- Ladder
- Lay
Lay - Not just a rude term for "coitus sexualis", but also;
"lay below", go below decks; "lay aft", go to the back;
"lay forward", go to the front; etc. Also; "lay in stores", bring
aboard ship and stow victuals, dry-goods, spare parts, etc.
- Leading Sonarman, Leading Bos'n, or Leading Anything
Senior rating in the particular gang.
- Liberty
The fleeting time one was free of the ship (usually hours) betweenn the extended periods (usually weeks) of solid on and off work.
- Line Detail
A bunch of seamen (SN) and seamen apprentices (SA) with a third class in charge to tie the ship to the pier, or to pull over the oil hoses during at-sea refueling.
- Lining the Rails
Procedure beloved of Executive and Captains where ship's complement of sailors (those without duty or "pull" or high enough rate to get out of it) stand lining the ship's sides to make a good entrance into port and to impress the watching admirals. Usually in freezing weather with pea coats that let the breezes blow freely through.
- List of Banned Places
List posted of out of bounds establishments. List of must-visit places.