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"All media are extensions of some human faculty -- psychic or physical. The wheel ... is an extension of the foot ... the book is an extension of the eye ... clothing, an extension of the skin ... electric circuitry, an extension of the central nervous system. Media, by altering the environment, evoke in us unique ratios of sense perceptions. The extension of any one sense alters the way we think and act -- the way we perceive the world. When these ratios change, men change."
-- Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore,
The Medium is the Massage,
(NY: Bantam) 1967,
ps. 26-41.  



The Media History Project Connections Pages


Museums & Institutions | General Broadcast History & Indices | International TV | Programs & Pioneers |

 UPDATED February 6, 2002

Museums & Institutional Resources
  • Site features photographs of early television development
  • Broadcast Pioneers Library at the University of Maryland
  • The Museum of Television and Radio
  • National Public Broadcasting Archives, University of Maryland
  • FCC Database Search for AM & FM, from the Airwaves site, by William Pfeiffer
  • Vanderbilt Television Archives (via gopher)
  • The National Academy of Engineering site
  • Early television equipment and history.

    General Broadcast History
  • The Broadcast Archive, with a very useful FAQ list (including FAQs about the origins of broadcasting), by Barry Mishkind
  • Another Broadcast Archive, (emphasis on radio, but includes useful TV-related FAQs, too), by Marvin R. Bensman, University of Memphis
  • Broadcasting in Chicago, 1921-1989, by Rich Samuels:
  • History of television. Well-designed site with timeline and pictures.
  • Broadcasting Resources on the WWW from Bowling Green State's Department of Telecommunication
  • Getting Information from the FCC
    Programs and Pioneers
  • TV Land, a whimsical and creative tour through TV nostalgia, with your host, Arnie Land
  • The Ultimate TV List -- an enormous guide to TV shows, actors, more
  • Some women pioneers of TV industry.

    International Broadcasting
  • A Short History of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)

    Questions or suggestions on how this page can be improved? Please send them to [email protected]! And don't forget to sign our guestbook!

    Copyright © 1995-1996, The Media History Project. All rights reserved.
