1880 |
The population of New Jersey was 1,131,000 people; 50.5% of whom
were female, 3.4% of whom were black, and 54.4% lived in urban areas. |
Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) attempted, unsuccessfully,
to exercise the vote in Tenafly. |
1882 |
Elizabeth Almira Allen (1854-1919), a teachers' rights advocate,
became vice-president of the New Jersey Teachers' Association and later the first
president of the New Jersey Education Association. |
1883 |
Margaret Bancroft (1854-1912) founded the Bancroft Training
School for the multiply disabled in Haddonfield. |
1884 |
Suffragists Phebe Hanaford of Jersey City, Therese Walling Seabrook
of Keyport, and Henry Blackwell of Massachusetts met with the New Jersey Assembly
judiciary committee to press for the introduction of a woman suffrage resolution into the
Assembly. The Assembly would take no action on the resolution.
1884 |
Margaret Anna Cusack (1829-1899) founded the Sisters of
Peace, a congregation of women in Jersey City. |
1885 |
Annie Oakley (1860-1926),
sharpshooter, and her husband Frank Butler joined Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show
(1885-1901). Oakley lived in Nutley. |
1886 |
The Manual Training and Industrial School in
Bordentown, a vocational training school for African American girls and
boys was founded on the educational principals of Booker T. Washington. |
1887 |
The Knights of
Labor, the first national labor union that welcomed the organization of working women,
reached a peak of labor unionizing activity in New Jersey. Of a reported membership of
40,172, Lady Knights totaled 4,400 (or 11%). Leonora Barry, the national womens
organizer for the Knights of Labor visited New Jersey and reported on the abysmal working
conditions for women and girls. |
In skilled trade unions, 506 of the reported membership of 17,790
were women. |
The New Jersey
legislature granted women the right to vote at local school
meetings. This law affected
only rural and small town women. |
The Womans Christian Temperance Union
of New Jersey endorsed
woman suffrage at its annual meeting in November. |
Evelyn College for women was founded as an annex to Princeton
University. It did not succeed and closed in 1897. |
1890 |
The population of New Jersey was 1,445,000 people, 50.1% of whom
were female, 3.3% of whom were black, and 62% lived in urban areas. |
The New Jersey Woman Suffrage
Association, which had become inactive
in the late 1870s, was reorganized and revivified. Largely a white middle-class
organization, it led the struggle for women suffrage in the state over the next thirty
years. |
Prudential Insurance Company
in Newark was the state's first large-scale employer of women as office workers. |
1892 |
Nelson Colles researched and wrote biographies of authors associated
with both Morristown and Newark, among them Mary Mapes Dodge. |
Midwives were required to be licensed, but graduation from an
accredited school of midwifery was not mandated until 1910. |
1893 |
The New Jersey legislature raised the marital age of consent for
girls from 10 years to 16 years. |
1894 |
New Jersey Supreme Court declared rural women's right to vote for
school officials at school meetings unconstitutional under the New Jersey Constitution of
1844. Rural and small town women were still permitted to vote on school taxes, however.
New Jersey's first social settlement, Whittier House, was
founded and directed in Jersey City by Cornelia Foster Bradford (1847-1935).
The New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs was founded and Margaret
Tufts Swan Yardley (1844-1928) was elected its first president. |
1895 |
The New Jersey legislature granted married women the right to
contract and to sue and be sued for property. |
Philbrook (1872-1958) became the first New Jersey woman lawyer to gain admittance to the
bar as a result of an enabling act of the New Jersey legislature.
1896 |
The New Jersey legislature granted women the legal right to their
earnings and wages as separate property. |
Elizabeth "Bessie"
Holmes Moore (1876-1959) of Ridgewood won the United States Womens Singles
lawn-tennis championship. She won the title again in 1901, 1903, and 1905. |
Jennie Tuttle Hobart (1849-1941) of Paterson became second lady of the
United States when her husband was inaugurated Vice President in the first administration
of President William McKinley. |
1897 |
A womens school suffrage amendment to the New Jersey Constitution was defeated in a
public referendum by 10,000 out of 140,000 votes. |
The Campbell Soup Company of Camden introduced convenience foods
such as condensed soup and canned vegetables, to capture the new consumer market for
prepared foods for the home. |
1899 |
St. Elizabeth's College, a
Roman Catholic college for women, opened in Convent Station. This was the first four-year
college for women in New Jersey. |
1900 |
The population of New Jersey was 1,884,000 people, 50% of whom were
female. 3.7% of whom were black and 70.5% lived in urban areas. |
Women and girls worked as regular operators in more than 55
industries making everything from art tiles to woolen and worsted goods.
Clannon Cushing (1845-1934) of East Orange began the Consumers' League of New Jersey and
served as its president for 30 years. |
Several years of lobbying and study by the New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs
led to the preservation of the preservation of the Palisades of the Hudson
River from commercial
development and to the creation of the Palisades Interstate Park
Commission by New
Jersey and New York. |
1901 |
The New Jersey Nurses' Association was founded at Newark City
Hospital for nurses across the state; Irene Taylor Fallon (1860-1952) served as its first
president. |
Nurse Clara Louise Maass (1876-1901) of East Orange volunteered to
participate in an immunization experiment against yellow fever in Cuba. |
Bridwell White (1862-1948) founded her own church, The Pillar of Fire
(formerly the Pentecostal Union Church). In 1918, White was
consecrated a bishop of the church |
1902 |
Rachel K. McDowell (1880 - 1949) began her career in journalism that
spanned a half century. |
1903 |
The report was published on "Housing Conditions in Jersey
City" by social reformer Mary Buel Sayles (1878-1959), a resident of the Whittier
House social settlement in Jersey City. The report led to the formation of the New Jersey
State Tenement House Commission. |
The Newark Female Charitable Society, which provided
extensive services to the city's immigrant families and the poor,
celebrated its centennial year. |
1904 |
By this date, 30 New Jersey hospitals provided nurses' training. |
1908 |
The Equality League for Self-Supporting Women of New Jersey was
founded by Mina C. Van Winkle of Newark to draw New Jersey working women into the suffrage
movement. In 1912 it changed its name to the Womens Political Union of New Jersey. |
Alice Huyler Ramsey (1886-1983)
of Hackensack drove her Maxwell from New York City to San Francisco, the first woman to
make a cross-country trip in an automobile. |
1909 |
The Newark Female Charitable
Society provided extensive services to the poor and to immigrant
women. |
1910 |
The population of New Jersey had more than doubled since 1880:
2,537,000 people, 49.3% of whom were female, 3.5% of whom were black and over 75% lived in
urban areas. |
Hetty Howland Robinson Green (1834-1916), a Hoboken
financier, became a multimillionaire. The press dubbed her the "Witch of Wall
Street." |
Lydia Young Hayes (1871-1943) organized and directed the New
Jersey Commission for the Blind. |
Alice Paul (1885-1977) of Mount Laurel returned to New Jersey from London
where she had been active in the radical English suffrage movement. She later became the
acknowledged leader of the radical wing of the national woman suffrage movement.


physical sport for girls and women was well established in schools and the
larger community. Tennis, golf, bicycling, gymnastics, and the newly
developed game of basketball, were all considered appropriate recreation
for girls and women. Women also played professional
baseball. |


1911 |
New Jersey passed a sterilization law. It was declared
unconstitutional in 1913. |
1912 |
Lillian Ford Feickert
(1877-1945), of Plainfield, was elected president of the New Jersey Woman Suffrage
Association and led the organization until 1920. |
The New Jersey
Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage was founded
with Anna Dayton of Trenton as its first president. |
In the law suit Carpenter v. Cornish, attorney Mary Philbrook
(1872-1958) argued that the 1844 Constitutions limit of the franchise to white males
was invalid because women had been illegally barred from voting on it by the Act of 1807.
The court decided against her client. |
Russian-born Vera Schectman (1890-1971), of Newark, became the first
female intern at Newarks Beth Israel Hospital. |
of girls and women employed in the Paterson silk industry went out on a Socialist and IWW
led strike protesting speedup and poor wages. |


The home of Maria Botto
(1870-1915), an immigrant silk worker, was a meeting place for striking workers during the
Paterson strike and a home for visiting IWW leaders. The house in Haledon, north of
Paterson, is now a national historic landmark and labor museum.

Jersey City Hospital appointed Margaret Sullivan Herberman
(1878-1963) its first woman staff physician. |
Sarah Spence Washington (1889-1953) founded a highly
successful African-American beauty culture and hair care product company.
1914 |
Grace Baxter Fenderson (1882-1962) founded the Newark chapter
for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Gilbreth (1878-1972) of Montclair published The Psychology of Management, which
pioneered in recognizing management as a province for psychology. In 1921, she became an
honorary member of the Society of Industrial Engineers. |
Violet Oakley, an important American muralist, was born in Bergen
Heights in 1874. The
�Unity� frieze expresses her vision of a peaceful world. She was a pacifist and
feminist. |
1915 |



After several years of political organizing, suffrage
organizations in New Jersey succeeded in getting a woman suffrage
amendment to the New Jersey constitution approved by two successive
legislatures and put to public referendum. Despite a vigorous
campaign by suffragists, the amendment was defeated in October by a margin
of 51,108 out of 317,672 votes. Similar referenda were also defeated
that year in New York, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts. |



Florence Spearing Randolph
(1866-1951) organized the New Jersey State Federation of Colored Women's Clubs.
1916 |
The annual convention of the National American Woman Suffrage
Association was held in Atlantic City. President Woodrow Wilson, former governor of
New Jersey, participated as a speaker on September 8. |
Alice Paul's (1885-1977) Congressional Union became the National
Woman's Party and the New Jersey chapter of the National Women's Party formed with Alison
Turnbull Hopkins (1880-1951) as president. |
Elizabeth Coleman White (1871-1954) was instrumental in developing the
nation's first cultivated blueberry. It led to the commercial production of blueberries.
1917 |
Five New Jersey woman suffragists were arrested and jailed for
picketing the White House in Washington, DC, in protest over President Wilsons
failure to endorse a federal woman suffrage amendment. They were Julia Hurlbut (1882-1962)
and Alison Turnbull Hopkins (1880-1951) of Morristown, Phebe Persons Scott (1878-1959) and
Beatrice Kinkead (1874-1947) of Montclair, and Mary Abbott (dates unknown) of Atlantic
City. |
More and more women, at this time, especially in the urban areas,
delivered babies in hospitals under the care of doctors rather than at
home with midwives. |
The New Jersey State
Federation of Colored Women's Clubs affiliated with the New Jersey
Woman Suffrage Association. |
1917-1918 |


During World War I, New Jersey women
volunteered for home support efforts such as the Red Cross, the
Women's Land Army, Liberty Loan Committees, community kitchens,
recreation projects at Camp Dix and Camp Merritt, and foreign relief
projects. |
1918 |
Governor Walter E. Edge announced his support of women's suffrage. |
New Jersey College for Women
(now Douglass College) was founded in affiliation with Rutgers University. Mabel Smith
Douglass (1877-1933) was its first dean from 1918 to 1933. |
1919 |
The New Jersey Federation of Business and Professional Womens
Clubs (BPW) was established. |
1920 |
The population of New Jersey was 3,156,000 people, 49.6% of whom
were female, 3.7% of whom were black, and nearly 80% lived in urban areas. |
In February, the New Jersey legislature became the twenty-ninth
state legislature to ratify the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which
granted women the right to the vote. |

New Jersey
women voted for the first time in the presidential election of 1920. Registered women
voters were now called for jury duty. |

The New Jersey League of
Women Voters, the successor organization to the New Jersey Woman Suffrage Association, was
established. Agnes Schermerhorn of East Orange was elected its first president.
Ruth St. Denis (1879-1968), dancer and choreographer, was born
in Newark and educated in Somerville. She left a lasting mark on the development
of modern dance.