Destroyers OnLine
Glossary - O

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  • OBA
    Oxygen Breathing Apparatus-device used to supply oxygen while fighting a fire
  • Off Duty
    Daytime hours when finished with one duty shift in which you were put to work doing other make-work jobs, if you couldn't hid out somewheres (see "Foul Weather Locker").
  • Officers Country
    The shortcut you used when you didn't think that you would get caught.
  • Old Man
    The Captain of a ship.
  • Old Salts
    Anyone in their mid-twentys or older. Irritating old bastards that constantly tell the young swabs how good they've got it compared to the "old days".
  • On the Double
    Move fast, or do it at once.
  • On Duty (or "On Watch")
    The four to eight hours a day you practice your trade when at sea and put in on the quarterdeck when in port.
  • On Report
    A chit or report signed by an officer regarding a sailor's offense.
  • On Watch (or "On Duty")
    The four to eight hours a day you practice your trade when at sea and put in on the quarterdeck when in port.
  • Oscar
    The dummy thrown overboard to perform "man-overboard!" drills.
  • Overhead
    The ceiling
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Destroyers OnLine
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Copyright 1996, 1997 Plateau Internet Partnership.