Robert Culbertson - Pension statement - S21722![]()
Laurens District, South Carolina #S.21722
South Carolina
Inscribed on Roll of SC at rate of $30.00 per annum, commenced on 4th day of March 1831
South Carolina Viz: that he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as by him stated. That he volunteered in the year 1780 under Capt. John Graves and General John Butler in Caswell Co., No. Carolina, marching to Camden, So. Carolina, was there at the time of Gates defeat and returned home without any discharge and he volunteered again the same year under Capt. John McMullins, Col. Williams and marched to Cowpens, So. Carolina then joined Col. William Campbell and Col. Shelby and marched to King's Mountain and was in the engagement at that place, returned from there to Moravian Town, No. Carolina and was there in charges by Col. Benjamin Cleveland, received written discharge but has lost it since. He volunteered again in 1781 under Col. Campbell and marched through Caswell and Guiliford Counties and was engaged in a skirmish at Whitesills/Whitsalls Mill on Reedy Creek. Received no written discharge.
He volunteered again the same year under Col. Moore and General Butler and marched down near Wilmington No. Carolina and was engaged in two skirmishes and returned home again after an expiration of about 2 months.
The Rev. Gabriel Phillips and Charles Allen are persons acquainted with me in my neighborhood who can testify unto my character and veracity and good behavior sworn and duly ordered the day and year aforesaid, I hearby relinquish any claim whatever to pension or annuity except the present claim, that my name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state. I performed service about 2 years the whole. Robert Culbertson (signed) That we Gabriel Phillips and Charles Allen of Laurens Precinct So. Carolina do hearby certify that we are well acquainted with Robert Culbertson who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration and that we believe him to be the age he reports and that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier of the Revolution. We concur in that opinion. Sworn and duly _____ the day and year aforesaid.
John Garlington, Clerk, L.D.
And the said court do hearby declare their opinion after the investigation of the matter and after putting the interrogation above prescribed by the war department that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary Soldier and served as he states and the court hearby certifies that it appearing to them that gabriel Phillips who has signed the preceding certificate is a clergyman resident in the District and State aforesaid and that Charles Allen who has also signed the same is a resident in the District and the State aforesaid and is a responsible person and that their statement is ______to credit.
I John Garlington, Clerk of Court of Laurens District do hearby certify that the foregoing contains the original proceedings of the said court in the matter of the application of Robert Culbertson for a pension. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal of office this eighteenth day of October 1832. File # 21722 for Robert Culbertson stamped Invalid Vol. 2 page 93
The State of South Carolina Amendment of Robert Culbertson's Declaration The application states that he volunteered in the militia service in the year 1780 in Caswell County, North Carolina under Capt. John Graves and Gen. John Butler and was marched to Camden, South Carolina and was there at Gate's defeat and returned home having performed service for 3 months. He volunteered again in 1780, Caswell County North Carolina under Capt. John McMullins and Col. Williams and marched to Cowpens South Carolina and there joined Col. Wm.Campbell and Col. Shelby and marched to Kings Mountain and was in the engagement or Battle of that place, marched from there to Moravian Town, North Carolina and was there discharged by Col. Benjamin Cleveland. He received a written discharged but has lost it, having performed a service of two months. He volunteered again in 1781 under Col. Campbell and Col. Moore and marched through Caswell and Guiliford Counties and was engaged in a skirmish at Whitesill's Mill on Reedy Creek and then returned home having performed a service of two months. That he volunteered again in 1781 under Col. Moore and Gen. Bulter and marched down near Wilmington, North Carolina and was there engaged in the skirmish with the British and returned home again, having performed service for 2 months.
South Carolina Robert Culbertson (signed name)
South Carolina [copied from M-804 Roll No. 0707, Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Application File.]
Rose Parks, rparks102