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Dragon Pictures, Ancient & Medieval

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Showing 109–126 of 145  ( previous | next ) page 1  2  3  4  5  6  [7]  8  9
Revelations The adoration of the seven-headed beast England c - St Michael and an Angel three saint's trials including Margaret England after
Revelations: The adoration of the seven-headed beast (England, c. 1091-1109)
768 x 636
St Michael and an Angel (1109)
550 x 460
three saint's trials, including Margaret (England, after 1280)
483 x 768
England - Cadmus killing the dragon - dragon and woman angel c
(England, 1255-1265)
768 x 667
Cadmus killing the dragon (1410-1411)
481 x 768
dragon and woman (angel?), c. 1380
1539 x 2000
Vitale da Bologna St George's Battle with the Dragon c Andres Marsal de Saxe St George c Antonio Pisanello The Virgin and Child with Saint George and Anthony Abbott -
Vitale da Bologna, St. George's Battle with the Dragon (c.1350)
774 x 962
Andres Marsal de Saxe, St. George (c.1400)
420 x 600
Antonio Pisanello, "The Virgin and Child with Saint George and Anthony Abbott" (1394-1455)
463 x 750
unidentified Medieval tapestry St Michael S Netherlands c - St Margaret S Netherlands c -
unidentified Medieval tapestry
568 x 418
St. Michael (S. Netherlands, c. 1500-1510)
750 x 1068
St. Margaret (S. Netherlands, c. 1500-1510)
750 x 1071
St George Bruges c - St Margaret Bruges c - St Margaret Paris c -
St. George (Bruges, c. 1450-1460)
750 x 1116
St. Margaret (Bruges, c. 1450-1460)
750 x 1060
St. Margaret (Paris(?), c. 1475-1500)
750 x 1124
St George Hainaut c - St Margaret S Netherlands c St Margaret c -
St. George (Hainaut(?); c. 1450-1475)
750 x 1146
St. Margaret (S. Netherlands, c. 1450)
750 x 1104
St. Margaret (c. 1500-1510)
750 x 1141
Showing 109–126 of 145  ( previous | next ) page 1  2  3  4  5  6  [7]  8  9
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Mermaids on the Web. Similar site, with over 1,320 pictures .

Angels on the Web. Images and other web resources on angels in Western culture, religion and art.

Griffins in Art and on the Web. Like this site, but Griffins.