19 Dec 07
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Copyright © 1998-2007 Geoff Winnington-Ball All Rights Reserved
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THE LONG, HOT SUMMER of 1939, the storm
clouds brewing over the continent of Europe began to take an ominous shape,
and Commonwealth armies had begun to slowly shake off the lethargy brought
on by two decades of neglect in the aftermath of the wholesale slaughter
of World War I. |
hopeless, fragile bubble of an uneasy peace had finally burst. |
Canada, a primarily agricultural dominion of 11 million souls, that meant
a mad scramble on behalf of our miniscule, under-equipped 5,000-man Permanent
Force to dust off long-ignored plans for a general mobilization and rearming.
Frantic calls went out across the country to the units of the Active Militia
to begin mobilizing for the coming conflict; and to industry at large to
gear up for war production. |
still hungry from the lean years of the recent depression, men from all
walks of life all across the country dropped what they were doing and flocked
into the headquarters of their local regiments to volunteer their services
to king and country. Some showed up to parade dressed in the moth-eaten
uniforms their uncles or fathers had worn in 1918; others with nothing
but what they had on their backs. |
In the beginning,
there were no uniforms, boots, kit or weapons for them, save a few well-worn
leftovers from WW1. It did not matter. The men came anyway, possessed of
the same spirit which had carved this country out of an unforgiving wilderness
only a few generations before. From the city and the farm, from the small
town, the mine and the vast wasteland of the Canadian Shield, they brought
with them a unique, quiet determination to finish the job their fathers
had begun only a few years before. Their Monarch and their Nation had asked
them to help; they set aside the tools with which they had carved a life
and a living out of a harsh world, and prepared to face an uncertain future
whose only acceptable object was... Victory. |
the same time, our industry was setting up for wartime production, on an
unprecedented scale. Vehicles, tanks, ships, aircraft, small arms and more
poured off the assembly lines after a short, hectic tooling-up. While much
of what was produced was adapted from British designs, all had a uniquely-Canadian
stamp to it which denoted quality and reliability. Many examples survive
today, and it's because of this we're able to bring you this web site,
such as it is. |
our soldiers marched on, first to England in 1939, and hence to hitherto
unknown environs such as Dieppe, Sicily, Italy and Normandy. It is not
generally well known that until April 1945, a scant few weeks before the
end of the war in Europe, the First Canadian Army was comprised entirely
of volunteer troops. Canadian formations in both Italy and Northwest Europe
consistently fought well-understrength through the balance of their wars,
while hundreds of thousands of healthy, uniformed troops languished at
home at the behest of a government lacking the will to impose overseas
conscription. This, too, was as uniquely Canadian as was the tenacity and
endurance of our fighting men themselves: the volunteers of the Canadian
Army Overseas. |
Their victory would one day
be won, but at a cost undreamt-of by any at the time. Here we bring you
one small element of their story.
Lest We Forget. |
LEAF UPis an organization dedicated to
the recovery, restoration and preservation
of the artifacts of this unique period in Canadian history. The name, and
the logo, are taken directly from the signs posted all the way along the
road leading uo to the Canadian Front. This was the logistics lifeline,
at one time extending from the Normandy beaches right through France and
deep into the Low Countries. Along this hard-won path roared legions of
Canadian Military Pattern (CMP) trucks, bearing their priceless cargos
of food, ammunition, weapons and reinforcements; and back down from the
Front, along a route appropriately marked 'MAPLE
LEAF DOWN', the ambulances full of wounded
gently picked their way around the craters and shell holes. |
Site Map
is to these volunteers of the Canadian Army Overseas that we dedicate this
site. They did this country proud, and it's unlikely their kind will ever
be seen again. In their twilight years, we remember them as those whose
spirits personnified the best that Canada had to offer. MAPLE
us now for a journey through into another era. Please click on any of the
subject bars to the left to start. |