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"Proposals to widen the reach of telephone service were often indignantly resisted. In 1884 a subscriber in Edinburgh was outraged to learn that his local phone company planned to put a number of telephones 'where any person off the street may for a trifling payment ... ring up any subscriber, and insist on holding a conversation with him.'"
-- Carolyn Marvin,
"Community and
Class Order,"
When Old Technologies Were New,
(Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press), 1988, p. 103  


   The Media History Project Connections Pages
General Telephony | Museums & Exhibits | Journals & Organizations | Companies

Updated September 24, 2002

General Telephony Reference
  • Telephone History Web Site
  • Alexander Graham Bell Home Page with links to Bell's first patent
  • Alexander Graham Bell Notebooks Project (USA)
  • IEEE Center for the History of Electrical Engineering
  • Inventory of Sources for History of Twentieth Century Physics
  • History of videoconferencing
  • The National Academy of Engineering site

    Museums & Exhibits
  • Danish Telephone Museum - Danish telephones through time
  • Museum of the History of Science (Oxford Uni, UK)
  • Telemuseum - History of Telecommunications, Sweden

    Journals, Publications & Organizations
  • AAHPSSS Newsletter (ASAP, Australia)
  • CableLabs
  • National Insulator Association's Glass Insulator Collecting Pages
  • History of Science, Technology and Medicine: Email lists and Newsgroups from the WWW Virtual Library
  • IEEE Center for the History of Electrical Engineering
    US Telephone Companies
  • Ameritech Home Page
  • AT&T Home Page
  • MCI Home Page
  • Pacific Bell Home Page
  • Southwestern Bell Home Page
  • Sprint Home Page
  • Qwest Home Page
  • See the Internet Resources area of the CableLabs Pages for additional telco information

    Questions or suggestions on how this page can be improved? Please send them to [email protected]! And don't forget to sign our guestbook!

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