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The Media History Project
Promoting the study of media history
from petroglyphs to pixels

Note about October

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MHP Home Page
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to this page

Connections Pages
Internet resources
grouped by technology
(listed below)

Syllabi, journals,
organizations & more

45,000 BCE to
the present

What's New?
New links,
awards & resources

Key concepts
& theorists

 features | deadlines/calls | archives | chatboards | tools | notices

*Noteworthy Book Reviews, compiled from numerous H-Net discussion lists

Reviews this month include Martin Luther, Vatican Radio, Women Scriptwriters, Incan Astronomy, Cecil B. DeMille, Clifford Geertz, History of the Popular Culture Association, & many more!

Silvatone Img1928: What's on TV?
Special Report: A U.K. computer scientist's labor of love to restore early television broadcast recordings


*Announcements Board -- Post or review calls for papers, panels, conferences, & other notes on our new Announcements Board!

Film & History Now Seeking Manuscripts

*August and September 1996 Deadlines for Paper Submissions -- excerpted from a variety of lists

*New Journal! Media History Monographs, a quarterly online journal devoted to publishing scholarly works in journalism and mass communication history, invites submissions

*Grants and Fellowships -- descriptions and deadlines

*Additional Conference Notices -- CFPs and Meeting Announcements

early media
oral & scribal culture

print media
printing & publishing, journalism,
advertising, comics

electric media
telegraphy, telephony,
sound recording

mass & broadcast media
radio, film, television

digital media

Award ribbon
This site has
won some awards
and has been featured
in numerous publications.


since August 14, 1996

Formerly located at the
University of Colorado,
where the site received
28,523 visitors
from 12 June 1995 to
14 August 1996.

 from our archives
*The Dead Media Project's full-text archives of Dead Media reports.

*CPSR's Community Memory List on the History of Cyberspace. Oral histories of computing from folks who saw it begin!

*The MHP Timeline -- Timeline and image gallery, starting from 45,000 BCE to the present era

*August 1996 features


 chat boards
New!Now Open! The Media History Project Chatboard is now up and running. Feel free to post queries, swap information, or talk about whatever interests you about media history.

*The Project will be the proud host of the First Virtual Media History Conference, during Spring 1997. Details TBA.


*Search the Media History Project

*Add Your Name to our Directory of Media History Professionals & Students

*Other Search Engines on the Project


*Tell the MHP about your journal, conference, or organization!
The Media History Project invites editors, organizers, and directors to submit monthly or quarterly notices and updates for publication on the site. Please visit the Announcement Board for details, or send e-mail to [email protected].

Copyright © 1996, The Media History Project, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
[email protected]