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Alexander the GreatThese entries have been taken from my enormous site, Alexander the Great on the Web, a collection of some 1,000 links and 200 images of Alexander. The following is a select list of the best sites on Alexander. Web BiographiesPothos.com. Thomas Wallop William-Powlett's comprehensive Alexander universe. Now has both "active" and "passive" areas; the active area has multiple editors. For many it has become the Alexander site. Check out the white-hot forum (discussion) area. Well-organized, accurate biography by Dr. Ellis L. Knox's (Boise State University). Includes nifty pronunciation links like "Epaminondas" but few images. Alexander Changes the World , a narrative, from Antiquity Online (Frank E. Smitha). Detailed and entertaining. Britannica 11th Edition on Alexander. Article by Bevan. Excellent, if somewhat dated, scholarly overview of his life. The Classical entries from the 11th edition (1910) could be turned into a decent classical encyclopedia. This article is courtesy the Xenophon Group, an site devoted to military history, particularly Russian and Ukranian. The also have the Britannica 11th edition's Peloponnesian War and Xenophon. The Major Published BiographiesAmazon.
Articles and Papers"Alexander The Great and the Poplar (anti-hero)" by Diana Spencer, on Alexander's image through time. Individual TopicsThe Tomb of Alexander the Great by Harry E. Tzalas. Multiple pages with text, images, footnotes. A first-rate job. Hephaistion - Philalexandros. Jeanne Reames-Zimmerman's deep exploration of Alexander's companion. Includes a good examination of " Was he really Alexander's Lover....? " Reames-Zimmerman, also known for the Beyond Renault and Cast that Film! pages, is that rare academic who handles with equal fluency scholarship, popularization and (mirabile dictu) HTML design. The Search for Alexander's Tomb by Elizabeth Kosmetatou. (Associated with site above.) Gorgeous initial graphic. Good text. [ text verson ] The Army of Alexander the Great (Sander van Dorst) History of Phoenicia, with a detailed, scholarly account of Alexander and Phoenicia, especially the siege of Tyre. The battle of Chaeronea from "Hellas:Net" by Martijn Moerbeek, a gorgeous and deeply and impressively hypertextual site. Also, The battle of Granicus, The battle of Issus, The battle of Gaugamela. "A Mysterious Death," The New England Journal of Medicine (v. 338 n. 24) by Borza and Drs. Oldach and Benitez. Now requires paid subscription. Letters in reply to "A Mysterious Death" by Dr. S.D. Moulopoulos and others, with a reply to the replies by the authors getting at the source-critical problems. SourcesPlutarch, Life of Alexander , translated by John Dryden (Internet Classics Archive) Fake "Letter of Alexander to Aristotle." Posted on the Republic of Macedonia website, it's actually from a short story. The letter and its deconstruction by the Internet History Sourcebook is one of the funniest things on the web. Other Academic"The Age of Alexander." Lots of good stuff (eg. "Supplementary Sources," dozens of translations to supplement Roisman) from Prof. William M. Murray, University of South Florida. James Davidson's Alexander page. Includes excellent guides to Sources , Was Persia Ripe for the Picking? , and Greeks and Macedonians. Here and there Davidson uses (and indeed improves upon) my site. Art, Ancient and Modern,Web Archive The impact of Alexander the Great's coinage in E Arabia. Gorgeous and highly-informative site from the exhibit "Presveis" (paid for by EU, appearing at the Athens Numismatic Museum and The British Museum). Explore it. For example International Coinages in Antiquity. "Adopt a Ruler of Questionable Moral Probity" with Warhol's Alexander. Also appears on her poetry. Check out her odd but oddly-appealing site. She has so many strange awards, that I'm giving her the Top 5% award. Literature and Music,Beyond Renault: Alexander the Great in Fiction, by Jeanne Reames-Zimmerman. Comprehensive, multilingual list with reviews. Reames-Zimmerman reviews are well written and frequently hilarious. I particularly enjoyed her review of David Gemmell's Lion of Macedon and Dark Prince , wretched Alexander fantasies. The Greek World of Mary Renault by Ed Stephan. An excellent resource for Renault's Greek novels, a trilogy of which concerned Alexander and his companions. For an introduction check out his The Persian Boy page with a synopsis, list of characters, images, etc. Movies, Television, Video,Amazon.
Religious Pages,Alexander a "A 'National' precursor of Christ" by former Minister Nicolas Martis, April 1997. Christian nationalism, a revolting idea. Nationalists,Web Archive "Tajikistan President Glorifies Alexander The Great" Very interesting article on the use of Alexander by Tajik President Rahmonov (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty). Discussion Groups,Pothos.com has an excellent "forum" area. Have a question? Go here. Indeed, I'm not sure why I bother listing anything else. Someone like Jeanne Reames-Zimmerman or Tre will invariable answer your question elegantly and promptly. Miscellaneous,Where is Alexander the Great buried? Illinois of course! (also see here) Other BooksWaldemar Heckel's gigantic bibliography with links to all the articles on the web (c. 900 items, sorted by author) Amazon.
Pdf (Acrobat Reader) file of the introduction. Beautiful format allows easy reading of Greek. | |
All material © 2000-2004 Tim Spalding.
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