Source: Biographies of North Carolina Revolutionary War Participants and NC Participants in the Revolutionary War, both submitted by Sandra Logan Ingles.
Name: BEASLEY, William
- Pension number: W9352
- Statement made: 8 October 1832, Butler County KY
- Age: 70
Facts relevant to Battle of Camden:
- Served under Capt. David Roach.
- Under Majors Griffin & Nichols.
- In Col. Benjamin Aksom's regiment which was later Col. Leasewell's regiment.
- Rendesvouzed at the Ferry, Neuse River about forty miles from New Bern.
- Marched to the Deep River and where they remained there briefly.
- Marched across the Yadkin River and Rocky River, by the Blackstock House and Cheraw Hills on Peedee River to Camden.
- Joined the forces under General Gates about a week before the battle.
- Participated in "General Gates Defeat at Camden, South Carolina".
- Capt. David Roach was killed in the Battle of Camden.
If you have a complete copy of this pension statement, please submit it.
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