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UPDATED Februayr 6, 2002

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  Early Inscriptions
  • Schaffner Library: History of Ancient Egypt -- course resources by instructor Peter Piccione
  • The Cherokee Syllabary (image only)
  • Discovery of a Palaeolithic painted cave at Vallon - Pont-d'Arc (Ardèche)
  • Jerusalem in Old Maps and Views
  • The Mayan Epigraphic Database Project, which offers a growingrom the University of Virginia
  • Rock Art and Petroglyphs in Valcamonica, by Andrea Arca
  • Worldwide Rock Art Links, by Andrea Arca
  • Hieroglyphs. What hieroglyphics are and what some symbols stand for. Downloads include screen savers, e-books and translation programs.
  •  The Spoken Word: Language & Story
  • Folklife Exhibit, Library of Congress -- American folk music and folklore
  • Legendary Site of the Week, by Arthur Goldstuck
  • Myths and Legends from Around The World, an amazing, encylopedic site, by Christopher B. Siren
  • The Native American Bedtime-Story Collection. About a dozen stories, plus a text which explains the meanings.
  • Norse Mythology. Some basics and links.
  • Bulfinch's Mythology. Greek mythology, age of chivalry, legends of Charlemagne.
  • Mythology of the Constellations. The stories in the sky.
     Ancient and Early Modern Manuscripts
  • Dead Sea Scrolls Electronic Exhibition -- Introduction, from the Library of Congress Exhibit
  • Duke Papyrus Archive
  • Images of Orality and Literacy in Ancient Greece -- compiled by Andrew J. Wiesner
  • Interpreting Ancient Manuscripts Web -- from Brown University
  • Labyrinth: Medieval Studies Infoserver -- from Georgetown University
  • Manuscripts (Paleography, Codicology) -- from Labyrinth, Georgetown University
  • Papyrology Home Page -- by John D. Muccigrosso
  • Some manuscript images of the technology of the word in the Middle Ages -- by James O'Donnell
  • Modern Orality & Related Resources
  • The Common Place MOO: Orality and Literacy in Virtual Reality, by Don Langham
  • The Fate of the Notion of Canon in the Electronic Age, by Robert Fowler
  • How the Secondary Orality of the Electronic Age Can Awaken Us to the Primary Orality of Antiquity: or What Hypertext Can Teach Us About the Bible with Reflections on the Ethical and Political Issues of the Electronic Frontier, by Robert Fowler
  • La oralidad escrita: Sobra la inscripción literaria del discurso oral [Written Orality: On the Literary Inscription of Oral Discourse], by Jorge Marcone [in Spanish; English introduction to his project is also available]
  • Orality and Hypertext: An Interview with Ted Nelson
  • Unspeakable Visions: Appendix A - The Orality of the Beat Writers, by Michael Hayward

    "If the cultural origins of art were based not on doodling or an aesthetic expression but on the manufacture of meaningful images that were intended to be made and used at the right time and in the right way, perhaps the origins of notation or record keeping were also related to the developing complexity of man's symbolic and economic life."
    -- Alexander Marshack,
    "The Art and Symbols of Ice Age Man,"
    in Communication in History,
    David Crowley &
    Paul Heyer, eds.
    (NY: Longman) 1995,
    p. 16