- Rack
Your bunk!
- Rank
What officers have.
- Rat Guard
A wide circular plate placed on mooring lines to keep rats off the ship.
- Rate
What NCOs have.
The smallest measure of distance known to man (sailors) and distinguished by the color red.
- Red-lined Chit
a chit that has a red border that
eventually goes to the captain of the ship to review and approve or
disapprove. Usually a red-lined chit is completed and submitted after a
regular chit has been submitted and disapproved by lower ranking officer's
review. This type of chit can have some hostile responses especially from
the XO after reviewing and disapproving the regular chit. Oh well at least
he didn't throw me overboard !!!!!!!
See you later,
Larry Carr
- Riddle (which every destroyer sailor is asked at least once)
"What's green and has thirteen assholes? Answer: The wardroom.
- Rock and Roll
Heavy seas...