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CallimachusCallimachus bibliography by Martijn Cuypers. Comprehensive. Info and photo of the papyrus of the Aetia prologue. Review of Markus Asper,
Onomata allotria: Zur Genese, Struktur und Funktion poetologischer Metaphern bei Kallimachos by Katharina Volk. Book on the programmatic metaphores Callimachus uses.
Callimachus and His CriticsAmazon. Callimachus and His Critics by Alan Cameron. (Publisher's blurb with table of contents) Shifting Views on Callimachus' Hymns, abstract by K.L.G. Luddecke. Luddecke investigates Cameron's views on the Hymns to compare his methodology with that of his predecessors. | |
All material © 2000-2004 Tim Spalding.
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