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MenanderPompeii. House of Menander. Painting of poet. Photo by Leo C. Curran . Loeb Menander I, II and III. "The Grouch (Dyskolos) by Menander: An Example of Greek New Comedy" by Norine Polio (Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute) Menander bibliography by John Porter, from Greek and Roman Drama: A Bibliography. Web Archive Review of Menander, The Bad-Tempered Man (Dyskolos), edited, with translation and commentary by Stanley Ireland. Reviewed by John R. Porter in Didaskalia 3.1. "The translation is fluid and generally true to the spirit of the Greek. Ireland has a talent for the well-turned phrase that nicely captures the sense of the original, but he does not attempt a strictly literal rendering." Amazon.
Reviewed by Wilfred E. Major, BMCR 99.3.8. "Family Values: Menander's Epitrepontes Reconstructed," translation/reconstruction by Sallie Goetsch for Hugh Denard's course "Ancient Theatre on the Modern Stage" (University of Warwick) When a Young Man Falls in Love : The Sexual Exploitation of Women in New Comedy by Vincent J. Rosivach (expensive!). Review of Vincent J. Rosivach's When a Young Man Falls in Love: The Sexual Exploitation of Women in New Comedy by Z.M. Packman, Scholia Reviews ns 8 (1999) 12. "Menander's New Comedy" a section from Sanderson Beck's web-essay "Ethics of the Hellenistic Era." "From Courtesans to Cleopatra: The Portrayal of Women in Hellenistic Art and Literature" student essay by unknown author. Citations from Menander and Theocritus. | |
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