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"Communication is at once a structure of human action -- activity, process, practice -- an ensemble of expressive forms, and a structured and structuring set of social relations. To describe communication is not merely to describe a constellation of enshrined ideas; it is also to describe a constellation of practices that enshrine and determine those ideas in a set of technical and social forms."
-- James Carey,
Communication as Culture,
(Boston: Unwin Hyman 1989),
ps. 86-87.


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  • "The Annihilation of Space and Time"
  • Art and Technology, from the Actlab gopher at the University of Texas
  • Audio Recording History, by Geoffrey Rubinstein, Jones Digital Century

  • James Gordon Bennett

  • Cable Television, by Paul Stranahan, Jones Digital Century
  • William Caxton, first English printer. From the Graphion Type Museum
  • Collective Memory
  • Communication, by Thomas Sebeok
  • Community Networks, by Willard Uncapher
  • Computer History, by Christopher LaMorte with John Lilly, Jones Digital Century
  • Computer Mediated Communication, CMC Online Bibliography, both by John December
  • Critical Studies
  • Marxist Approaches to the Mass Media, by Daniel Chandler, Univ. of Wales
  • Cultural Studies
  • Cultural Studies and Critical Theory
  • See also Ron Burnett's Critical and Cultural Studies Pages
  • Culture and Technology, a long list of links from the English Server

  • Economics of Media: See The Media Monopoly, by Ben Bagdikian. See also The 50, 26, 20 ... Corporations That Own Our Media, also by Bagdikian
  • Electronic Democracy, Annotated Bibliography, by Scott London

  • Film, Video and Television History, from Sound Site
  • The Fourth Estate

  • "Global Village"; see also Global Literacy in a Gutenberg Culture, by Al Rogers
  • Johannes Gutenberg, Mainz goldsmith and inventor of the Western moveable type printing press. From the Graphion Type Museum.

  • The Hearst Corporation, for William Randolph Hearst
  • Hearst Monument Foundation, for the Hearst Castle
  • High Definition Television (HDTV)

  • History of the Index, by Jean A. Jacobson
  • "Information Age"
  • Harold Adams Innis: Special issue of Continuum containing numerous wonderful essays on Communications Dependency/Space/Policy [Australia]

  • Law -- History of its Dissemination, by Charles Casassa
  • Literacy

  • "Marketplace of Ideas"
  • Martin Luther's 95 Theses, translated into English by Adolph Spaeth, L.D. Reed, Henry Eyster Jacobs, et Al., Trans. & Eds. (Philadelphia: A. J. Holman Company, 1915), Vol. 1, pp. 29-38.
  • Mass Culture
    "The conception of persons as masses springs, not from an inability to know them, but from an interpretation of them according to a formula ... " -- Raymond Williams, 1958
  • Marshall McLuhan
  • Media Theory Definitions, by Matt X
  • The Media Monopoly, by Ben Bagdikian. See also The 50, 26, 20 ... Corporations That Own Our Media, also by Bagdikian
  • Mis-en-scene, montage
  • Muckraking Bibliography
  • Muckraking

  • Negative Classicism

  • Objectivity: Public Journalism and the Problem of Objectivity, by Philip Meyer; Objectivity and Journalism, Interview with Jay Rosen, by William Glaberson, New York Times, December 12, 1994
  • Orality and Secondary Orality

  • Paper: The Invention of Paper, The Spread of Paper, and Paper Making -- all from The American Museum of Paper Making
  • "The Peoples' Right to Know"
  • The Phonograph, by Geoffrey Rubinstein, Jones Digital Century
  • Political Economics
  • Popular Culture
  • Postmodern Virtualities, by Mark Poster
  • Postmodernism
  • Progress
  • Origins of Progressivism
  • The Public
  • Joseph Pulitzer

  • Ritual View of Communication

  • Scriptorium -- see also a site on Monasteries
  • A Beginner's Guide to Semiotics, by Daniel Chandler, Univ. of Wales
  • A Brief History of Sound Recording from Sound Site
  • Society of the Spectacle, by Guy Debord
  • Symbolic Interactionism -- Society for the Study of
  • Surrealism, by Igal Koshevoy

  • Technological Determinism, by Daniel Chandler, Univ. of Wales
  • Transportation or Transmission View of Communication
  • See Also: Transmission Model, by Daniel Chandler, Univ. of Wales

  • Utopianism and Utopias: Computerization Movements and Tales of Technological Utopias, by Suzanne Iacono; Technological Utopianism, by Rob Kling and Roberta Lamb

  • Video and Television History, from Sound Site
  • Visual Communication and Art, by Igal Koshevoy
  • Virtual Community, by Howard Rheingold
  • Postmodern Virtualities, by Mark Poster
  • Virtual Reality, by Sonia Weiss, Jones Digital Century

  • Writing Systems

  • Yellow Journalism

  • More to come!

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