General InformationEncyclopedias | General Information | Information Sheets | Observation EncyclopediasWikipedia entry on the flying squirrel (all species). Wikipedia is a sort of "open-source" encyclopedia, with excellent hyperlinks for vocabulary and concepts. This page references other Wikipedia pages on the Northern Flying Squirrel and the Souther Flying Squirrel and the Kashmiri Woolly Flying Squirrel. entry for the Flying Squirrel (all varieties). Describes briefly about all the available classes of flying squirrels. Columbia Encyclopedia brief description about the flying squirrel. Ameican Heritage Dictionary / Yahooligans, definition. Hutchinson Encylopedia, surveying the scene. 4to40 Encyclopedia's very brief paragraph about the flying squirrel with a picture. Encarta online encyclopedia entry of the flying squirrel. Bad content, sexy ads, multimedia that only works with Windows products--what jerks! General InformationFlying squirrels in the backyard of Howard L Geere, with photos, audio and video. Great stuff. See also the
broadband version. See the
A fine hobbyist page by Big Eagle Charlie Stone, for Y-Indian Guides, TN. This page of facts and pictures sports some real gems, including Captain John Smith's 1606 description of native Americans with squirrel pets, and a letter from Teddy Roosevelt to his son Archie, on squirrels in a house Teddy stayed in. I could do without the page's animated dancing squirrel, but others may think it the highlight... Short description of the flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus) from the Canadian Museum of Nature Online, with a drawing. Neat "Wonder Club" page about the Southern Flying Squirrel. Lots of information here such as habits, breeding, food and feeding and how the flying squirrel glides. is a web-based research tool for the glaucomys research community. Access to this page is granted only to those who are currently involved with glaucomy other forest related research. They do have a page of photos the general public, and also run, "coming" sometime in 2004. Information Sheets
Observation"A new acquaintance" by Francie Von Mertens, who writes the "Backyard Birder" column in the Monadnock Ledger. Has a good close description of their flight. (Also on the Ledger here.) "Flying squirrels are said to use their flat tail for steering, but we could see a few subtle course correction tilts of the whole flattened body. It landed soundlessly, gracefully, and in full control and then disappeared to the far side of its new tree in case a predator was in pursuit. That's what flying squirrels do each time they land, just in case." |
All material © 2000-2004 Tim Spalding. Presented in Association with Amazon |
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