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   The Media History Project Connections Pages
What's Fun?

Update in progress, June 24, 1996

  • The Postcard Store -- send a postcard to a friend!
  • CRAYON -- Create your own newspaper, by Jeff Boulter and Dave Maher
  • Confession Booth
  • The Elvis Home Page
  • The Graffiti Wall
  • The McLuhan Quote-O-Rama Page, serving up <groan> "McQuotes"
  • Monty Python and the Holy Grail Script
  • NipperScape, dedicated to the famous RCA dog, by Linda Sue Anderson
  • The Urban Legends Archive [?]
  • World Wide Web Ouija
  • Who's On First?, Abbott and Costello
  • Yahoo Tarot Sites

    Questions or suggestions on how this page can be improved? Please send them to [email protected]! And don't forget to sign our guestbook!

    Copyright © 1995-1996, The Media History Project. All rights reserved.