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It is my great pleasure to introduce to you Stanley Scislowski, one-time Private Soldier, The Perth Regiment, 5th Canadian Armoured Division. Stan joined the Perths as an infantry replacement in 1943, and served with the Regiment until January 1945. In 1997, he published a book of his memoirs entitled NOT ALL OF US WERE BRAVE. Stan joins MLU as a 'roving columnist', sharing with us his thoughts and insights into the essence of being a Canadian soldier in WW2. Please join us on 'Stan's Page'. This will be updated regularly. Please welcome him accordingly! |
Folks, it's been a busy month! Little
time for actively adding to the MLU site... between business obligations,
a new web project I've overseen (TankNet Military Forums, http://www.tanknet.org
),the issues arising from The Return of the Unknown Soldier and numerous
requests for research into various aspects of the Canadian Army Overseas,
I find there are not enough hours in the day! Today, though, I've added
quite a few want-ads to QM Stores. Also, a new obituary for another Canadian
soldier just passed. Access The Last Post through the link at the top of
the Contents Page.
There are also some pleasant surprises brewing at MLU! Thanks for your patience and support, one and all. |
A new addition to the RESTORATIONS section, Stan Reynolds' 1940 Chev RHD staff car. |
Our SITE MAP is now back online, updated in both content and layout. Excluding the Forum, MLU is now seeing an average of 200 new visitors per day! However, as the Site map will show, much more remains to be done... if you have an article concept you'd like to discuss, feel free to email us anytime. In the meantime, enjoy! |
Effective today, a new page on the site for listing military vehicle and equipment-related events around the world! The only qualification for these listings is that events must have some significant presence of Canadian/Britis/Commonwealth equipment, enough to interest our unique readership. This page includes an online form whereby suitable events can be submitted for inclusion. Click here to jump to EVENTS, and register yours today! |
To assist in navigating this ever-growing site, I have added a search function to the Contents page. Given that I'm CGI-illiterate (and thus unable to configure my own Perl script for local use), I used a free online service from PicoSearch; after playing with it all day, it seems to work OK. Let me know if anything screws up! Thanks, more soon... |
Reformatted QM STORES to align with our current layout... this includes a new FORM which you can fill out online to submit your advertising! Lots of new ads today, too... |
Yes, we've finally done it... MLU now has its own "official" home! You may have wondered why we've been so quiet over this last Christmas... now you now! Moving MLU was not just an exercise in transferring some 20 Mb of files from one server to another - the process involved taking the time to reorganize our internal directory structure to allow for future expansion (and there's lots of that in the works!) as well as cleaning up the layout a bit and updating internal links. With 250 pages, it took some time... but we're back now with a new web portal, a new outlook and plenty of ideas. In the meantime, enjoy what you see here. Pay special attention to any broken links or pics you may stumble on, and drop us a line with the specifics. Look forward to a lot more of the things you like to see, upcoming this spring! Be sure to visit our Forum, and don't hesitate to email us with any comments or ideas you may have for new subjects. As always, if you fancy seeing your name in print, and have something relevent to say, please contact us directly so that we can discuss your proposal! Lastly, thank you all for your amazing support this last year. This has been a hoot! GWB
In other news, I am honoured to
be able to state for the record that MAPLE LEAF UP is now officially involved
with the veterans of the 1st Canadian
Armoured Personnel Carrier Regiment in setting up a formal Association
for the Regiment, and in arranging the dedication of a formal memorial
to them here in Canada. MLU will act as their official Webmaster, and a
site dedicated to them will be launched shortly. In addition, we are charged
with the responsibility of finding as many former members as we can, and
acquiring as much Kangaroo memorabilia as we can, in order to set up a
permanent 'Regimental Presence', in an-as-yet-to-be-designated location.
One of our major tasks will also be to establish the identity, and fate, of every man who served with both the early Squadron and later Regiment, some 545 individuals whose names have gone unrecorded in the official annals of Canada's wartime contribution. Suffice to say that this unique Canadian unit will be given the due owed them since their untimely disbandment on 20 June 1945. Should you have, or know of, stories, photographs, uniforms, insignia, equipment or vehicles directly related to their service, we would appreciate it if you could contact us by email to discuss how we might use this material in support of their cause. Ladies & Gentlemen, our Kangaroos performed a unique function in the darkest days of the war in Europe, yet they were cast to the winds at the conclusion of hostilities. Their innovative prowess saved thousands of lives; now, in their waning years, they only wish rightful recognition of their service. We have met, and been accepted by, approximately half of the 55 survivors we know about, and they are wonderful gentlemen all - MLU is proud to be their sponsor. Please watch this space for further announcements as we progress. Thank you! |
Dirk Leegwater in the Netherlands spent a painstaking 10 months restoring a unique Loyd Carrier which he previously unearthed in a European junk yard. It is a magnificent vehicle, and the degree of his restoration should be an inspiration to all who participate in this hobby. Please click HERE to jump to the Carriers Section, and scroll down. Thank you, Dirk! |
Today, a section on the Ford Lynx Scout Car, with photographs kindly supplied by Chris Shillito. This magnificent restoration won a bevy of prizes at the War & Peace Show at Beltring this past July. Coming soon: more material for the Restorations section, including some new pics of a rare C15TA just recovered from the Canadian wilderness! |
Finally, some new stuff! Today, a section on the Canadian Ram tank, with some pics of the two examples currently at Worthington Park in CFB Borden. More to come, so stay tuned... |
I can't believe it's already October! Personally, this has been one of the busiest summers of my life, and the trend seems to be continuing. Courtesy of a few of you, I have a ream of material sitting here on my hard drive, ready for formatting... probably a good fifteen to twenty pages worth. I hope to get it online ASAP! In the interim, I just wanted to say, on behalf of MAPLE LEAF UP, how much I appreciate your support! |
As we tread steadily towards the dawn of the new millenium, the attitudes and ideals of the generation represented by this website seem to fade equally as steadily from public view, indeed, fading as that generation iself fades from history. We, however, will not forget, and every one of you who checks in here encourages us to move farther and farther ahead in preserving this vital aspect of Canadian heritage. | |
I will also take this opportunity to invite any of you so inclined to share in this effort; please see my post HERE of 17 June. If you something you wish to say, MLU would be happy to consider being your outlet! In the interim, thank you all again, and stay tuned! | |
BTW, I have ceased association with the organization offering "free" links through the 'jump.to' server, as they initiated an odious pop-up window associated with that link. Please use the actual Netwave address for the moment, until I get either 'mapleleafup.ca' or 'mapleleafup.org' online. Thanks. | |
While everyone else is off in Beltring actually having fun this weekend, I added today three scans supplied by Chris Shillito of Armour in Focus, of interior stowage detail in the Churchill Mk.VII Infantry Tank. See the Churchill section (2nd page) of Canadian Armoured Corps for more info! |
I have taken advantage of an opportunity to finance the ever-growing scope of MAPLE LEAF UP. We are at 190+ pages now, and I expect that to double within the next year. Sooner or later, MLU will have to move to a hosting service to accomodate the pure size of its directory. This is not cheap, and I'd like to remind you that MLU remains and will continue to remain, a private endeavour paid for out-of-pocket by myself. |
Accordingly, and based upon very positive personal dealings, I have elected to become an Affiliate Member of Chapters.ca, a Canadian online bookseller. It won't make me rich, but it will help cover the monthly expenses associated with administering a site of this size. Here's some background and a brief note as to how it works. | |
Chapters.ca is Canada's equivalent to Amazon.com. As good as the latter is, it is also U.S.-based and charges in U.S. dollars; Chapters works the same way, but with Canadian prices in Canadian dollars. I have picked up some fine book deals here at a great saving over what I would have paid through Amazon.com. In addition to books, Chapters offers videos, music, DVDs and software. Their selection is growing all the time. | |
I would urge our American readers to shop and compare here, for the currency conversion rate can be very favourable to them as well! I hasten to say, though, that for all of you not so inclined, I will keep any references to Chapters very low key. Generally-speaking, I don't like advertising on websites either. But I digress... | |
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How this one works for MLU is that when you jump to the Chapters site from any link on our pages, the referral is credited to MLU's account, and we get a small commission on any purchase you make. In addition, should you elect to purchase any book from our Bibliography section through the direct link, we get a larger commission. It's not much either way, but every little bit helps. Any funds accrued through this affiliation will be used to finance a bigger and better MLU site. So see Chapters.ca for all your book and video needs! Thanks... |
is on the road! I've put online a section on the Churchill
Tank, with our model a beautiful Mk.VII Crocodile I was fortunate to
be able to crawl through a little while back. Also, a section on the Valentine.
They're not strictly Canadian, but the Churchill was a critical support tool for the 21st Army Group in Northwest Europe... and besides, I have interior photos never before published! The Val is... neat. We might not have used them, but we made them. Crawling through one was educational. |
For those looking for info and pics of the Sherman, which did grace Canadian armoured formations in Europe, I recommend three sites in the interim: CANADIAN TRACKS, by Don Dingwall, ARMOURED ACORN, by Barry Beldam, and of course, the timeless SHERMAN REGISTER, by MLU's European Representative, Hanno Spoelstra. MLU will eventually publish a section on the Sherman as well, but these three sites offer more comprehensive information on this venerable workhorse. | |
I also have enough material now to set up a section on the Heavy Utility series of vehicles, as well as some unique pics of a restored Loyd carrier. Time, time, time, see what's become of me... | |
In the meantime, I've been ruminating on a strong section on Dieppe. I find that few seem to understand the background and evolution of that raid, preferring instead to just accept the National Film Board's pronouncement that we 'screwed up'. Bullfeathers. We were set up, by politics and the exigency of the moment. And almost a thousand of us paid for it with their lives. Anyone interested in helping me out here? | |
A small section on Early CMPs in the CMP Softskins section. Thanks, Mike! |
A free CMP cab available Down Under, along with 5 new want ads - including a mammoth request for WT bits - in QM Stores; lots of new material for MLU waiting in the wings...just looking for the time to put it in. |
Finally, a new intro for the Canadian Armoured Corps section; soon to be fleshed out! |
Also, check out the Site Map. I've populated it with the historical topics I'd like to see MLU cover in depth, and I'd like to take this opportunity to challenge any and all of you to consider contributing to the depository of Canadian history which MLU has become. So far, with the noteable exceptions of donated photographs and excellent treatises such as have been provided by Paul Schoeman and Hanno Spoelstra, MLU has been a one-man show. Gratifying to be sure, but also time-consuming, considering I actually have to work for a living. | |
It is my desire that MAPLE LEAF UP grow to be the online focal point of the Canadian Army in WW2. I can do it myself, but it will take time... I'd much rather see more, sooner. For that, I need your help! If there's one thing I've learned through this exercise, it's that there's an amazing font of information and expertise lying dormant out there, and I'd like to see some of that here! Can you help me preserve our heritage? | |
I can offer you little except formal recognition in an upcoming Acknowledgements page, together with appropriate accreditation as an MLU Contributor. In return you're going to have to spend untold hours at your terminal hammering out coherent articles based upon demonstrable sources, and wondering, in the wee hours of the morning, why the hell you're doing this. | |
Well, it's worth it, is all I can say. Canada has ignored its own history for too long, and people who think the way we do can make a difference. I've known it for months now, not only from the scads of emails I receive regularly from around the world, but also from the regular contacts with veterans who have somehow found this site. | |
THEY are who I work for. For the most part, they are wonderful men in the twilight of their lives, who once gave everything they had to make this country what it was, and in return, have all but been forgotten. Not here. | |
MAPLE LEAF UP remembers. | |
If you can help pass along this message, please contact me to discuss requirements. My priorities right now are fleshing out the History Section, as laid out on our Site Map, but I'm also interested in appropriate military stories and anecdotes of the period, along with remembrances and personal opinion as it relates to the subject matter. I can edit, if you're not sure of your literary talents; what I want is what's in your head. | |
The bottom line is that this site exists for all of us. Help me make it better! You already know the material... and you talk about it endlessly! How about putting some of that 'on paper'? Be an MLU Contibutor today! | |
Contact me (Geoff Winnington-Ball) at: | |
P.O. Box 54,
Zephyr, Ontario Canada L0E 1T0 |
... or by email as above, or by phone at 905-473-3338 (evenings, EST). | |
Thank you! | |
A massive update for the C15TA in CMP Armour. |
Happy Victoria Day! New photos added to Mk.I* and Mk.II* Universal Carriers as well as the T-16 Carriers section begun. Also new pics in softskins. Coming soon, a massive update for the C15TA in CMP Armour, as well as a completely redone Canadian Armoured Corps page, including material on the Sherman, Priest, Churchill, Valentine, Grant and Stuart tanks! In addition, I have new material for the Wrecks and Restorations pages, but all in good time... |
New advertising in QMS... |
A link added to the Bibliography page for another U.K. bookseller; some new advertising in QM Stores (check QM Stores often, as new advertising will not necessarily be announced here - look for the date on the page itself) |
A new Site Map for Maple Leaf Up! |
A link added to the Bibliography page for the new Canadian online bookseller Chapters.ca; a new CMP Specifications section accessible through the CMP Softskins page. |
A new piece by Paul Schoeman on the trials and tribulations of being a first-time carrier owner. Amusing and insightful for anyone who has dreamt of collecting their own armour! See the Ford Universal Carrier section... |
New photos added to the Carriers section, one in Windsors and two in Mk.I* carriers; in addition, a new Fox pic in the Restorations section. More to come! |
A new link added to an important public service document of interest to those planning a trip to the continent this summer for the 55th anniversary of D-Day. Doug's French Food Survival Guide is a light look at avoiding gastronomic disaster at the hands of incomprehensible foreign menus and waiters. |
An additional bookseller and listings in the Bibliography section; some information on the Windsor carrier on the Carriers page; some new links in the Museums section of the Links page. More to come... |
A slightly revamped site to reorganize the information which is coming in regularly. Check out the History section and an updated Bibliography section! |
A new Bibliography page to which all are invited to submit! (PS: over 40 have signed onto the CMP Mailing List effective this morning...) |
A new British and Commonwealth Military Vehicles mailing list created courtesy of ONElist. Click HERE to sign up! |
A reorganized LINKS page... |
Lots of hardware problems on the creative end (how about a new hard drive to start), but still here. We have several features almost ready to go, on topics such as the trials and tribulations of owning a carrier, and an assessment of a recently-recovered Lynx scout car. Stay with us and be patient! Thanks... |
Hanno Spoelstra's excellent commentary on the restoration and dedication of a unique Canadian Ram Kangaroo in the Netherlands, 1993-1995. Shortly, look for a special report on the restoration of a Canadian Ford Lynx scout car, and a commentary on the joys and hardships of a first-time carrier owner! |
The Wrecks section is finally started! |
The beginnings of the new section on CMP Armour. |
A second page of links added today, albeit with no graphics. Look for another 20 pages or so on the Ram Kangaroo, CMP Armour and CMP wrecks, coming soon! |
More pages on Restorations... being snowed-in has its advantages! |
New page on Restorations... with more to come shortly! |
Lots new in the Vehicles section. Look for CMP Softskins and associated pages. Whew! More to come... |
I've been out of the loop for a while due to family happenings and the Christmas Crisis. Lots more carrier stuff today, and more on the way, specifically on CMP trucks. Today I added a fascinating classified ad in the For Sale section of QM Stores... more tomorrow! Thanks... |
I've been out of the loop for a while due to family happenings. This site is now dedicated well and properly. Today I added links to several good sites, and added a classified ad in the For Sale section of QM Stores... more soon! Thanks... |
Lots done today! Those dead links now go to reference pages, so at least it won't look like I screwed up. Added today as well is a page on Mk.II* carriers, as well as a textual page on the history of the 1st Canadian Armoured Carrier Regiment, courtesy of Hanno Spoelstra. |
It should be noted that I have chosen to upload the pages as I make them including non-active links. Please bear with me here as I update those links as soon as humanly possible. The reason for doing it this way is to save having to redo the applicable pages when those links become active. Sorry for any inconvenience! Check back here to find out what's brand new. |
As it stands this morning, we have put online the Vehicles page; from there, the Universal Carriers page; an initial offering in the Odds & Ends section; and an initial page on the Ford UC itself, along with some pics and info on the Mk.I* carrier. More to come! |
More and more as time allows! The Contents page first, as an example of the general site layout, followed by three introductory pages accessible from the thumbnails on the right of the Contents page. Check them out! Vehicles page to come shortly... |
We're on! The first two pages up and running are QM Stores and Links. The first was a brainwave a couple of us had when we realized there's no specific web site specializing in advertising Brit/Canadian/Commonwealth vehicles, parts and equipment. Check out the Bumf section to find out how to advertise your stuff! More soon... |
Thank you, Canada! The Ortona fundraiser was successful beyond our wildest dreams! The $100K target met in a mere six weeks or so! Most donations are from 'the man in the street', which makes it extra special. Canadians have shown that unlike their political masters, they care. The excess money raised will be used to fund a permanent memorial at Ortona. See the Ortona page for details. |
Looking good... work finally begun on the MLU site as the Ortona campaign looks to be successful even at these early stages... |
ORTONA - Canada's Stalingrad has taken off... I gratified to note that the response from ordinary Canadians everywhere has been magnificent... a lot of comments and offers, too, even from quite a few Americans... thanks guys... |
Development here put off indefinitely as the ORTONApages are in the works! What a great cause... and right in line with this whole subject... PLEASE HELP!! |
Summer is shaping up to be a busy one, with little time for this stuff, but a new concept is crystallizing - a focus on the Canadian Army Overseas vs a general site primarily oriented toward vehicles... |
Site created, at least in concept, after many fruitless months of searching the web for similar material! Several different layouts tried... |
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Copyright © Geoff Winnington-Ball , 1998-2000 / All Rights Reserved |