Declaration In order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th, 1832 State of Virginia, Charlotte County to wit: On this 23ir day of July, 1844 personally appeared before me Hillery Mosley one of the acting Magistrates and a member of the court of the county aforesaid (it being a Court of Record) James Cassada sometimes James Cassaday or Casaday a resident of the County and state aforesaid, aged Eighty-Five years who being first duly sworn according to law, doth, on his oath make the following Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress passed June 7, 1832. That he was drafted into the service of the United States as a Militia Man from the State of Virginia at three different times from the County of Halifax and State of Virginia, Where at that time he was a resident, that he does not precisely recollect the date or dates of either time that he was drafted, but refers to events, and his best recollection to establish dates. That the first tour was as a private soldier in the second Regiment of the Virginia Militia which was of six months duration under the command of Capt. Paul Wattington of Halifax County and State of Virginia. Under whom he marched from said county and state by the way of Hillsbourough in the State of North Carolina, wherewhere we were stationed some considerable time. Thence to Camden in the state of South Carolina where he was engaged in a battle and the Americans were defeated under the command of Genl.. Gates; as well as my memory serves me at this distant date, I think that I was drafted on or about the month of April or May in the year Seventeen Hundred and Eighty. That after having served the above named tour of six months, I received a regular discharge which was placed in the hands of my Brother who has moved to parts unknown to me. As well as my memory serves me Genl. Stevens Commanded the Virginia Militia, Lawson was the Col. who commanded the Virginia Militia Second Tour That he was drafted the second time under the command of Capt. Francis Moore from the aforesaid county and state for the term of three months, under whom he marched from said county and state, crossing dane River at Irvins Ferry and passing by the way of the Red House in the state of North Carolina, thence to Hillsbourough, thence to Guilford Court House where we were engaged in the Battle[.] As well as my memory serves me in regard to this tour, I was drafted for three months about the first of February in the year 1781. I also received a discharge from this tour, and it was carried off as above named . My Commanding officers were Generals Lawson and Green . I served this tour of three months faithfully. Third Tour I marched from Halifax County and State of Virginia under the command of Capt. Roberds and Col. Rogers commanding to Yorktown and was drafted for the term of three months as well as my memory serves me About the first of September 1781, Where I remained until the surrender of Lord Cornwallis; after which I was discharged and my discharge was lost as stated above. He and others declares and assigns as a reason why he has not made application for a pension previous to this is that for a number of years until recently , that he has been a resident of one of the Western Counties in this state, and that he was not aware until recently that there was a living witness by whom he could prove any part or portion of his service. He has now become old and Infirm and incapable of supporting himself by manual labor and therefore requires the aid of his country That there is no known minister of the Gospel known to him in his immediate ?? naborhood with whom his acquaintance will ___ his applying to for a certificate that he has no documentary evidence in his possession that for the time during which the services named above were performed he was nor employed in any civil pursuit but he was in the actual service of his Country He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present, and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.
Delaration of James Cassada for a Pension Under Act June 7th, 1832 Amended Declaration In order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress, passed June 7th, 1832. State of Virginia, Charlotte County to wit: On this 30th day of November Eighteen Hundred and forty-four personally appeared before me, Hillery Mosley one of the Acting Magistrates and a member of the County Court of the County aforesaid (it being a Court of Record). James Cassaday a resident of the aforesaid county and State aged Eighty-Five years, who being first duly sworn according to law, on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress, passed June 7th, 1832. That he was born in the County of Halifax and the State of Virginia on or about the year 1760, he has no record of his age, that when called into service he was a resident of Halifax County State of Virginia, and was draughted into the Militia Service of the United States for the several tours of duty which he served, he received a regular discharge; which discharges were placed in the hands of my brother, who has moved to parts unknown to me, that about eighteen or twenty years since he moved from this County of Halifax to the County of Patrick, State of Virginia, where he resided until he came to this section of country with a ___ of prosecuting his pension Claim � that by reason of age, bodily infirmity and the consequent loss of memory he cannot swear positively as to the precise length of his service, but according to the best of his recollection he served not less than the periods mentioned below and in the following ___. The first tour of six months commencing in the month of April or May in the year 1780. I served as a private soldier under Capt. Paul Wattington of the County of Halifax, Virginia, and was in the Battle of Camden known as Gates defeat. My impression is that Lawson was the Col. and Stevens the Genl of the Regiment which I served. General Gates was Commander in Chief. The second tour I was draughted for a tour of three months, and marched under the command of Capt. Francis Moore of Halifax Cty, Virginia, and was in the Battle at Guilford as well as my memory serves me ___ ___ about the first of February, 1781. Generals Lawson and Green were the commanding officers The third tour he was draughted for three months under Capt. Michael Roberds of Halifax Cty. Virginia, Col. Rogers commanding the Regiment, about the first of September, 1781, and was at the Seige of Yorktown and Surrender of Lord Cornwallis. For the three names above tours of duty, I claim a pension, and for more particular information and evidence I refer to former declaration on file in the pension office, he hereby sends some additional testimony explanitary of his Claim. His reason for nor applying for a pension previous to this time is this, that he resided in Patrick County, Virginia a distance of about one hundred and fifty miles from his former residence in Halifax County, Va from which county he marched ___ to obtain testimony of his service. That from old age and bodily infirmity and want of convenience of conveyance to the place where he expected to obtain evidence he being a poor man without a horse or any other means of conveyance has prevented his making __ application for a pension. That at the earliest date after procuring such evidence of his service as could be obtained he prepared a declaration setting forth his service with accompanying evidence of service, which is now on file in the pension office to which he ___ That he is now about Eighty-five years old laboring ___ many bodily infirmities ___ without a horse or any means of conveyance and therefore he was not ___ able to attend the County Court of Charlotte (in which County I at present reside) in order to make the foregoing declaration and the former one which has been forwarded to the Commissioner of Pensions at Washington City. His James X Cassaday Mark
Source: Military Records. Email:
Raymond Parker, raypar