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"Selection by
association, rather
than by indexing,
may yet be mechanized.
One cannot hope thus
to equal the speed
and flexibility with
which the mind follows
an associative
trail, but it should
be possible to
beat the mind
in regard to the
permanence and
clarity of the items
resurrected from

-- Vannevar Bush,
"As We May Think," 1945  



The Media History Project Connections Pages

General Computing History | People | Hypertext History | Internet History

Updated September 24, 2002

General Computing History
  • Chronicle of Events in the History of Microcomputers, by Ken Polsson
  • Famous Vaporware Products
  • History of Computing, by J.A.N. Lee
  • IEEE Annals of the History of Computer, from the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
  • John W. Mauchly and the Development of the ENIAC Computer, from the Penn Special Collections Exhibit
  • The Machine That Changed the World, from the WGBH documentary
  • Museum of Obsolete Computers, by Tom Carlson
  • Unisys History Newsletter, by George Gray and Randy Carpenter
  • The Virtual Museum of Computing, by J.P.Bowen
  • The National Academy of Engineering site
  • A huge timetable of computer history
    People in Computing History
  • Charles Babbage, a Biographical Page, by J. A. N. Lee
  • Famous women in computing
  • Triumph Of The Nerds: Welcome! -- From the PBS television documentary

     Hypertext History
  • Vannevar Bush, As We May Think, written in 1945.
  • Additional People in the History of Computing from Virginia Tech's History of Computing Pages
  • See also related links from the American Studies Web

     Internet History
  • Hobbes' Internet Timeline, by Robert Hobbes Zakon
  • Netizens Netbook On the History and Impact of the Net, by Michael Hauben
  • History of computer viruses
  • The first Web browser.
  • Bibliography of books about the Internet., news of conferences and other material about the cyberculture.
  • French language site.
  • Humorous internet timeline

    Questions or suggestions on how this page can be improved? Please send them to [email protected]! And don't forget to sign our guestbook!

    Copyright © 1995-1996, The Media History Project. All rights reserved.