Groups) covers much more than Alexander, but he has been a frequent topic. You can also search for "Alexander the Great" in soc.history.ancient. Ethnic pronouncements and insults abound.

egroups: Alexander the Great. Small (30-member) group. No action.

Topica: Alexander the Great. Unmoderated. Not much action.

LibraryThing: Catalog your books online.
Check out my new site
Wiki Classical Dictionary, currently focused on Alexander

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Genghis Khan on the Web More than 275 links about the Mongol conqueror.

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Ancient Library and the Wiki Classical Dictionray, major new reference sources for ancient studies.

Hieroglyphs! Over 125 links about Egyptian hieroglyphs for all ages and levels of knowledge.

( See all my ancient history sites )