oral & scribal culture

printing & publishing, journalism, photography, advertising, comics

telegraphy, telephony, sound recording

radio, film, television


advisory boards
"Communication is at once a structure of human action -- activity, process, practice -- an ensemble of expressive forms, and a structured and structuring set of social relations. To describe communication is not merely to describe a constellation of enshrined ideas; it is also to describe a constellation of practices that enshrine and determine those ideas in a set of technical and social forms."
-- James Carey,
Communication as Culture,
(Boston: Unwin Hyman 1989),
ps. 86-87.

This site has
won some awards
and has been featured
in numerous publications.
The Media History Project
Theorists and Historians
Update in
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Keywords & Concepts
- a
- Benedict Anderson
- b
- Ben Bagdikian
- Robert Bellah
- James Beniger
- Daniel Boorstin, Who Owns History?, Interview, Transcripts
- c
- James Carey
- d
- Guy Debord, Society of the Spectacle
- John Dewey
- e
- Elizabeth Eisenstein
- g
- Jack Goody, see Biases of the Ear and Eye, Daniel Chandler
- h
- Jurgen Habermas
- i
- Harold Adams Innis: Special issue of Continuum containing numerous wonderful essays on Communications Dependency/Space/Policy [Australia]; A brief profile of, by Samuel Ebersole; [US]; and A site dedicated to exploration and discussion of his work, by Bob Hope-Hume [Australia]
- m
- Marxist Approaches to the Mass Media, by Daniel Chandler, Univ. of Wales
- Carolyn Marvin
- Marshall McLuhan: Project McLuhan: "Even mud gives the illusion of depth"; Escape Velocity article about [US]; The McLuhan Millenium: Experimental cartoons dealing with technology and culture [Canada]. See also Harold Innis.
- Robert McChesney
- Lewis Mumford
- o
- Walter Ong
- p
- Ithiel del Sola Pool
- Mark Poster
- Neil Postman
- r
- Howard Rheingold
- s
- Michael Schudson
- w
- Raymond Williams
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