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advisory board
"Radio broadcasting added a totally new dimension to modern communication by bringing the outside world into the individual home. The history of radio, however, was far more complex than the history of previous media breakthroughs. The broadcasting system tied together a bundle of technological and scientific threads that had been dangling for a generation."
-- Daniel J. Czitrom,
"The Ethereal Hearth:
American Radio from Wireless through Broadcasting,"
Media and the American Mind,
(Chapel Hill, NC: Univ. of North Carolina Press), 1982, p. 60
The Media History
Project Connections Pages
Museums & Institutions | General Broadcast
History | Stations, Networks & Companies | Programs
& Pioneers | International Radio | Technologies
| Other Resources
Updated September 24, 2002
- Museums & Institutional Resources
- Broadcast Pioneers
Library at the University of Maryland
- The Museum of Television
and Radio
- National
Public Broadcasting Archives, University of Maryland
- Radio
Advertising Bureau Collection, with a collection
of soundbites, University of Maryland
- FCC Database
Search for AM & FM, from the Airwaves
site, by William Pfeiffer
- General Broadcast History Resources
- Airwaves Golden Age
Media Page, by William Pfeiffer
- The Broadcast Archive,
with a very useful FAQ
list (including FAQs about the origins of broadcasting), by Barry
- FAQs for Broadcast
from the Old Time Radio Page,
by Louis Genco
- Radio Days Pages --
35 Mbs of sound clips from radio news, drama and more, by Jim Widner
- Stations, Networks & Companies
- A
History KALX Radio
- A
history of public broadcasting in the U.S.
- Programs & Pioneers
- DC Comics Radio
-- Superman
- Radio Classics
Pages, including the original 1938 "War of the Worlds" broadcast
- Radio Days Pages --
35 Mbs of sound clips from radio news, drama and more, by Jim Widner
- Old time radio shows --
Programs from the golden age of radio are available for free downloading.
- Science
Fiction on Radio, a list of for SF over the airwaves, by Jerry
- Where Are
They Now? -- 440: Satisfaction's guide to "DJ's, news people and
unsung radio heroes" from the past
- International Radio
- The
Classic CKLW Page, for CKLW, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, by Jack
- History
of Canadian Broadcasting
- Technologies
- Gerard's
Radio Collection, by Gerard Tel
- Phil's Old
Radios, a collection of radios by Phil Nelson
- Vintage
Radio Pages
- Old Time Radio (OTR)
Page, by Louis Genco
- Hammond
Radio Museum
- The National
Academy of Engineering site
- Other Radio Resources
- Radio-Locator.
Links to Internet stations and audio streams
- Radio Tower accesses Internet radio stations worldwide.
- Can't find what you want?
-- Try some local search engines,
or post your question on the Media
History Project Chat Board!
- Questions or suggestions on how this page can be improved?
Please send them to [email protected]!
And don't forget to sign our guestbook!
- Copyright © 1995-1996, The
Media History Project. All rights reserved.