Images Sea Dragons Special Treats
Weedy and Leafy Sea DragonsWeedy sea dragon info | Leafy sea dragon info | Sea dragon conservation | Sea dragon topics | Kids (K-8) | Merchandise | Miscellaneous Dragon Search aggregates amateur sea-dragon sightings, to track distribution, habitat and so forth. The site also serves as a main source of information about sea dragons. Notable features include a
Diving Code of Conduct, on how to behave around wild seadragons, a
video library and a
very extensive
photo library.
Sea dragon species info from the Monteray Aquarium's "Saving Seahorses" site. Includes a video. Sea dragon information page from the Dept. of Fisheries, Western Australia, containing a nice description with details of what they look like, where they live, etc. Leafy Seadragons and Weedy Seadragons. Good, popular information, broken up into subpages, including description, features, and life cycle. Sea dragon information page from the Australian Museum Fish Site. Good information and photographs, with a short bibliography at the end. Also see their factsheet. Weedy sea dragon infoWeedy Seadragon factsheet, from the Melbourne Aquarium. Also see their leafy seadragon factsheet. Weedy Seadragons info from "shades, seahorses and sea dragons." Common seadragon (Phyllopteryx taeniolatus) from FishBase (see all syngathidae). Leafy sea dragon infoLeafy Seadragon factsheet, from the Melbourne Aquarium. Also see their weedy dragon factsheet. Leafy Seadragon info from "shades, seahorses and sea dragons." Leafy seadragon (Phycodurus eques) from FishBase (see all syngathidae). Includes a nice stamps section, and pictures. Fishy fact files about the leafy sea dragon from the Melbourne Aquarium. Nice page with various sections like description, size, reproduction, habitat, etc. PDF: Marine life profile for Leafy Seadragons (Phycodurus eques) from the Waikiki Aquarium. Nice PDF file with a lot of information and a lovely "Form and Function" page showing the different anatomical parts of this animal. Sea dragon conservationEndangered Sea Dragon, information page from the Western Australia Department of Fisheries. According to this page only three aquaria have legally and successfully kept leafy sea dragons on display. I've done some sleuthing and I think they are the "Western Australia Aquarium" Leafy Seadragon conservation info from Oceana. Sea dragon topicsSea dragon camouflage information from "Ray Mullet" (National Museums Liverpool). Discusses how various fish, including the sea dragon, adapt to their surroundings. Also touches on Mackerel, shrimpfish and stonefish. Kids (K-8)What Fish Is That? Good, basic information, aimed at younger kids, from the Western Australia Department of Fisheries. MerchandiseRaven Studios makes sea dragon sculptures, up to five feet long. MiscellaneousSouth Australia's Emblem: The Leafy Sea-Dragon from the SA "Department of Premier and Cabinet Protocol." Now officially the "marine emblem of South Australia." |
All material © 2000-2005 Tim Spalding. Presented in Association with Amazon. |
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