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Greetings from Steve Clark, CWO, 7th Toronto Regt (Reserve), RSM, who reports that his men always sing 'Screw Guns' at their Christmas Dinner.
December 2001

Don't forget the RASigs 110 Signal Squadron reunion in Canberra 15-16-17 March 2002 - further information from Bob Fellows, 10 Hampden Av, Frankston 3199. Phone Australia (03) 9789 2793. Email [email protected].
December 2001

The Association notes with regret the death of Major General Geoff Carter, RAA, on Wednesday 1 August 2001. Geoff was Chief Instructor at the School of Artillery 1975-76.
August 2001

Peter 'Doggo' Downs is compiling an oral history of the RNZEME in Vietnam. More details in his article in the 'Tales from the Trails' section. Contact Peter at [email protected]
June 2001

Lindsay Skinner reports that there was an excellent turnout in Wellington for the unveiling of the Artillery Plaque at the National War Memorial by Lady Thornton. The Horowhenua Artillery Association took a busload down from Levin. The plaque includes 4,5,6,17, and 38th Field Regiments, 28 Heavy AA Regt, 14 and 29th Light AA Regt, 7 Anti Tank Regt and 33rd Heavy Regt. The address by the Col Comdt, Brig Ray Andrews, was well received and there were refreshments afterwards at HMS Olphert. Following this, Lindsay joined the Old Comrades Association for Gunners' Day lunch at the Hutt RSA where many old acquantances were renewed. A good representation at both venues of both past and present gunners.

For more information on these WW2 artillery regiments, see their pages in the 'WW2 in the Pacific' section and the 'WW2 in Africa and Europe' section. Read about the role of the Colonel Commandant.
May 2001

Greg Bradley is interested in contacting anyone who has had involvement with the New Zealand Mounted Rifles. He collects and restores saddles and other equipment from the NZMR and would like to put them on public display in a future museum. He can be contacted at [email protected] or phone 06 322 1227.
May 2001

Capt Gary Ridley, QM of the Northern Region TF Unit, has located the Confidence Course Trophy in a display cabinet at the Arch Hill Army Offices in Auckland. (See original notice elsewhere on the Shrapnel pages.)
May 2001

Images and commentary from the North African Campaign have been published in a book, Struan's War. Struan MacGibbon was a gunner with 4 Field Regiment, 14 Light Anti-aircraft Regiment, 7 Anti-tank Regiment and HQ 2 Div Arty. STRUAN'S WAR is a book about battlegrounds, recreation and sightseeing in North Africa and the Middle East, in the photographs and diaries of New Zealand Division gunner, the late Struan MacGibbon. Its 160 A4 pages include 168 finely reproduced photographs and the entire 65,000 of personal diaries kept by Struan during this period, against official orders. Plus an introduction that puts Struan's war experiences into a broader perspective, and a detailed map of the region.

STRUAN'S WAR is also a photo exhibition by the New Zealand Centre for Photography. The Centre is exhibiting 55 enlargements of Struan's photos at the National Portrait Gallery, Wellington, during April and May.

See the Books page for more information.
March 2001

Derek Ward, from Arlington, Texas, would like to hear from any gunners who used 3.7-in AA. He is interested in the ammuntion used in early WW2 or North Africa. Contact him at [email protected]
March 2001

106 Fd Bty Reunion. For details of the July 2001 reunion, check their website at http://artillery106.homestead.com/Reunion106.html .
March 2001

Calling all gunners from South East Asia, 1974 - 1989. Mac is looking for photos for the SEAANZ website at www.seaanz.20.com from all of you who enjoyed your time in Singapore. Contact him at [email protected]
January 2001

Missing Person. Can you identify this man? He was in Enfield or Bath in Somerset, England, during Oct/Nov 1943. Please contact the secretary (email: [email protected]).
January 2001

All ex RA gunners living anywhere in the world are invited to join the Friends List of the Royal Artillery. Contact ex WO2 Phil Large, 34 Morvenside Edinburgh EH14 2SJ Scotland.
January 2001

Kerry Lee writes:
One of the highlights of the intakes at Papakura Camp was the Confidence Course Competition. The teams of six were highly competitive and on the 26th Intake the final times were very close. The gunners in D block won the confidence course race and, as our team captain, Tom Johnson accepted the trophy, a hand-crafted wooden caricature of the high wall with the team members in various uncomfortable positions. Years later, I found the trophy in the Q store at HQ Coy 1TFR while I was OC. It sat on my desk for two years and I reluctantly left it there (on the desk of the OC HQ Coy 1TFR, Papakura) when I retired in 1983. If you know where the trophy is now, please contact the Secretary ([email protected]), Kerry Lee or the Webmaster.
October 2000

Congratulations to Don Donaldson who has just been elected President of the Palmerston North RSA, one of the largest Returned Services clubs in the country (friendly folk, too).
September 2000

Peter-Ralph Downs (aka Doggo Downs), the gun tiffy, wants to know what happened to the artillery pieces in the Thames Drill Hall. Responses to [email protected]. We'd like to know, too, so if you can help, drop a line to the Webmaster as well.
September 2000

Dave Watt (son of Owen D Watt and nephew of Norman J Watt, both 6 Fd Regt) offers to help folk get online and tutorials. Contact him at [email protected].
September 2000

John (Jack) Hay was one of the Rats of Tobruk. His family would like more information on this special group of people. If you know of any books, or have any information, you can email them on [email protected].
August 2000

James Bertinshaw served with 36 Survey Battery and Div HQ during WW2. His family can be contacted at [email protected].
August 2000

Message from George (Jocko) Hall:
I am an old Gunner last serving as an IG to 15 Bde. RA. Circa 1954 an old chum Captain A.J (Jacky) Page TD RA (TA) emigrated to NZ with his wife Julia and two small daughters, Jennifer and Judy. I went to South America and we lost touch. Jacky's last TA Regt was 608(M) HAA Regt RA. However, during WWII he was a serving Territorial with the East Kent Regt (The Buffs) serving in North Africa and Italy with the 8th. The family probably went to one of the larger of the cities as he was in the Newspaper printing business. All efforts to trace him have failed, can you help or advise me please.

The very best of regards to all gunners and all infanteers who served in Korea, the Middle East and particularly the lads who served in Crete and Italy.
July 2000

Calling WW2 Gunners: Would anyone who knew Struan MacGibbon (ex 14 LAA Regt) in Nth Africa please contact John MacGibbon, 267 Cockayne Rd, Wellington, phone (NZ) 04 479 5545 or . Struan was an avid photographer and keen cricketer. He played in the Maadi Artillery 1st XI in 1945 and with the NZ Services 1st XI in England.
July 2000

Calling all Pacific Gunners: Would anyone who knew Gunner CWA Mc Donald, 203 Anti-Aircraft Battery, New Caledonia 1942-43, please contact his daughter, Doreen Mc Kerchar (email: [email protected]).
June 2000

Geoff Maxwell is a novelist in search of material on snipers in WW2 - Europe rather than the Pacific. He would like any information, anecdotal or otherwise. Email him at [email protected]
June 2000

Congratulations to Lieutenant Colonel John Charles DYER (P49877), Royal Regiment of New Zealand Artillery, who has received the New Zealand Gallantry Decoration in the Queen's Birthday Honours. The citation reads:
"Lieutenant Colonel Dyer, on 6 January 1999, was serving in Sierra Leone with the United Nations Mission when rebel forces attacked Freetown, NZGDevading strongpoints in the city which were being guarded by the Nigerian-led Intervention Force (ECOMOG). The evacuation of all remaining United Nations personnel from the country was then ordered. By this stage, United Nations vehicles had become targets for both the rebels and frightened ECOMOG soldiers. Nevertheless, Lieutenant Colonel Dyer traversed Freetown to ensure that all United Nations personnel were accounted for. This task became more dangerous as the day progressed and at one point, during the rescue of a group of military observers, Lieutenant Colonel Dyer and his vehicles came under fire from tense ECOMOG personnel. At all times, Lieutenant Colonel Dyer remained calm and in control displaying a considerable presence of mind and disregard for danger in an extremely stressful situation. Through his personal courage and an accurate appreciation of a changing and volatile situation, Lieutenant Colonel Dyer was able to accomplish the successful evacuation of one hundred and twenty military and civilian United Nations personnel from Sierra Leone."

The NZGD replaces the old decorations of DSC, DSM, MC, MM, DFC, DFM, AFC and AFM.
June 2000

Fraternal congratulations to Chief Petty Officer Gunnery Instructor Ricky John Derksen, RNZN, of Auckland, for his award of Additional Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services in East Timor.
June 2000

Jim Ross has a commentary on the dire state of New Zealand's defence policy. Defence - minus the 'Fence'
May 2000

The 3rd Field Regiment Trust is encouraging all gunners in the South Island to register on a database held at their new premises, 70 Gloucester St Christchurch (directly opposite the two M2A2s). Phone/fax 03 366 8323. No charge.
May 2000

Message from an American Korean War gunner, Charles D. Ricketts.

I served with the 936 F.A.Bn. U.S.Army, '52-'53-Korea. While on radio and telephone many days and nights helped you fellows with fire from our 155mm howitzers. I remember hill 355 very well and the report of your 25 pounders. My first time on the hill was Dec'52. 1st Commonwealth was up there then, next the US 2nd Infantry and then the 1st Commonwealth till "cease fire". I was invited to attend the Coronation Parade held by the 1st Commonwealth, I believe it was in June '53. The day before, a Major was killed, while crossing the airstrip where your air observers were stationed by an U.S. F86 that had gotten hit over the line and came into your airstrip with no power and hit him in his jeep while he was crossing the runway. I had been up on the hill as well as back to the airstrip compound. I remember well your air observer calling in fire missions and was very conservative on giving us a "target destroyed" to end a mission. He would usually give us a percentage destroyed, if it was equipment, and his estimate of the number of dead or wounded on troops.
May 2000

The 50th Anniversaries of the CMT Act of 1949 and the First Intake going into camp in May 1950 will be celebrated in New Plymouth in June this year. More information.
March 2000

The Rangiriri Battle Site Heritage Centre is for sale. This complex is situated immediately North of the Rangiriri Hotel on the old main road, opposite the graveyard, and comprises a flourishing cafeteria and souvenir shop business, plus a unique collection of memorabilia - weapons, artifacts, documents and pictures connected with the battle of Rangiriri and the Waikato War. An audio-visual show (3 projectors - automatic operation) on this subject is shown in the attached theatre. Internet buffs can catch it on http://teararoa.org.nz/walk26.html The centre is the concept and creation of Mr Pat Gaitley, who can be contacted on (07) 826 3663, Fax (07) 826 3744, and who wishes to sell it only to a buyer who will maintain the unique historical magic of the place. He has developed links with 94 (New Zealand) Battery Royal Artillery, which won that honour title at the battle, where Capt Mercer RA was killed.
December 1999

Mrs Averill Jones (Associate Member) has been made a life member of the New Zealand Red Cross. Her 72 years of service have taken the organisation by surprise - they make long-service clasps only up to 60 years! Averill's home has been a meeting place for gunners for many decades and her new, smaller, place is no less welcoming.
November 1999

Jim Ross has written a paper on the Four Fallacies of Defence in which he discusses fundamental flaws in NZ defence policy.
November 1999

To Vietnam gunners (circa 1970), a message from Richard Morrow:
I am trying to find persons who were in Vietnam with the artillery around 1970. I was with the First Infantry Division A Battery 1st Battalion 7th Field Artillery. We exchanged people for a few weeks, we sent 6 people to your Battery and you sent 6 to us to stay for a week. I would like to get in touch with any of the people who were with the battery at that time, that remember this.

Richard Morrow
724 Countyline Street
New Castle, Pa 16101
[email protected]

September 1999

Click Rod Simpson reports on a computer CD about the Vietnam war. Our first CD review.
August, 1999

Last Serving Guns Leave the South Island

32(E) Battery fired its guns for the last time on 7 June 1999 in Hagley Park, Christchurch, when it fired the customary 21 gun salute to mark the Queen's birthday. The battery is now disbanded, with the gunners absorbed into the Canterbury, Nelson, Marlborough and West Coast Regiment. After being made inoperative, the M101A1 105-mm Howitzers will appear outside RSA clubs.

When 31(B) Battery was disbanded on 12 June 1999, there ended the Dunedin artillery connection that started with the formation of the Dunedin Volunteer Artillery Corps in 1863. The gunners have been absorbed into the Otago and Southland Regiment. The 31(B) flag, a 25-pr and M101A1 Howitzer will be kept in Dunedin.
July, 1999

What happened to these pieces?
Mike Subritzky reports on artillery pieces that have disappeared (lost, buried or scrapped) and suggests a Gunner Millennium Project.
June, 1999

Look! George Pycraft, Assistant Curator Technology at the Army Museum, is looking for tech drawings of the British WW2 40mm 2pdr A/Tk gun, with a view to rebuilding their incomplete one for display. If you have any information, drawings or any fragments of one, give him a call at the museum. The email address is [email protected] or you can phone on 06 387 6911.
June, 1999

The Association notes with regret the death of Lt Gen Sir Leonard Thornton KCB CBE. The funeral took place at St Pauls Anglican Cathedral, Wellington, with full military honours, on Tuesday 15th June at 12:30pm. Maj Gen Ron Hassett gave the Eulogy. 16th Field Regiment coordinated the funeral arrangements and provided the bearer party, firing party and part of the tri-service guard. General Thornton wrote two articles recently for this website, on 2NZEF Div Arty and on 14 LAA Regt in World War 2.
June, 1999

Look!Remember the query from Jaap Smits? Wally Ruffell has solved the mystery by revealing the gun to be Queen Elizabeth's Pocket Pistol. Unfortunately, Jaap was unable to be contacted but you can see more about the piece.
Apr, 1999

Rod Baldwin and Ron Turner have provided us with an account, complete with snapshots, of their return visit to Vietnam earlier this year after three decades. Among the highlights: Vung Tau, Nui Dat, the Horseshoe, the Long Tan Memorial, the Peter Badcoe Club, Luscombe Field and Saigon.
Apr, 1999

Central North Island reps met at Napier on April 22 for an OCA Conference when Angus Rivers (Wanganui/Manawatu) and Jim Gilberd (Napier) had morning tea together at Jim's place.
April, 1999

The Gun Emplacement on Motutapu Island is to be restored by the Motutapu Restoration Trust as part of their corporate hospitality facilities. The emplacement is made up of three pits, one of which is to be restored with a military theme. The Trust is looking for memorabilia including uniforms, equipment, photos, film and vehicles. If you can assist, contact the NZPFOCA Secretary, Jim Ross. The Navy is to provide 4" shells and the Army will supply labour.
Mar, 1999

16 Field Regiment, RNZA has just held Exercise HELLFIRE. Your intrepid rep, Angus Rivers, made the sacrifice and attended the live firing. Some of his snapshots are in the photo gallery.
Mar, 1999

Tony Tustin's page
Tony's tale   Do you remember the incident described by Tony Tustin? [Move your mouse over the blue rectangle.]

Mar, 1999

Now is a good time to get your medals spruced up for Anzac Day. Jeff Waters can clean and re-ribbon them for next to nothing. Very competitive prices. He works all hours so call him anytime on (09) 296 2457.

Did you note the progress report on the NZ artillery history in Newsletter 101 provided by Brig Ray Andrews?

Graeme Black recalls some textbook instances of fire discipline heard over the radio from the OP:

"31; We fired a shot into the air; it came to ground I know not where; drop 800, over."

More is available on Graeme's page.
Feb, 1999

Lapel badges cost only $4.  Buy them from the Secretary.
Feb, 1999

With the New Year, the NZPFOCA has a new Patron. MajGen Ron Hassett steps down and Brig Ray Andrews assumes the position of Patron. See Newsletter 100 for details; view the Patron's message.
Jan 1, 1999

MNZM medal Congratulations to our Associate Member, LtCol Janet Castell, on her New Year Honour. She becomes a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit. The Order is for those persons who in any field of endeavour, have rendered meritorious service to the Crown and nation or who have become distinguished by their eminence, talents, contributions or other merits. Janet has been rewarded for her part in the peace process in Bougainville.
Jan 1, 1999


A message from Canada:
Canadian flag I would like to send my late St Barbara's greeting to all NZ gunners.
A fond hello to WO1 Paul Galloway who ensured I remained sane on the Master Gunner course.
Cheers to all.
CWO Andy Wilkins, RSM, 1st Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, Shilo Manitoba, Canada.

Remember to visit the RCHA site.
Dec 31, 1998

The image behind the perpetual gun on the Home Page has changed! Each time you click on the gun one of many possible images is displayed. Since the choice is random, some will be repeated before all have been shown. You can view another random image by returning to the page.

Dec 31, 1998

Help! Michael Hall of the Royal Artillery Asssociation has sent us this puzzle from Jaap Smits who needs a reply before January 10: Identify this gun and give its nickname. Possible hint: Jaap is from the Netherlands.

Unknown gun

See the answer.

Dedication of the L5 Pack Howitzer at the Titahi Bay RSA on 5 Dec 98.

Did you click on the perpetual gun on the home page?

Ron Turner asks:
An old but great friend and former boss of mine saw and arranged for me to buy a small gunner lapel badge. The badge is silver and 1.75 cm by 1.75 cm. It is the usual cannon design with NZ above and Quo Fas Et Gloria Ducunt below. Under the lower central scroll is a round appendage with the figure 8 inscribed in it. What is its origin?
December 1998

'We trained hard, but when it seemed we were beginning to work as a team, we would be reorganised. I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new situation by reorganising, and a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress while producing confusion, inefficiency and demoralisation.'
Pretorius, First Roman Legion, AD65

The art is like unto a circle without end, or a labyrinth, where a man being well entered in, knoweth not how to get out again, and therefore it must be industry and practice which maketh a perfect Gunner.
From The Gunner Classe (1646) by William Eldred, sometime Master Gunner who served for 60 years. Published in Newsletter 80, December 1993.

A Gunner ought to be a sober, wakeful, lusty, patient, prudent and quick-spirited man, he ought also to have good eyesight, a judgement, and perfect knowledge to select a convenient place in the day of service to plant his ordnance where he may do most hurt unto the enemies, and be least annoyed by them, and where his ordnance may not be surprised by them.
Cyprian Lucar, 1588

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