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"Of course, 'communities' of Uneeda Biscuit buyers and of other brand-name consumers were held together by much thinner, more temporary ties than those that had bound earlier Americans. But they drew together in novel ways people who might not otherwise have been drawn together at all -- people who did not share a relgious or political ideology, who were not voyaging together on the prairie nor building new towns."
-- Daniel Boorstin,
"Consumption Communities,"
in The Americans: the Democratic Experience,
(NY: Random House) 1974,
p. 147  



The Media History Project Connections Pages

Advertising & Material Culture History
Advertising History | Material Culture Exhibits

UPDATED September 24, 2002

 Advertising History
  • Council on Advertising History Pursues Its Goals
  • John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising, and Marketing History, Duke University
  • Sampling of Old Advertisements from Hartman Center Collections, Duke University
  • American Advertising Museum, Website of Portland, Oregon museum
  • National Museum of American History. Advertising and marketing history.
    Material Culture Exhibits & Artifacts
  • Dime Novel Collection -- from the Library of Congress
  • Gerard's Radio Collection, by Gerard Tel
  • Guide to Broadsides -- Collection, from Brown University
  • Movie Poster List
  • The Archives of Advertising, commercial site selling CD-ROM compilations of old ads
  • NipperScape, dedicated to the famous RCA dog, by Linda Sue Anderson
  • Old Postcard Exhibition, by Lars-Olov Stenborg
  • Old Time Radio (OTR) Page, by Louis Genco
  • Phil's Old Radios, a collection of radios by Phil Nelson
  • Philips History
  • Pulp Fiction Collection: Popular American fiction magazines, 1920s-1950s -- from the Library of Congress
  • Stereographs, the 19th century's virtual reality, Univ. of California, Riverside
  • Will Connell: An LA store window, ca. 1940, Univ of California, Riverside

     Can't find what you want? -- Try searching directly from the History Project!


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