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"More than a half century elapsed between Daguerre's epochal invention and the early 1890s when it finally became commercially feasible to reproduce photographs as photographs in large newspaper editions."
-- Ulrich Keller,
"Early Photojournalism,"
in Communication in History,
David Crowley &
Paul Heyer, eds.
(NY: Longman) 1995,
p. 193
The Media History Project Connections Pages
Historical Overviews | Exhibits & Archives | People | Organizations & Other Resources
UPDATED, Octobere
28, 2001
- Historical Overviews
- A History
of Photography, by Robert Leggat
- Stereographs,
the 19th century's virtual reality, Univ. of California, Riverside
- History
of Photography Exhibition, at the Univ of California, Riverside's
Museum of Photography
- Exhibits & Archives
- Eastman Museum
entrance site to large holdings
- Civil
War Photographs, from the Library of Congress
- A searchable database of 3,500 black and white photographs
from the U.S. Army Signal
Corps Collection, taken during WWII, plus literally hundreds of
thousands of other scanned images
- History
of Photography Exhibition, at the Univ of California, Riverside's
Museum of Photography
- Library
of Congress American Memory Exhibit -- Includes Civil War collection
and Farm Security Administration (1938-1944) photographs
- Library
of Congress: Office of War Information Collection -- sound recordings,
photographs, other documents, ca. 1944-1947
- News
Events Collection from the Library of Congress, including photo
collections, ca. 1880s-1960s
- New York
World-Telegram and Sun Collection: News photographs, 1920-1960s,
Library of Congress
- Fax history.
Pictures and text of facsimile transmission.
- Old
Postcard Exhibition, by Lars-Olov Stenborg
- Will
Connell: An LA store window, ca. 1940, Univ of California, Riverside
- People
- Mathew
Brady, a biographical article, by Geoffrey Rubinstein, Jones
Digital Century
- Organizations & Other Photographic Resources
- National Press Photographers
- Photographic
Libraries A "Yellow Pages" of stock photo resources in many categories.
- Photography and
Genealogy Mailing List
- Questions or suggestions on how this page can be improved?
Please send them to [email protected]!
And don't forget to sign our guestbook!
- Copyright © 1995-1996, The
Media History Project. All rights reserved.