WHAT'S NEW: American Participants In Battle Of Camden
Added 2-letter navigational aids (e.g., Ab, Ac, Ad, etc.)
WOOD, Aaron, Pvt., Halifax Co. NC Militia, Capt. Samuel Lockhart, Lt.Col. Charles Porterfield, Pension statement: W6566. (CLH)
BRYSON, Andrew. Pension statement: R1389 filed by family. More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Patriots at Kings Mountain (CLH)
BUTT, Barruck (Baruck, Barrack). Pvt., 2nd MD Rgt., Capt. Lylburn Williams, Col. Thomas Woolford. Pension statement: S39256. More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Patriots at the Cowpens. (CLH)
ARMSTRONG, William, Capt., Lincoln Co. NC Militia, Major Joseph Dickson, Col. Alexander's Regiment, Gen. Griffith Rutherford. Pension statement: S30831. Also,
here. (WTG) Also, see William Rankin,
DUDLEY, Guilford, Cpl.(Sgt.?), Halifax Co. NC Militia, light dragoon, under Ensign Dolphin Davis, Lieut. John Geddie, Capt. Samuel Lockhart (former Continental Lt.Col.,NC). Pension statement: W8681. Also,
here. (WTG)
GATES, William, 1st MD Rgt., Lt. Nicholas Mangers, Capt. Joseph Marbery, Col. O.H. Williams. Pension statement: W5279. More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Patriots at the Cowpens. (CLH)
WILLIAMS, John Pvt., Caswell Co. NC Militia, Capt. William Harden, at Fishing Creek. Pension statement: R11588 (WTG)
DEVEAUX, Peter, Major, Georgia Militia, aide de camp to Gen. Gates (& others). Pension statement: S37886. (WTG)
POPE, Jeremiah. Pvt., Duplin Co. NC Militia, Capt. James Love, Col. Exxum, Gen. Caswell. Pension statement: S7333. More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Patriots at Moores Creek Bridge. (WTG)
MITCHELL, William, Pvt., Caswell Co. NC Militia, Capt. John Graves, Col. Collier, Gen. Butler. Pension statement: S4221. (WTG annotated)
BROYHILL, James, Pvt., Halifax Co. VA Militia, Capt. Paul Wattington, Col. Holt Richardson, Gen. Edward Stevens. Not in battle, in rear guard under Maj. Harry Conway, Gen. Stevens. Pension statement: S32136. (WTG)
RANKIN, William, Pvt., Lincoln Co. NC Militia, Capt. William Armstrong's Co., Major Joseph Dickson, Col. Alexander's regiment, Gen. Rutherford. Pension statemen: S7342. Also, see Capt. William Armstrong. (WTG)
NEILL, James. Pvt., Rowan Co. NC Militia. Capt. Alexander Davidson, Maj. Harris, Gen. Rutherford. Pension statement: S38256. More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Patriots at the Cowpens. In night battle under Porterfield. (WTG)
DAVIDSON, Alexander, Capt., Rowan Co. NC Militia. See NEILL, James, Dr. Bobby Moss' Patriots at the Cowpens.
INGRAM, Edwin. Pvt., Anson Co. NC Militia, Col. Wade. In campaign, on detached duty, not in battle.. Pension statement: S9741. (WTG)
NISBET, William, with Sumter and not in battle. Pension statement: SC2796. (DP)
CLARKSON, Constantine, Pvt., VA Militia, Capt. Thomas Robets company. Pension Statement: S32180. Added by Carol Buckler. (CLH)
HARDIN, Henry, 2nd Lieut., Surry Co. NC Militia, Capt Absalum Bostwick's company, David Humphries 1st Lieutenant. Pension statement: S31732. Also, see here and
here (WTG)
ARTHUR, John, Pvt., Bedford Co. VA Militia, Capt. Thomas Leftwich's company. Pension Statement: W5635. Added by Carol Buckler. (CLH)
ASHLEY, Robert. Confused. Pension statement: R282. More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Roster of SC Patriots.... (CLH)
McCURDY, Archibald, Pvt., Mecklenburg Co. NC Militia, Capt. James White, Col. George Alexander, Gen. Rutherford. Served as wagon driver. Unclear if in battle. Pension statement: W7414 (WTG)
BETHEA, Elisha, Pvt, Gates Co. NC Militia, Capt. John Benton's company, under Lt. James Smith and Ens. John Walton. Pension statement: S17840. See Harlee, Kinfolks, p.2022-2024. (HeritageQuest). (CLH)
COCKERHAM, Daniel, Pvt., Surry Co. NC Militia, Capt. Absalom Bostick, Maj. Joseph Winston, Col. James Martin. On detached duty with Sumter at time of battle. Discharged before Fishing Creek.. Pension statement: S8241 (WTG)
HAYS, David. Pvt., Rowan Co. NC Militia. Capt. James Huggins. On detached duty under Col. Isaacs, not in battle. Pension statement: S6949. (CLH) From Dr. Emmett R. White, Revolutionary War Soldiers of Western NC: Burke County Vol. I (Greenville SC: Southern Historical Press, 1984).
Submitted by Seth McDaniel, sethmcd87.
HAMMOND, George. Pvt., Anson Co. NC Militia, Capt. Patrick
Boggan, Col. Thomas Wade. Pension statement: R4553 (WTG)
PARMLY(Parmley), John. Pvt., Wilkes Co. NC Militia. Capt Paul Patrick's Co. Col. Elisha Isaacs. Pension statement: S30637; Bounty Land No.WT36619-160-55 - North Carolina. More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Patriots at Kings Mountain. Also, see . (WTG)
CROFT(Craft), Ezekial. Pvt., Randolph Co. NC Militia, Capt. Robert McLain, Col. Collier(?), Gen. Caswell. Pension statement: S16739. (WTG)
McLAIN, Robert, Capt., Randolph Co. NC Militia, Col. Collier(?), Gen. Caswell. See CROFT(Craft), Ezekial (WTG)
MUSCLE WHITE(Musselwhite), Alexander, Pvt., Bladen Co. NC Militia, Capt. John Hawthorne(?), Col. William Robertson. On way to join Gates, heard cannon of battle, not in battle.. Pension statement: R11401. (SW)
MUNNERLYN, Loftus R., Pvt. Marion District Militia, Capt. James Munnerlyn, Maj. Thornley, Col. Lemuel Benton, Gen. McIntosh. Enroute to join Gates, heard sound of the battle, not in battle. Pension statement: S18136(WTG)
GHERKINS (GERKINS, JERKINS), Zachariah, Halifax Co. NC Militia, Capt. Williams Co., Lt. Col. John Brickell, Col. Seawell. Pension statement: S45843. Enroute to join Gates and met him returning, accompanied to Peedee Riv. then Salisbury. Also, here (WTG)
GLOVER, William. Pvt., Wilkes Co. NC Militia, Capt. Noll, Col. Isaacs, Gen. Rutherford. Pension statement: W929. Also, see here, use control-f and search for "history". More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Patriots at the Cowpens.
EATON, Christopher, Pvt., Surry Co. NC Militia, Capt. Absolam Bostick, Gen. Rutherford. Pension statement: R3214. Same as Christopher VALENTINE. Also, see here. Use control-f and search for "3214". Also, see here. See DARNAL, Joseph, given as verification.
ANGEL, John, 1st Sgt., Surry Co. NC Militia, Capt. Bostick's Co., Gen. Rutherford. Pension statement: W20622.(WTG) See Catawba Frontier, 1775-1781, Memories of Pensioners compiled by Mary Elinor Lazenby, 1951, found in NC State Archives: A volunteer at Camden, wounded in left arm. Also, see here.
HUMPRIES, David, 1st. Lieut, Capt. Absolum Bostick's Co., Surry Co. NC Militia, Col. Martin Armstrong's Regiment. See HARDIN, Henry.
LEFTWICH, Augustine. Lt., Bedford Co. VA Militia. Capt. Thomas Leftwich (brother), Gen. Stevens. Also, see here.
McAllister, p.187: Leftwich, Augustine, F. L., S. May 28, 1781.
CLARKE, Stephen, Pvt., Goochland Co. VA Militia, Capt. Edmund Curd, Lt. Francis Pledge, Maj. Nathaniel G. Morris, Col. Porterfield. Pension Statement: S9180. (CLH) Added by Carol Buckler.
CURD, Edmund, Capt., Goochland Co. VA Militia, Lt. Francis Pledge, Maj. Nathaniel G. Morris, Col. Porterfield. See CLARKE, Stephen
PLEDGE, Francis, Lt., Goochland Co. VA Militia, Capt. Edmund Curd, Maj. Nathaniel G. Morris, Col. Porterfield. See CLARKE, Stephen
McDANIEL(McDONALD), James. Pvt., Burke Co. NC Militia, Col. Isaacs, Gen. Rutherford. Pension statement: W7424. More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Patriots at the Cowpens
TRAVIS, Arthur. Pvt. "Chester District" SC Militia, Capt. McGrief(McGriff?), Col. Edward Lacey, Gen. Sumter. Fishing Creek. Pension statement: S1262 (WTG)
NORRIS, John. Pvt., Wilkes Co. NC Militia. Pension statement: R7700 (WTG). More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Patriots at Kings Mountain.
LIPE, Godfrey, Lt. Mecklenburg Co. NC Militia. Capt. Matthias Beaver, Col. George Alexander. See BLACKWELDER, Isaac (WTG)
McCLURE, John. Capt. "Chester District" SC Militia, Maj. John Adair, Lt.Col. McGriff, Col. Lacey, Gen. Sumter. Fishing Creek.See STUART, James (WTG)
STUART, James. Pvt., "Chester District" SC Militia. Capt. John McClure, Lt. John Steele, Ens. Hugh McClure, Maj. John Adair, Lt.Col. McGriff, Col. Edward Lacey. Fishing Creek.. Pension statement: W8762 (WTG).
STEEL(E), John, Lt. "Chester District" SC Militia. Capt. John McClure, Maj. John Adair, Lt.Col. McGriff, Col. Edward Lacey, Gen. Sumter. At Fishing Creek, believed to have saved Sumter's life. See here. See STUART, James (WTG)
McCLURE, Hugh, Ens., "Chester District" SC Militia, Capt. John McClure, Lt. John Steele, Maj. John Adair, Lt.Col. McGriff, Col. Lacey, Gen. Sumter. Fishing Creek.See STUART, James (WTG)Fishing Creek. See STUART, James (WTG)
McGRIFF, ___, Lt.Col., "Chester District" SC Militia, Col. Lacey, Gen. Sumter. Fishing Creek. See STUART, James (WTG)
LACEY, Edward, Col., "Chester District" SC Militia, Gen. Sumter. Fishing Creek.See STUART, James (WTG)
SUMTER(SUMPTER), Thomas, Gen., SC Militia, at Fishing Creek. See STUART, James (WTG)
TAYLOR, Elijah, Pvt., Rowan Co. NC Militia, Capt. William Nash, Col. Isaacs, Gen. Rutherford. Captured. Escaped. Pension statement: W25471 (WTG).
NASH, William, Capt., Rowan Co. NC Militia, Col. Isaacs, Gen. Rutherford. See TAYLOR, Elijah (WTG)
BROWN, William
, Pvt., VA Militia, Col. Richardson. Pension Statement: S39228 (CLH). Added by Carol Buckler.
HACKNEY, John, Fifer, DE Regiment. Capt. John Rhodes, Lt.Col. David Vaughn, Col. David Hall. Pension statement: W7727 (CLH). More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Patriots at the Cowpens.
ANDREWS, Thomas, Pvt., Cumberland Co. VA Militia, Capt. Ballon, Lt. Robert Anderson, Ens. John Nowlin, Lt.Col. Joseph Spencer, Col. George Stubbflefield, Gen. Stevens. Pension statement: S6506 (CLH)
BALLON, ___, Capt., Cumberland Co. VA Militia, Lt.Col. Joseph Spencer, Col. George Stubblefield, Gen. Stevens. See ANDREWS, Thomas (CLH)
HARRIS, Isham, Pvt., Lunenberg Co. VA Militia, under Gen. Stevens. Pension statement: R4654 (CLH)
COWARD, Joel. Pvt., SC Militia. Pension statement: R2389 (CLH). Also, see here and
RICHMOND, James, Pvt., Caswell Co. NC Militia, Capt. John Graves, Col. Calvin, Gen. Butler. Left for dead on battlefield. Pension statement: S1714, transcribed by John W Ragsdale. See GRAVES, John
HORTON, Abram, Pvt., Surry Co. NC Militia, Capt. Davidson, Maj. Winston, Col. Armstrong, Gen. Rutherford. Fishing Creek. Pension statement: W7778 (WTG). Capt. Davidson wounded at Colson's mill. Not clear whether Davidson and Winston were at Fishing Creek.
GARNER, Sturdey. Pvt., Prince Edward Co. VA Militia, Capt. Jesse Owens, Lt. Dudley Hammond, Ens. ___ Hammond, Gen. Stevens. Mentions seeing Col. Forkner, Col. Lynes, Major Morris, Major Conway at Camden. Pension statement: S16819 (WTG)
CONWAY, Henry, Major, VA Militia. In
command of supporting troops, Battle of Camden, 1780. Awarded 4,666 acres. Use control-f, search for "conway". See John Harris, same source. See GARNER, Sturdey (WTG).
IPOCK, Samuel, Pvt., NC Militia, Capt. David Roach, Gen. Caswell. Pension statement: S9742 (WTG)
BAKER, Elisha. Sgt., Craven Co. NC Militia. Capt. David Roach, Col. Richard Caswell (?), Gen. Richard Caswell. Pension statement: R411 (CLH). More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Patriots at Moore's Creek Bridge.
KENNEDY((KENARDA, KANNADY), John. Sgt. Pension statement: W10170 (WTG). More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Patriots at Moores Creek Bridge.
BARNES, Chesley. Pvt., Guilford Co. NC Militia. Capt. Peter O'Neal, Lt. James Delay, Ens. William Donaho, Col. Porterfield, Gen. Rutherford. Sick, left at house few miles from Battle. Not in battle. Pension statement: W4877 (NP)
BURNS, John, Pvt., Wilkes Co. NC Militia, Capt. Samuel Johnson, Maj. Hargraves, Col. Benjamin Herndon. Pension statement: S9118 (WTG). QUESTIONABLE. Lists Gates Defeat after Kings Mountain. Pension statement by family of Capt. Samuel Johnson W5012 (WTG) does not mention his having been at Gates' Defeat or Camden. Dr. B.G. Moss, Patriots at Kings Mountain does not show Capt. Johnson having been at Battle of Camden.
CAULK, Jacob*. Pvt., Delaware Regiment. Capt. William McKarnion [McKennan], Maj. John Patton, Lt.Col. [David]Vaughan, Pension statement: S37824 (CLH). More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Patriots at the Cowpens.
MAXWELL, William, Pvt., Mecklenburg Co. NC Militia, Capt. Thomas Shelby.
. Pension statement: R7046 (WTG). More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Patriots at Kings Mountain.
COKER, Thomas, Surry Co., NC Militia, Capt. William Meridith's Co., under Col. Martin Armstrong. In battle under Col. John Armstrong (his brother-in-law). Pension statement: unk. number. Also, see
here and here and
here (WTG)
MEREDITH, William, Capt., NC Militia, Col. Martin Armstrong's regiment, Gen. Rutherford. See HICKMAN, Thomas (CLH) See COKER, Thomas (WTG). May be same as above.
HICKMAN, Thomas, Ens., Surry Co. NC Militia, Capt. William Meredith, Col. Martin Armstrong, Gen. Rutherford. Detached under Col. Elisha Isaacs to reinforce Sumter. At Fishing Creek.. Pension statement: S4371 (CLH). Also, see
here (Use control-f, search for "ensign")
WITHERINGTON, Solomon, Pvt., NC Militia, Col. Benjamin Exxum, Col. Richard Caswell, Gen. Richard Caswell. Left sick not far from battle. Not in battle.. Pension statement: S7936 (WTG)
GRAVES, John, Capt., Caswell Co. NC Militia, Col. Paisley, under Brig. Gen. John Butler. See Robert Culbertson's pension statement. Also per
pension statement of Elisha Evans, Pension statement: S6830. See RICHMOND, James (JWR). See EVANS, Elisha (WTG)
FARMER, ___, Col., Orange Co. NC Militia. (James Riggs, R8815, Dr. Bobby Moss' Patriots at the Cowpens). Also, see DOLLAR, James (WTG)
CASADAY (Cassada or Cassaday), James, Pvt., Halifax Co. VA Militia, Capt. Paul Wattington, Col. Lawson(?), Gen. Stevens. Pension statement: S8176 (WTG). Also, see here.
CLARK, Jonas. Pvt., Meckleburg Co. NC Militia, Capt. Nathaniel Martin, Gen. Sumter. Pension statement: W1386 (WTG). In battle. After battle, sent to warn Sumter. More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Roster of SC Patriots....
MARTIN, Nathaniel, Capt., Mecklenburg Co. NC Militia. See CLARK, Jonas (WTG)
DILL, John. Pvt., Caswell Co. NC Militia, Capt. George Oldham, Lt. Parks, Col.
Ramsay. Wounded. Pension statement: S8326 (CLH). Added by William Thomas Sherman. Also, see here.
OLDHAM, George, Capt. Caswell Co. NC Militia, Col. Ramsay. See DILL, John (CLH).
PARKS, ___, Lt., Caswell Co. NC Militia, Capt. George Oldham, Col. Ramsay. See DILL, John (CLH)
ALEXANDER, B. William. Was in Battle of Camden, but unit is unclear. Pension statement: S6496 (WTG). More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Roster of SC Patriots.... See Catawba Frontier, 1775-1781, Memories of Pensioners compiled by Mary Elinor Lazenby, 1951, found in NC State Archives: He was the "Black Bill" of the "Cabarrus County Black Boys".
ROPER, John, Pvt., Northampton (Halifax) Co. NC Militia, Capt. Samuel Lockhart's Co., Lieut. ___ Barnett, Major Robert Peoples Battallion, Col. Etherington's Regiment, Gen. Allen Jones Brigade. Pension statement: S31945 (CLH). Also, (possibly incomplete). Use control-f and search for "1945".
BARNETT, ___, Lt., Halifax Co. NC Militia, Capt. Samuel Lockhart's Co., Major Robert Peoples Battallion, Col. Etherington's Regiment, Gen. Allen Jones Brigade. See ROPER, John (CLH)
PEEBLES(Peoples), Robert, Maj., Northhampton Co. NC Militia (PJO). See ROPER, John (CLH)
ETHERINGTON, ___, Col., Northampton Co. NC Militia. See ROPER, John (CLH) Also, see here, Use control-f and search for "1945".
KEETON, John. Pvt., Spotsylvania Co. VA Militia. Capt. John Holliday, Col. George Stubblefield, Gen. Stevens. Pension statement: S13614 (CLH).
ALSOP, Benjamin. Quartermaster, Spotsylvania (?) Co. VA Militia, Capt. John Holliday, 2nd Lt. ___ Holliday, Ens. Robert Durrett, Maj. William Mosely, Lt.Col. Joseph Spencer, Col. George Stubblefield, Gen. Edward Stevens. Pension statement: S9269 (CLH). P.167-168, McAlister's The Virginia Militia in the Revolutionary War. Also here and here.
HOLLIDAY, ___, (2nd?)Lt., Spotsylvania (?) Co. VA Militia, Capt. John Holliday, Ens. Robert Durrett, Maj. William Mosely, Lt.Col. Joseph Spencer, Col. George Stubblefield, Gen. Edward Stevens. See ALSOP, Benjamin (CLH).
DURRETT, Rob(ert), Ens.,Spotsylvania (?) Co. VA Militia. Capt. John Holliday, 2nd Lt. ___ Holliday, Ens. Robert Durrett, Maj. William Mosely, Lt.Col. Joseph Spencer, Col. George Stubblefield, Gen. Edward Stevens. See ALSOP, Benjamin (CLH).
ROE, Charles. Pvt., Bute Co. NC Militia, Capt. Julius Alfred, Lt. Eli Ely, Ens. Samuel Jones, Col. William Brickell, Gen. Caswell. Pension statement: S7416 (CLH).
ALFRED, Julious, Capt., Bute Co. NC Militia. Lt. Eli Ely, Ens. Samuel Jones, Col. William Brickell, Gen. Caswell. See ROE, Charles (CLH). Also, per
Thomas May S21356.
ELY, Eli, Lt., Bute Co. NC Militia, Capt. Julius Alfred, Ens. Samuel Jones, Col. William Brickell, Gen. Caswell. See ROE, Charles (CLH)
JONES, Samuel, Ens., Bute Co. NC Militia, Capt. Julius Alfred, Lt. Eli Ely, Col. William Brickell, Gen. Caswell. See ROE, Charles (CLH)
BALL, Daniel, Franklin Co. NC Militia, Capt. Harrison Mason, Col. William Brickell. Pension statement: W6768 (WTG). Also, see here.
MASON, Harrison, Capt., Franklin Co., NC Militia, under Col. William Brickell. See BALL, Daniel (WTG). Also, see here.
HALL, James, Pvt. Chesterfield County, VA Militia. Pension statement: S5492 (CLH). p.153, McAlister's The Virginia Militia in the Revolutionary War. Officers recalled in the action: Col. [Ralph] Faulkner, Lieut. Hill, Adjutant WhitCastle, Capt. [Richard] Booker, Archibald Walthall.
FAULKNER, Ralph, Col., VA Militia. (PJO) By CBB. See HALL, James (CLH). Also, see FORKNER.
FORKNER (Faulkner?), ___. Col., Prince Edward Co. VA Militia. See GARNER, Sturdey (WTG).
BRUCE, William, Pvt., Warren Co. NC Militia, Capt. John White's Co. Not in actual battle; guarded baggage. Pension statement: S30287 (CLH). Also, see here.
WHITE, John, Capt., Warren Co. NC Militia, Major Agrippa Nichols. Possibly assigned to guard baggage. See BRUCE, William CLH) (William H. Price, S22018, Benjamin Richardson, W4061).
HARVIN, Edward, Pension statement: S18014 (CLH). More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Patriots at the Cowpens
CROXTON, Carter, Sr. VA State Artillery, Capt. Christopher Roare, Maj. ___ McGill, Col. Charles Porterfield. Pension statement: S9250 (CLH).
ROARE, Christopher, Capt., VA State Artillery, Maj. ___ McGill, Col. Charles Porterfield. See CROXTON, Carter, Sr. (CLH)
VAUGHAN, Joel. Pvt., unknown unit, Capt. ___ Harden. Was not in battle, assigned to care for wounded soldier. Pension statement: S7781 (WTG)
AWALT, Michael, Pvt., Cabarrus Co. NC Militia, Capt. Starnes, Gen. Rutherford. Pension statement: W326 (WTG). Fired first gun by Americans. Heard Gates and Smallwood differing on deployment and tactics. Also, see here and here.
STARNES, ___, Capt., Cabarrus Co. NC Militia. See AWALT, Michael (WTG). Also, see here. May be same as Capt. John Starns, Mecklenburg Co. NC, following.
Capt., Mecklenburg Co. NC Militia, killed. Use control-f and search for "john starns".
CARTER, John, Pvt., Caroline Co.VA Militia, Capt. James Johnson's company. Pension Statement: S9131 (CLH). Added by Carol Buckler.
GRIFFIN, ___, Maj. Franklin? Co. NC Militia, Col. Benjamin Seawell, Col. Benjamin Exum. May not have been present in battle. Agrippa Nichols, seen referred to as major, earlier reported to him as captain. See STONE, Jonathan (CLH)
OLDHAM, George, Capt. Caswell Co. NC Militia, Lt.Col. Stephen Moore, Col. ___ Ramsay. Pension statement: S21906 (CLH). See DILL, John (CLH).
DAWSON, Joseph, Pvt., 5th MD Regiment, Capt. George Hamilton. Wounded. Captured. Pension statement: S34733 (CLH). More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Patriots at the Cowpens.
ALEXANDER, Dan, Mecklenburg Co. NC Militia. Not present at Battle of Camden. Included in this listing because of his description of meeting Gates during his retreat from Camden, including description of his uniform and horse.. Pension statement: S2905 (WTG). Also, see
See here. Also found in Walter Clark, ed., North Carolina State Records, Vol. 17, p. 95 (ref submitted by John Maass).
YANCEY, Philemon, Pvt., Culpepper Co. VA Militia, Capt. William Staunton's Co., Col. John Stubblefield. Pension statement: S1274 (WTG). Also, here. Use control-f and search for "philemon"
STANTON, William, Capt., Culpepper Co. VA Militia, Col. John Stubblefield. See YANCEY, Philemon (WTG),
DAVENPORT, William Pvt., Bedford Co. VA Militia, Capt. Thomas Leftwich. Pension statement: S8309 (CLH)
CHOICE, Tully. Lt.., Pittsylvania Co. VA Militia, Capt. Frederick Reeves?, Col. Ralph Faulkner, Gen. Stevens. McAllister: p.208, "Choice, Tully, Cp., A. Aug., 1780 vice F. Reeves." and p.209, "Reeves, Frederick, Cp., res. August, 1780.". Note: both entries are for Henry County.
IVY, Henry. Pvt.,Orange Co. NC Militia, Capt. William Horton, Maj. ___ N___l(?), Col. Stephen Moore. Fishing Creek (a slight skirmish!) Pension statement: W433 (WTG)
LIPFORD, Anthony P., Pvt., Cumberland Co. VA Militia, Capt. Charles Ballon, Ens. John Nowlin, Lt. ___ Threadgill, Maj.(Lt.Col.?) Joseph(?) Spencer, Col. George Stubblefield.
Also here. Use control-f, search for
"lipford". Pension statement: W2623 (CLH). McAllister: p.198, "Ballon (?), Charles, Cp., S. Sept. 28, 1778 vice W. Hobson."
BALLON, Charles, Capt., Cumberland Co. VA Militia, Lt.Col. Joseph Spencer, Col. George Stubblefield, Gen. Stevens. See ANDREWS, Thomas (CLH). See LIPFORD, Anthony P. (CLH).McAllister: p.198, "Ballon (?), Charles, Cp., S. Sept. 28, 1778 vice W. Hobson."
NOWLIN, John, Ens., Cumberland Co. VA Militia, Capt. Charles Ballon, Lt. ___ Threadgill, Maj.(Lt.Col.?) Joseph(?) Spencer, Col. George Stubblefield. See LIPFORD, Anthony P. (CLH).
THREADGILL, ___, Lt., Cumberland Co. VA Militia, Capt. Charles Ballon, Ens. John Nowlin, Maj.(Lt.Col.?) Joseph(?) Spencer, Col. George Stubblefield. See LIPFORD, Anthony P. (CLH)
GEIGER, Jacob. Served with Captain Gabriel Fridig, Captain Godfrey
Dreher, Lewellyn Threewits (no evidence found for their being in Battle of Camden). Pension statement: W2798. More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Roster of SC Patriots....
SCOTT, William. Pvt., Cumberland Co. VA Militia, Capt. Charles Ball(s), Lt.Col. Joseph Spencer, Col. George Stubblefield, Gen. Edward Stevens. Pension statement: R9314 (CLH). McAllister: Several named Ball listed as captains; none named Balls listed.
BALL, Charles, Captain, Cumberland Co. VA Militia, Lt.Col. Joseph Spencer, Col. George Stubblefield, Gen. Edward Stevens. See SCOTT, William (CLH)
BLEDSOE, Jacob, Lt., Wake Co. NC Militia, Capt. Lewis Bledsoe, Ens. Andrew Mackleroy(?), Maj.___ Nalls (Nawls? Knowles?), Col. Stephen(?) Moore, Gen. Caswell (or Butler). Saw Gates and Moore trying to rally militia. Pension statement: S3012 (WTG).
BLEDSOE, Lewis. Pension statement: W17314. More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Patriots at Moore's Creek Bridge. See BLEDSOE, Jacob (WTG)
McELROY (Mackleroy), Andrew, Wake Co. NC Militia, Capt. Lewis Bledsoe, Maj.___ Nalls (Nawls? Knowles?), Col. Stephen(?) Moore, Gen. Caswell (or Butler). See BLEDSOE, Jacob (WTG)
BALCH, Amos. Pvt., Mecklenburg Co. NC Militia, Capt. Richard(?) Springs, Col. ___ Ledbetter. Pension statement: S2943 (WTG). Lineage Book, DAR, 1912, p.119. "Richard Springs, (1754-1833), was placed on the pension roll
of Mecklenburg county for service as private, lieutenant and
captain in the North Carolina militia. He was born in Jones
Neck, Del.; removed to North Carolina at the age of fourteen
and died in Mecklenburg county, N. C. ". See IRWIN, Thomas (WTG)
IRWIN, Thomas Pvt., Mecklenburg Co. NC Militia, Capt. Richard Springs, Gen. Rutherford. Pension statement: S9356 (WTG)
BOISSEAU, John, Pvt., Dinwiddie Co. VA Militia, Capt. George(?) Pegram, Col. Ralph Faulkner, Gen. Stevens. Commentary on battle. Pension statement: S3040 (CLH). Also, see here.
PEGRAM, George, Capt., Dinwiddie Co. VA Militia, Lt.Col. Ralph Faulkner (PJO). See BOISSEAU, John (CLH). "D.A.R. Lineages - Baldwin County, GA": "Isham Andrews (1747-1845) enlisted, 1780, under Capt. George Pegram, Col. Ralph Faulkner, Virginia. He served other enlistments under different commands. Made application for pension, 1833.".
WALKER, William J., 2nd Lt., Dinwiddie Co. VA Militia, Capt. George Pegram, Lt. Peter Eppes, Ens. Bagwell Hutchins, Major Henry Conway, Lt.Col. John Nicholas, Col. Ralph Faulkner (3rd VA Rgt.), Gen. Edward Stevens. Guarded stores at Mask's Ferry; not in battle. Pension statement: S16011 (CLH).
PEGRAM, George, Capt., Dinwiddie Co. VA Militia, Major Henry Conway, Lt.Col. John Nicholas, Col. Ralph Faulkner (3rd VA Rgt.), Gen. Edward Stevens.. See BOISSEAU, John (CLH). See WALKER, William J. (CLH). "D.A.R. Lineages - Baldwin County, GA": "Isham Andrews (1747-1845) enlisted, 1780, under Capt. George Pegram, Col. Ralph Faulkner, Virginia. He served other enlistments under different commands. Made application for pension, 1833.".
CONWAY, Henry, Major, VA Militia. In
command of supporting troops, Battle of Camden, 1780. Awarded 4,666 acres. Use control-f, search for "conway". See John Harris, same source. See GARNER, Sturdey (WTG). See WALKER, William J. (CLH).
NICHOLAS, John, VA Militia, Col. Ralph Faulkner (3rd VA Rgt.), Gen. Edward Stevens. See WALKER, William J. (CLH)
CARTER, James. Pvt., Capt. Christopher Roane, Lt. Nathaniel Rice, Col. ___ Mathews, Col. Thomas Marshall (2nd VA State Artillery Rgt). Pension statement: S9162 (CLH).
ROANE, Christopher, Capt., VA State Artillery, Lt. Nathaniel Rice, Col. ___ Mathews, Col. Thomas Marshall. See CARTER, James (CLH). See HUTT, John (WTG). May be same as following.
ROARE, Christopher, Capt., VA State Artillery, Maj. ___ McGill, Col. Charles Porterfield. See CROXTON, Carter, Sr. (CLH)
RICE, Nathaniel, VA State Artillery, Capt. Christopher Roane(Roare?). See CARTER, James (CLH).
HUTT, John. Pvt., VA State Artillery, Capt. Christopher Ranoir(Roare? Roane?), Lt. ___ Turnbull, 2nd Lt. ___ Kemp, Col. Porterfield. Pension statement: S17507 (WTG)
LIGON, William. Pvt., Prince Edward Co. VA Militia, Capt. Jesse Owen, Gen. Stevens. Pension statement: 1998 (CLH)
WHITE, John., Capt., Warren Co. NC Militia, Major Agrippa Nichols. Possibly assigned to guard baggage. See BRUCE, William CLH)(William H. Price, S22018, Benjamin Richardson, W4061). See DOWTIN, John (CLH).
MASON, Philip. Pvt., Wilkes Co. NC Militia, Capt. ___ Bowman, Maj. Micajah Lewis, Col. Benjamin Cleveland. Pension statement: S8994 (WTG). More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Patriots at the Cowpens.
BOWMAN, ___, Capt., Wilkes Co. NC Militia, Maj. Micajah Lewis, Col. Benjamin Cleveland. See MASON, Philip (WTG).
MAY, Thomas, Pvt., Franklin Co. NC Militia, Captain Julious Alfred. Pension statement: #S21356 (CLH). Also, see here.
ALFRED, Julious, Capt., Bute Co. NC Militia. Lt. Eli Ely, Ens. Samuel Jones, Col. William Brickell, Gen. Caswell. See ROE, Charles (CLH). See MAY, Thomas (CLH).
CAVINDER (CAVENDER), William. Pvt., NC Militia. Pension statement: W6903 (WTG). More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Patriots at the Cowpens.
FAULKENBERRY, David. Sgt. of guard, guarding baggage during battle. Pension statement: S3350 (CLH). More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Roster of SC Patriots....
McCLURE, John. Capt. "Chester District" SC Militia, Maj. John Adair, Lt.Col. McGriff, Col. Lacey, Gen. Sumter. Fishing Creek.See STUART, James (WTG). See WHITE, William (WTG).
BOND, Wright. Sgt., Cumberland Co. VA Militia, Capt. Robert
Anderson. Pension statement: W3382 (CLH). Not found in McAllister. Not found in other available pension applications. Questionable.
SHEPHERDSON, David, Louisa Co. VA Militia, Capt. John Bias, Ens. Anthony Winston, Lt. Thomas Shelton, Col. Joseph Spencer, Gen. Edward Stevens. p.122, McAllister. Pension statement: S6076 (CLH).
BIAS, John, Maj., Amelia Co. VA Militia, Lt.Col. Holt Richardson, Gen. Stevens (PJO)
BIAS, John, Capt., Louisa Co. VA Militia, Ens. Anthony Winston, Lt. Thomas Shelton, Col. Joseph Spencer, Gen. Edward Stevens. See SHEPHERDSON, David (CLH).May be same as above.
WINSTON, Anthony, Ens., Louisa Co. VA Militia, Capt. John Bias, Lt. Thomas Shelton, Col. Joseph Spencer, Gen. Edward Stevens. See SHEPHERDSON, David (CLH). May be same as followng.
WINTON, James, Ensign, Louisa Co. VA Militia, Capt. John Byers company, SHELTON, Thomas, Lt. See William White S1601. Added by William Thomas Sherman.
SHELTON, Thomas, Lt., Louisa Co. VA Militia, Capt. John Byers company. See William White S1601. Added by William Thomas Sherman. See SHEPHERDSON, David (CLH). Details differ between sources.
BLEDSOE, Lewis. Capt., Wake Co. NC Militia, Col. ___ O'Neal?, Col. Stephen Moore, Gen. Caswell. Pension statement: W17314 (WTG). More in Dr. Bobby Moss' Patriots at Moore's Creek Bridge. See BLEDSOE, Jacob (WTG)
DICKEY, Ebenezer, Pvt., Rowan Co. NC Militia, Capt. Samuel Reed (Reid), Maj. ___ White?, Col. Francis Locke. Pension statement: W8669 (CLH). Also, see Payroll, Capt. Reid's Co..
WILLIAMS, ___, Guilford Co. NC Militia, Col. John Paisley. See CURTIS, Peter (NP).
CURTIS, Peter, (p.108 or search for w3005) Pvt.,Guilford Co. NC Militia, Capt. ___ Williams, Col. John Paisley. Pension statement: W3005 (NP)
MARTIN, Samuel (p.212 or search for r15990). Pvt., Guilford Co. NC Militia, Capt. Peter O'Neal, Lt. Henry Davis, Ens. Solomon Cobb, Sgt. Caleb Johnson, Gen. Richard Caswell. Pension statement: R15990 (NP)
DAVIS, Henry, Lt., Guilford Co. NC Militia, Capt. Peter O'Neal, Ens. Solomon Cobb, Sgt. Caleb Johnson, Gen. Richard Caswell. See MARTIN, Samuel (NP).
COBB, Solomon, Ens., Guilford Co. NC Militia, Capt. Peter O'Neal, Lt. Henry Davis, Sgt. Caleb Johnson, Gen. Richard Caswell. See MARTIN, Samuel (NP).
JOHNSON, Caleb, Sgt.,Guilford Co. NC Militia,Capt. Peter O'Neal, Lt. Henry Davis, Ens. Solomon Cobb, Gen. Richard Caswell. See MARTIN, Samuel (NP).
HAMILTON, James (p.157 or search for w55) Pvt., Guilford Co.(?) NC Militia,Capt. David Gres___, Lt. ___ Ferguson(?), Ens. ___ Lesley(?), Col. ___ Moore (Caswell Co.). Pension statement: W55 (NP) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
McCRORY, James, ___, NC Continental, "9 months men", Pension statement: BLW# 2276-150 (NP), Revolutionary Pension Roll, in Vol. xiv, Sen. Doc. 514, 23rd Cong., 1st sess., 1833-34, per Owens' Revolutionary Soldiers in Alabama
SOOTS, Frederick (p.300 or search for w6153) Pvt., Orange Co. NC Militia, Capt. ___ Rogers. Pension statement: W6153 (NP)
WILEY, William (p.342 or search for w10002 Pvt., Guilford Co. NC Militia, Capt. John McAdow, Lt. James Coots, Col. Armstrong. Comments.. Pension statement: W10002 (NP)
WITT, Earis (p.345 or search for w623) 1st Sgt., Guilford Co. NC Militia, Capt. Asa Brashears, Lt. James Philips, Maj. ___ Armstrong, Col. ___ Porterfield. Pension statement: W623 (NP)
PHILLIPS, James, Guilford Co. NC Militia, Capt. Asa Brashears, 1st Sgt. Earis Witt, Maj. ___ Armstrong, Col. ___ Porterfield. See WITT, Earis (NP). See HOOD, John (NP)
JESTER, Nimrod (p.611 or search for w27599) Pvt., Guilford Co. NC Militia, Capt. John McAdow, Lt. Hugh Forbes(Forbis?), Lt. John Findley, Gen. Rutherford. Under Col. ___ Adams in battle. Pension statement: W27599 (NP).
PHILIPS, Abraham (p625 or search for r8184. ___, Guilford Co. NC Militia. Later a captain. Pension statement: R8184 (NP).
FORGUSON, John (p.600 or search for w10777). Pvt., Rockingham Co. NC Militia, Capt. William Bethel, Capt. John McAdow(McAdoo), Col. Abram Philips. Pension statement: W10777 (NP)
PHILIPS, Abram, Col., Rockingham(Guilford?) Co. NC Militia. See FORGUSON, John (NP)
HOOPER, Ennis (p.609 or search for s1833). Pvt., Guilford Co. NC Militia, Capt. William Armstrong, Col. ___ Armstrong, Major ___ Dixon, Major ___ Lewis. Pension statement: S1833 (NP).
Also, see William Rankin (WTG),
FORBES, Hugh, Lt., Guilford Co. NC Militia, Capt. John McAdow, Lt. John Findley, Gen. Rutherford. Under Col. ___ Adams in battle. See JESTER, Nimrod (NP)
FINLEY, John, commanded 16 men, NC Militia, reported to Captain McAdoo, Major White, Col. Alexander, Gen. Rutherford. Pension statement: Unk. See here. See JESTER, Nimrod (NP)
REINEY, Joseph (p.627 or searcb for w11127). Pvt., Guilford Co. NC Militia, Capt. Peter O'Neal, Col. ___ Paisley. Comments on digestive upset. Pension statement: W11127 (NP).