Other TopicsDeuterocanonical/Apocryphal and Pseudepigraphal Books | The Angel Museum | Fan Sites | Angelic encounters | Miscellaneous miscellaneous Deuterocanonical/Apocryphal and Pseudepigraphal BooksAngels in the Apocrypha. Brief summary from Deuterocanonical Books, put together by Episcopal theology students at Nashotah House. Summary of scholarship on Tobit including language of composition, date, canonical status in various churches, and an outline, from Deuterocanonical Books, put together by Episcopal theology students at Nashotah House. Wikipedia: Book of Enoch. Good entry, with links. Catholic Encyclopedia: Book of Enoch from the 1911 Catholic Encyclopedia. Includes an outline of the contents. Deuterocanonical Books, put together by Episcopal theology students at Nashotah House. They have a good set of links. The Angel MuseumThe Angel Museum in Beloit, Wisconsin. Caretaker of the Berg Angel Collection (the Bergs were recognized by Guinness as having the largest privately owned angel collection, but only a fraction can be on display at one time). Also houses the Oprah Winfrey Black Angel collection, the result of her asking viewers to send in any black angel collectibles they knew of. (Stop, she doesn't want any more!) Review of the Angel Museum by Susan Kim, for FaithandValues.com. Fan SitesI don't know what else to call these, or where to put them. By "fan site" I mean sites that present quotations, thoughts, poems and pictures about angels, generally as a personal expression of belief and in a highly emotive way. Jacque's page. Enjoins against unbiblical belief and worship; I was interested to see her listing seven archangels from "the Old Testament and other ancient religious texts." Angel Directory. Index mostly to fansites. Temple of Angels includes reviews of angel references in the New Testament, Hebrew Bible and Koran. Author also offers prayers and injunctions to tollerance. My Heavenly Angel Page with quotes, by "Bailey." Debi's Little Piece of Heaven. Angels of the Web by Grace Soileau, a "Cajun Catholic" with a Catholic Angel FAQs. Angelic encounters, [1]Amazon. An Inquiry into the Existence of Guardian Angels by Pierre Jovanovic. A French journalist chronicles angel encounters. Links to various angelic encounters from BeliefNet. Various accounts of angelic experiences (most aren't full-on encounters). Angels save marriages, help people fight drug addiction, prolong lives, etc. Angels on Earth magazine, showcases stories of angelic encounters. "Touched by an Angel?? In fact, there were four angels, and their swords . . . " by Erin S. Cox-Holmes. Okay, I loved this one. Miscellaneous miscellaneous
Review by Lee Irwin, Esoterica (2000). Everything Angels sells angel merchandise. Review of Kay Redfield Jamison's Night Falls Fast: Understanding Suicide. Reviewed by by Mary T. Stimming. "Though I think there is a lot of sentimentality and shallowness in the recent angel craze, I think belief in angels can, in a symbolic and anthropomorphic form, assure people of the omnipresence of God. The family and friends of many of those who commit suicide are haunted by the knowledge that their loved one died alone, and often in horrific circumstances. They may be helped by the traditional belief in guardian angels. The image of an angel cradling the loved one as he or she died may be a powerful way to help people think of God's presence." Notes:
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